#I'm just curious how much mental health advice on this site is like. based on the fact that many people...can't intuitively like
springboggle · 4 months
This might sound mean but idk when I see posts about communication on this site I'm super skeptical. Like half of this site is autistic/has adhd and so I feel like half the time what's actually happening is "people in my life are straight up telling me what they need or want but I either can't understand it, can't meet that need or just don't want to so it's probably a communication issue on THEIR end. Time to make 50 posts on how I can't mind read" meanwhile their partner or friend is crying and just wants a hug and they can't just like. Do that without being told and so it feels like a cosmic guessing game and people expecting telekinesis when it's just basic relationship shit. Just an observation
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