#I'm just glad Sim sickness is easier to recover from than human sickness!
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->Though I quickly learned I had bigger problems than Alice cooking naked, when I discovered Nalani had wandered around to the back porch and was doing some herbalism at the grill. :O!! Fortunately, she was good enough not to set any mood-killing fires, and she and Felipe eventually wandered into the kitchen to chat with Alice (now clothed again, yay) and offer their help with the cooking. While Clement Frost did his best to snag some leftover fruit pie and grand breakfast. *sigh* Food's coming, good sir! Alice eventually finished the meal (getting level 5 Gourmet Cooking skill in the process, nice) and called everyone to the table --
-->Cue a mess as I tried to get everyone to at least SIT at the table without getting distracted. *shakehead* It took quite a bit of wrangling as Sims got distracted playing on their phones, going outside to check on the specters on the front porch (who were currently sprinkling their playfulness all over Angela Pleasant), and trying to get other food from the fridge, but EVENTUALLY everyone (well, everyone who could fit -- sorry, Nalani, it's a six-seater!) sat around the damn table. Oh Sims, why are you like this... Anyway, everyone enjoyed the food they had in front of them, and Smiler tried telling some stories about pirate captains and castaways, because it was actually Talk Like A Pirate Day on top of everything else. XD Neither of their attempts actually fulfilled the goal (they kept ending the stories early), but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves regardless, so -- win?
-->With the meal sorted, I noticed the weather was just getting worse and worse -- so while Clement, Felipe, Nalani, and Rory kept chatting to each other in the kitchen (and getting more leftovers out of the fridge -- guys, come on), Victor headed out back to the weather machine and cleared the skies before downing a Potion of Plentiful Needs to fix his exhaustion and other failing needs. With the rain tapering off, Smiler cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen, and Alice got her tripod set up on the front porch (ignoring the passing NPC kicking over their garbage can) -- and then, once everything was clear, I sent the gang out to the front porch to take some trio shots to fulfill the "take 20 pictures" goal!
...as you can see, first shot was kind of ruined by the appearance of orange tiger stripes all over Victor. Oops. XD Not sure WHEN he got sick, but it certainly made things a mite more inconvenient when it came to pictures!
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Coral Island anon here! So glad you are interested in it, it is heavily inspired by Stardew and it has so, SO much potentia🥺🥺
And yes, I bought Sun Haven and I'm seriously happy that you recommended it! I'm down with a fat cold rn and I played it all day yesterday, literally the perfect distraction. I got right into it from the beginning and I'm loving it so much. It feels a lot easier than Stardew because I'm not stressed out by the time and Energy I have (except for when I'm exploring and going far away from Sun Haven lmao, but that'll probably change later on-) and the fishing is actually something I can do now?? I never got it in Stardew, no matter how many Tutorials and Guides I watched and read, I was so bad at it I literally ended up using a mod cuz I just couldn't do it😭😭 But also the dragons look so cool?? I only met Elios so far but he looks AMAZING, so hyped to see the other(s)🥺
I can definitely see that!!! I like that it has a lot to do with the island itself, I think that'll really set it apart from other farming sims given most of them only have beach shores, but aren't on an actual island!!! I can definitely see the potential, too!!
God, I'm so so glad you're enjoying it!!! I'm sorry you're sick, but I'm glad you have Sun Haven to delve into while you recover! I also suffered from having so much stress due to racing against energy and time in Stardew, it is such a RELIEF to not deal with that really in Sun Haven, especially if you have longer days on! As for traveling further away from Sun Haven, I saw a sign mentioning a taxi service a few people talking about something similar to Stardew's staff that lets you teleport home, so I imagine once that's unlocked, it's super easy to go out exploring and get home quickly.
Stardew's fishing... see, I'm really good at the fishing system in Stardew. I have a save where I've caught all the legendaries, the octopus, all that. But just because you're good at something does not mean it's all that enjoyable, y'know? Like, I can do it, but I don't really enjoy doing so, especially as I've gotten older with joint issues. I very much like how we can just hit a space on a bar and bam! Fish! SO much simpler and also it's a LOT more accessible and all-kinds-of-players friendly.
ELIOS IS SO COOL!!! I agree 100%!!! The dragons look so neat!!! He's like a big lion... dragon... griffin thing and I love that! It's a very unique design. I also like the widdol dragon baby... himst so cute. Have you seen Anne's pet? He's super cute, too, heheh. Not really a dragon, but we can count him too, right? And the courier phoenix is so cool looking! Like, the designs and stuff in Sun Haven are so interesting! I can't wait to see what comes after Spring, and what the devs will add in later!
And AGAIN, I'm not shitting on Stardew Valley at all! Stardew is a phenomenal game, but I do think Sun Haven is extremely enjoyable. It's my newest obsession.
What race did you pick, btw? I started with a baker Naga, then made a rancher Human for when I play on stream, and I then made an explorer Elf for personal times, lol!
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