#I'm hoping tumblr won't prosecute me for this
So I also made a little bonus for today... :)
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zazter-den · 1 month
-Strolling up to your dash a week late wearing a singed shirt, espresso powder & protein drink in hand, and blackout shades on- So my prince turned into a toad, and I'm back on tumblr after a week cause Briggs says isolating after a breakup is "bad for your health" or somethin'
Answering my inbox and getting caught up over the weekend, I really hope you all have been having an easier time of things this past week.
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Updates Below
◈ I broke up Aymeric, and even though I chose it- it still fecking sucks. I live in a place that enacted a strict abortion law that will put prosecuted doctors in jail. I have a genetic condition that makes birth control and pregnancy Highly Risky (as in organ rupture/ stroke are the major concerns), so I mainly have to rely on condoms. Maybe it's entitled of me, but if I say I don't feel comfortable having PiV/PiA sex from the end of June (when the law will be in effect) to December (when the appeal kicks in)- I expect my partners to support that, not fucking chuckle. Rereading Neon's Ambivalence to soothe the sting, but damn guys I really liked this dude.
◈ I have just been autopilot since, mainly focusing on my part of Luigi's Mansion remodel. It's still creepy, and I'm glad my job is done. Not happy that I won't be on the schedule for the next week while the actual engineers and housing experts finish up though :[ but it'll give me more time to spring clean the apartment and maybe work more on writing.
◈ I've added a Caretaker Katsuki, Caretaker Inumaki, and Expectant-Dad Gojo to the official WIPs list since there's 3k spread between 'em. I've given up on giving ETAs on fics because if I'm being honest- writing with adhd is a gacha pull lmao
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distilled-prose · 16 days
Why are we to be worried about Hunter Biden and whether he used drugs? We should be worrying about a man who kept secret Government documents related to our nuclear capability. We should be worrying about a man who wants to be president and whose friend is a Communist leader and a dictator.
I probably should request all anonymous questions to kindly reference the article/post inspiring such questions. I'm often left wondering what evoked these queries. First, let me just say, vote for whoever you want. I don't think anyone is going to change their opinion regarding the upcoming election based on anything they read on Tumblr. I mean, let's be honest here. Second, the entire Justice Department, most every major media outlet, the 50 some retired CIA folks who wrote an open letter all said Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation BEFORE the last election. Some have recognized the error, barely. Others have never owned up to it. It defies logic that all these people/organizations made a mistake. It was a deliberate lie. We are seeing a propaganda machine here in this country that rivals anything put together in modern times. It shouldn't matter which party you prefer, this should scare you. Third, do you remember Geraldine Ferraro? She ran for vice president several elections ago. Her husband was John Zaccaro who pled guilty to real estate fraud (see LA Times article: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-01-07-mn-11727-story.html). Her son, in college at the time, was known as "The Pharmacist" because of the amount of drugs he was dealing. What's the point? It is highly unlikely that Ferraro didn't know what her family was doing. Just like the current situation. That's why we're worried about Hunter Biden. In the old days it would be called influence peddling. However, it seems to be an accepted perk of elected office now and it makes me quite disappointed. It's not just the drugs, it's the money received for being on a board for a company he knows nothing about, it's about the children he has raped (note I said "raped". The media tries to soft pedal it saying things like "having sex with an underage woman". That's BS. An "underage woman" is a child. Having sex with a child is rape. It is beyond reprehensible. Reports are starting to surface that the FBI planted some documents in the material they recovered in the Trump raid. Biden won't be prosecuted for doing the same thing because the investigators in his case said he's too senile to stand trial. And I was not aware of nuclear secrets being among the documents retrieved. Thank goodness our FBI has them now. (that's supposed to be sarcastic.) I am quite frankly much more concerned about our country letting Iran develop nuclear capabilities, however. I can't imagine why our congress and president thought that was a good idea. I rarely get into politics on my blog. I come here to escape all that. But sometimes folks I follow come up with some of the most unusual conclusions. In rare instances I will comment. I can only assume this question derives from one of those comments. And lest you think that I believe one party is evil and the other wonderful, I would suggest to you that they are merely two sides of the same coin. We need to clean house, and not just at the Federal level. As an example, I would offer to you that if Epstein's list of clients were published it would contain significant numbers of members of both parties, as well as many of the Hollywood elites, and other entertainers. Forget jail. We will need a battery of wood chippers. Lastly, thank you for being polite in the wording of your question. I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day 2024.
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musicallygt · 2 years
Ratattorney the Tumblr musical
anyone remember the Ratatouille TikTok Musical? anyone remember when i obsessed over it? anyway here's me combining it with the Ratattorney AU lol, it's a parody of Remember My Name from the musical. lyrics under the cut
Ratattorney AU belongs to @spirit-small
[MIA, spoken] I’m glad to see the suit fits you!
[PHOENIX, spoken] So it’s… really for me?
[MIA, spoken] Of course it is! You may not be a human, but… you’re as much of a lawyer as I am, in my eyes. And you’re my best friend.
[PHOENIX, spoken] Thank you! Thank you so much, Mia!
[MIA, spoken] No problem, Phoenix!
[PHOENIX] Thought my dreams of law had died When my best friend moved away Who would’ve thought they’d be revived  By attorney Mia Fey?
I've been dreaming of a life Where I'm not just getting by So now that I'm here I'm aiming high Shouting “Hold it!” And “Take that!” And more I’ll show all the beans in the court
L.A., prepare for Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright I’ll fight for the innocent despite my tiny height I may not have an attorney’s badge, but I’ll still find a way And the world will remember my name
[PHOENIX, spoken] Mia was soon killed in her office, and her younger sister, Maya, was framed for it. She tried finding a lawyer to represent her, but everyone refused.
[MAYA, spoken] Someone please, help me!
[PHOENIX, spoken] So I did
[PHOENIX] Hear the judge’s gavel bang See the gallery file in And on the prosecution’s side stands my old childhood friend This is where I'm meant to be This is what I must pursue So I won't let a narrow-minded view Govern what borrowers can do Edgeworth, your argument’s falling through
Oh L.A., I hope you're ready, Phoenix Wright is the defense Though Maya will be the one who’ll present the evidence This tiny attorney is gonna change the game And the world will remember my name
I'll wow the courtroom as I find contradictions  And let Maya know when to yell “Objection!” They may commit perjury or update autopsies But I'll prove what I knew all along The defendant’s not guilty Maya Fey isn’t guilty I’ll show them they’re wrong
L.A., I hope you're ready, for Phoenix on the rise With passion and perseverance surprising for his size This little lawyer borrower is ready to proclaim That the world will remember my name
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reginarubie · 2 years
Hey, so AO3 is going to have an update which would allow authors to block logged in users. Would that help in your decision to safe store your metas there while taking care of your mental health? ( To be clear, I'm fine with you safe storing your metas anywhere ex.a blog outside of Tumblr that you control and won't have to worry about being wiped, or Google docs) it's just all meta creators pour so much thought into their works I want a way to preserve it for the future fandom people.💙💙
Ciao anon!,
first of all I agree with you that we should have some more secure way to keep our metas and stories and content from being wiped out by whatever site we choose to post it on, not much for future fandom people, because I have every conviction that, as with anything, next generation of fandom people will better than ours, I hope especially more healthy, because let's face it, if some of us (those ‘some’ that are the bane of this fandom enjoyment) had an healthy way of coping we wouldn't have this discussion to begin with, because no one would have to second guess using one platform or the other to post their opinion out of fear of being harassed; but out of respect of the hours of work many pull through to enjoy a fandom. So, here I agree completely with you.
And, while I do believe that once something is on internet it's never completely lost some things are more difficult to get back than others.
Now, ao3 giving — finally, can you feel me exhale in relief from there after all the bulls*t I had to go through for one piece of fiction?, and with me countless others who have fought and are fighting this battle —the possibility to specifically block logged users certainly will help, but I argue it still isn't enough.
I don't know the specifics yet, so I will refrain from dressing down the whole matter and take everything I will say with a grain of salt, but it sounds to me still subject to too many possible loopholes.
How many people have a back-up account on ao3? I personally don't have one, because I write directly on my pc on my pre-saved and safe-stored cloud and usb drive, and post once it's over, so I never felt the need to have one, but I've known of a few who have one of their own to use in case the main one has problems or is banned for any length of time — the difference, as far as I have understood is that, while on Tumblr you can have any number of side-blogs but they are related to the main one (unless you made a brand new one with a new mail), is that this is not true for ao3, making the ‘back-up accounts’ formally and substantially separate from one another.
How much do you think the creation of these “back-up accounts” — officially subscribed with different e-mail or references, I guess — will spike up once logged users starts being blocked, in order to keep up their harassing ways? I predict some people shall have more than three or four, and, while the whole point is that you could block them all, it still would take time for the whole process of going through the number of ‘back-up accounts’ (or fake accounts, I guess?) of some of the most harassing ones.
And that is one just one — the most ‘standard’ and easiest — of the countless way (I can think of another few but I won't share since, I've said already I have not read yet the specifics of this ‘revolution’ ao3 seems to be going through); then one should also take in consideration that just as on Tumblr many of us still take anon asks because we can't make of one bundle of all grass and leave out the lovely anons who actually are respectful and delightful to interact with, the very same can be argued for ao3. I've received plenty of lovely anon-comments as well as harassing ones, should I take away the possibility to interact from those lovely anons because of the few harassing ones that cannot be prosecuted for their conduct on the site since they are ‘untraceable’ for all a series of legal reasons?, and how would ao3 defend me from the harassing anons? and we know that when they are blocked here some of them resort to send anon-hate and we are powerless to stop it. So what's to stop them from doing the same on ao3?, while we may keep for us and not share some of them to avoid to ruin the fandom experience from those around us that we appreciate, it almost sounds like sending anon-hate has become a sport.
And this I say, thankfully, as a third party in all of this, since on Tumblr I've received perhaps a total of 5 anon hates and some of them were caused by my own inadvertently unfair and offensive behaviour and I have been free since I've understood my mistake and resolved it.
When I've had problems with harassing anons on ao3 I've alerted the site and the most they've been able to do is erase the comment itself (we were speaking of blasphemy and death-wishes, so it was pretty grave) and suggest I took away the possibility to comment from anons (which I find unacceptable on an ideological level — everyone should have the possibility to share their opinion whether positive or negative as long as they do so respectfully and politely).
Other times when I signalled harassing comments from logged users they simply warned them or banned them for any length of time (I suppose, I wouldn't know for certain since I've never been on the receiving end of one of ao3 restriction for any motive so I can't put my hand on the fire about it) and simply suggested I enabled comment moderation which did nothing ultimately for me, yes, it might have left the comment-section better for the viewer and reader which is awesome — as they would not have to go through harassing comments or be subjected to — but ultimately the often overlooked victim of all this harassment, the creator of the content, still has to read and go through all the comments good and harassing they receive. Which is no victory at all, as it wouldn't be a victory to simply disable the comment section. Because the whole point of this all is interacting on common interests and share opinions and if you take away the debating part from “sharing and debating” which compose the fandom experience you cripple the whole experience as a whole, imho.
And while I think that enabling to block logged users is a step in the right direction, an overdue step in the right direction and I applaud them for that, I still think the site should take in consideration all of above (and countless other ways people can loop-hole through this new possibility, some the less internet savvy of us wouldn't even dream of) to put in place methods that would disable or at the very least make more difficult for the harassing part of the fandom to continue in their ways. As we say in Italy ‘created the lock found a new way to picklock; made the rule, found the loophole’, so I am sure there will be even more ways because people adapt to their environment and that is true for internet as well.
To answer to your inquiry... I have quite the stubborn streak, you could say, so I managed to withstand their harassment and even managed to make them shut up about it by standing my ground — they will eventually grow tired if they see they can't faze you as all bullies tend to do, but I know that some of them on some other platform *cough cough* Twitter *cough cough* have reached peaks of exaggeration by actually stealing someone account to pressure them to stop posting their preferred content and ruin their whole experience over fiction — so I could take a leap of faith (still to be seen) and try my hand at it anyway, especially since the tagging system is way better on ao3 than it is here.
For now I still reserve the right not to decide until I know more and for certain. Surely this new step might make me reconsider my stance on not using ao3 to share my metas, but it must be a first step of many, though I suppose it might difficult to stop people from creating fake-accounts and that possibility is, imo, one of the easiest and most proficient ways to work around any kind of procedure the site might decide to implement to make the whole fandom experience more enjoyable and less unhealthy.
As always, anon, thank you for your ask — I am honestly stunned and flattered that you'd consider my metas worthy of being preserved together with some of the real deal™️ metas that are on this platform and on others besides — and hope you have a very nice day!
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baekhvuns · 2 years
First of all, let's talk about Prince Charming San making a comeback - he's so messy for showing it then putting a bucket hat on just to show it fully. I never cared for blonde San that much, but I'm actually happy he came back, it's been too long! But I won't see it irl, so I won something, but I also lost something. :/ (RIP to all the black San enthusiasts, teo of my friends are mourning, but they didn't like pink Hwa so fuck them 🥰)
Second of all, please don't prosecute me but what's with Seonghwa's undercut it looks so weird, like what's with the back? I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it, maybe it just looks strange in the photos. 😭 At least his long isn't super short, so I'm relieved.
A little delulu time never killed nobody, am I right? (I mean... hopefully)
About Crazy Love it's definitely an interesting concept and I live for bat shit women, so I'm gonna continue watching even if I won't like it, cause miss Krystal!
J-j-jaguar Seonghwa?! I like it... no I don't, yes I d- NO ACTUALLY. 🤚🏻 I'm not a f*rr* but if it's cat Hwa then I might. 🙈🙉🙊 I mean it's his fault, my guy fucking meows unprovoked, says he's a cat like wtf is this behaviour. I like Bunhwa/Hwabun too, but let's be honest Cathwa is superior. You know it's because of those damn anime boys with ears, fucking yokai! Inuyasha has started it and I've never moved on, btw I don't know if you watched Inu x Boku SS, but I wanted to re-watch it until someone told me the girl is 15 and the guy is 22... I definitely did not realise that when I watched it back in 2012 💀
I saw fan art of Seonghwa as Loki and I agree! I wanted to say Yunho as Cap, but I know he wants to be Spidey, Jongho as Hulk! It makes so much sense to have this crossover.
HOLD ON A MINUTE HOLD ON A SECOND!!! I have vague memory of that PK fic but I definitely DID NOT FINISH it, I didn't know the author was on Tumblr as well, thanxx bestie!
Waiting for your comeback stage very impatiently! - DV 💖
First of all, let's talk about Prince Charming San making a comeback - he's so messy for showing it then putting a bucket hat on just to show it fully. I never cared for blonde San that much, but I'm actually happy he came back, it's been too long! But I won't see it irl, so I won something, but I also lost something. :/ (RIP to all the black San enthusiasts, teo of my friends are mourning, but they didn't like pink Hwa so fuck them 🥰)
Second of all, please don't prosecute me but what's with Seonghwa's undercut it looks so weird, like what's with the back? I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it, maybe it just looks strange in the photos. 😭 At least his long isn't super short, so I'm relieved.
A little delulu time never killed nobody, am I right? (I mean... hopefully)
a baekhyun delulu truly will be out to kill me, i had to hold my breathe for a second when u said that 🔫
About Crazy Love it's definitely an interesting concept and I live for bat shit women, so I'm gonna continue watching even if I won't like it, cause miss Krystal!
YEAH LIKE GIVE US THE BATSHIT CRAZY LESSGO!!!! jddjjd pls do lemme know if it’s worth a watch after u finish watching it!!! i did rly like prison playbook, it was a nice refresher <3
J-j-jaguar Seonghwa?! I like it... no I don't, yes I d- NO ACTUALLY. 🤚🏻 I'm not a f*rr* but if it's cat Hwa then I might. 🙈🙉🙊 I mean it's his fault, my guy fucking meows unprovoked, says he's a cat like wtf is this behaviour. I like Bunhwa/Hwabun too, but let's be honest Cathwa is superior. You know it's because of those damn anime boys with ears, fucking yokai! Inuyasha has started it and I've never moved on, btw I don't know if you watched Inu x Boku SS, but I wanted to re-watch it until someone told me the girl is 15 and the guy is 22... I definitely did not realise that when I watched it back in 2012 💀
I saw fan art of Seonghwa as Loki and I agree! I wanted to say Yunho as Cap, but I know he wants to be Spidey, Jongho as Hulk! It makes so much sense to have this crossover.
HOLD ON A MINUTE HOLD ON A SECOND!!! I have vague memory of that PK fic but I definitely DID NOT FINISH it, I didn't know the author was on Tumblr as well, thanxx bestie!
Waiting for your comeback stage very impatiently! - DV 💖
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