#I'm just a guy on the internet raving about my favorite funky guys
kakusu-shipping · 1 year
You’re definitely not being annoying and it wouldn’t be weird at all! and especially since it would be your birthday gift! :D and tbh I would really enjoy sending asks just for the Ideal Polycule (I mean for last year’s F/o takeover event I was the anon that specifically sent an ask for them ^^) also you could still add Zen to the Polycule if you want to! I mean I don’t much about overwatch but he would totally still help you with food/eating even though he’s not a foodie and + his warm color palette goes with everyone else in the Polycule! :]
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You guys are so nice to me for literally no reason you're both so sweet.
I've never held an event up for a long amount of time, I think the most I got was like a week? We're gonna see if I can hold out all of February, if we have enough content for it.
Thankyou both so much for your feedback! I'm looking forward to this now!! I hope it'll be just as fun for y'all as it is for me!
also lil bonus the real behind the scenes reason why Zenyatta isn't in the ideal polycule officially;
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