#I'm holding you by the face and telling you Mila can be even more fucked up and interesting if you don't try to remove her from being
bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Thinking about perceptions of Mila again
Yes, we are told she is his housekeeper and it's implied Mila keeps his secrets and possibly has dispatched a few people or done Obsidian Order dirty work. But that doesn't mean only one of these things is true.
Is the implication of her being a bad cook and not cleaning the basement that she isn't a domestic worker? Or is it an indication of both her and Tain’s status? Tain is the head of one if 3 branches of government. His housekeeper is probably the boss of a bunch of other servants- not the one doing the cleaning, the one keeping track of the affairs of the house, hiring and firing servants, maybe personally waiting on his needs and his alone, things like that. A man like that probably has a separate cooking staff. Tolan probably isn't his head gardener and might not even work for Tain much at all, Tolan is a government contracted worker that takes charge of the upkeep of a specific section of Kardasi'or, including grounds management and sanitation.
Isn't it more interesting that Garak's class dynamic is, yes, service class, but specifically the kind of servants privileged enough to be in charge of other servants? To live in close proximity to the man they work for? Is it not a parallel to Garak himself as an Order agent of his background- of and above the people, with more in common than them than many other Order members in some ways but no ability to connect to them? Does it not tie into his early Season 7 breakdown- he is doing something for the good of Cardassia, but must harm other Cardassians to achieve it- how long has that guilt eaten at him? Was it the fact that he was doing it again after years of civilian life and on behalf of the Federation that finally made that break within him? Is it not characteristic of his alienation and how he loves Cardassia but we almost never see him in the show get along with other Cardassians? Its a position that privileges him- he never went hungry except as a punishment, he always had a place to sleep and clean clothes because otherwise it would reflect badly on his parents employer, he literally got into a prestigious school his class would otherwise bar him from- and it also is easily a position of isolation and harm long before he goes to Bamarren. Tain gets access to abuse him because of the positionality of his mother being such a close servant- and if she wasn't the housekeeper before, Tain would have put her in this position specifically to have access to Garak without it arousing suspicion. Garak himself never questions why Tain is allowed to punish him before he knows the true nature of their relationship. And I'm not even bringing up my favorite subject of Cardassian racial/ethnic politics.
And for personal extrapolation and yes more ASIT stuff; what would it say about Mila's determination for Garak to submit to his fate if she occupied the role officially as Tain’s servant, but also did the work off the books of handling certain things for the Order? Induction into the Order is explicitly an opportunity for service class people to attain status, power, and wealth. Doing the work of that on top of the legitimately very difficult work of maintaining a household- possibly MULTIPLE HOUSEHOLDS, Tain has three residences mentioned in the show, and not having the opportunity to rise above anything more than a favored servant, for a woman like Mila, is an open wound.
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canirove · 1 year
Best friends… forever? | Chapter 19
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"How does that feel?"
"Cold" Rúben hisses. "But good. Thank you, Mila" he says while holding the cold patch on his eye.
"I can't believe you actually hit each other. What are you, twelve?"
"He started it."
"He... Oh, c'mon" she says, rolling her eyes. "You hit him first!"
"But who started being an annoying piece of shit during the game, uh? Your friend Rafa."
"Rúben, he is a striker and you a defender. It was part of the game."
"Celebrating that fucking goal on my fucking face was also part of the game?"
"Whatever. This is a pointless argument" Mila says, crossing her arms over her chest.
"It is, yes. Because you will keep defending him. You should be at Sevilla's changing room checking on his jaw, not here with me."
"Maybe I should, yes. Unlike others, he probably isn't behaving like a kid."
"Yes, Rúben. You."
His only answer is a laugh, one that seems to hurt like hell judging by the way his face twists.
"I can't do this anymore, Mila" he says after a few seconds of silence.
"Being a child? Yes, I agree" she replies.
"That's not what I mean" he says, rolling his eyes. "I mean this, us. Being like this. I'm tired of you constantly changing your mind and not being able to decide what the hell you want."
"What are you talking about?"
"You kept saying that you had no feelings for me or were curious about how would it feel if you kissed me, yet the moment it happened, you went all in. Then it looked like things were somehow working out even if we were just friends with benefits, but the moment our friends found out, you ran away. Then you told me you needed space to think about what you felt, but ended up hooking up with a guy you just met. You come back, decide that you need to spend some time away from me, but the first time we meet again, you are in my bed. Then you ask me if we can see each other again as friends, to go slow, and when your summer hook up shows up in Manchester, you accept his invitation to watch him play while you've been avoiding coming to all my other games. Don't you see it, Mila? You give me something, but then completely change your mind and do something that leaves me with nothing. And I'm tired. I'm just... Tired."
"I'm sorry, I just... I'm..." she mumbles.
"Mila...” Rúben says, taking a deep breath. “I've fallen in love with you, Mila. There. I said it. Do you feel the same?" Rúben asks her.
"I have feelings for you."
"Do you love me?"
"You know I do, Rúben."
"But do you love me the way I do? Not as best friends. As something else."
"As something else?"
"The fact that you are answering me with another question instead of actually giving me an answer, tells me everything I need to know" he says, getting up from the stretcher where he was sitting.
"Rúben, I..."
"I gotta go shower" he says, leaving the room without looking at her.
"Fuck!" Mila screams, kicking the stretcher and making it fall.
"Hey, what happened?" Ella says, walking in. "Mila, are you ok? What happened?"
"What I knew would happen. That we've ruined our friendship. That I have ruined our friendship" she says between sobs.
"Oh, come here" Ella says, hugging her. "It's gonna be ok, you'll see."
"It's not" she says, tears running down her face. "It is over."
"You don't have to leave, you know? You can stay here for as long as you need."
"I know, Ella" Mila says. "But you and Joe deserve some proper privacy."
"I'm gonna miss you."
"Me or the way I keep the house clean and tidy?" she chuckles.
"Both? I don't know, I've got used to having you around."
"I'll still be around. I'm just moving to my own place. New year, new life."
It had been a couple of months since that horrible City-Sevilla. Since Rúben had confessed that he loved her. Since she hadn't been able to say it back.
Because she now knew she felt the same for him. Every day that passed, Mila was more sure of it. But it was too late. Rúben was done with everything that had to do with them. That’s what their friends in common, and also Rodri and John, had told her when she had asked them about how he was doing.
"He's acting as if he didn't know you, as if you were a stranger. I guess that's his way of dealing with it, that it hurts less" John told her.
A few days later, they crossed paths at their place when she went to pick up some clothes.
"Oh, hi. I didn't know you were here. If I had known, I would have come later, I don't want to bother you" Mila said.
"It's ok" Rúben replied, using a tone he had never used with her, not even when they had had a huge fight and were mad at each other. He had never been that cold. "But I think it's time one of us moves out."
That was the only thing she was able to say. Oh.
"I can do it, I don't mind."
"No, I'll do it. I already have half my things at Ella's, it'll be easier."
"Ok. Let me know when you are coming to pick the rest" he said as he left for his room, completely ignoring her as he walked past her.
That day, when Mila went back to Ella's house, she couldn't stop crying. She probably fell asleep while still crying.
Then the holidays came, and they had to explain to their families what had happened. Or at least, some kind of version.
"We just feel like it is time to have our own space" Mila told her parents. "We know the city and the way things work, we don't need to babysit each other anymore."
Rúben had said something similar, adding that they would not be spending the holidays together because since he was free, this year he wanted to be in Portugal for the first time since he moved to England.
And now, here she was, packing her last bits of clothing before moving to her new apartment. Before starting her new life. A life without Rúben.
"This feels so... Empty" Bruno says when he walks into Rúben's apartment.
"Maybe" he shrugs. But the house did feel empty. Empty, too big, and too cold without her things. Without Mila.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm ok" Rúben says. Which is a lie. He misses Mila, and most days he finds himself arriving home, calling her name ready to tell her how his day has been, and getting no answer. He would walk into her room, about to ask her what she wanted for dinner or if she was in the mood to watch something on tv, but he would only find an empty bed. And that only made the pain he felt way worse than it already was.
He knew he had behaved like a dick, that he shouldn't have been so cold with her the last time they met. But he was on his right to be mad at her. And if he wanted to forget about her, to be able to move on, this was the only way. It would have to be as if she didn't exist, as if they hadn't shared their whole lives together. Though it was going to be an impossible task. He still loved her and knew he will always do, that she was the one. But right now, this was what the only thing he could do.
"I'm sorry" Bruno says.
"About what?"
"About this, about you and Mila not being able to see the other without feeling like shit. It's all my fault for being annoying, constantly asking you about your feelings for each other. I pushed you too much and too hard, and I broke you."
"It was bound to happen. The feelings were there, already changing. One way or another, it would have exploded."
"Maybe. But maybe things would have gone smoothly if I hadn't been so annoying."
"It's impossible to know, Bruno. Don't blame yourself" Rúben says, squeezing his friend's shoulder.
"I'm gonna fix it, tho. I don't know how, but I'm gonna do it. You love Mila, and I know she loves you. You are meant to be together. It may take some time because right now you both are too hurt, but one day... One day you'll be together. I promise."
"If you say so..." Rúben sighs.
"I do. So don't lose hope, ok?"
"That's easier said than done. And you don't know how she feels. Maybe she's moved on and is seeing someone, like that Rafa."
"She isn't seeing anyone, that's the last thing she cares about right now."
"How do you know?"
"Because I've spoken with her, and even if we talk about random things, she always ends up asking me about you, about how you are doing."
"Really?" Rúben asks, feeling a bit of that hope Bruno wants him to feel.
"Really. So promise me that you won't give up. Can you do that?"
"I guess I can” he sighs.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
REE!! Just read already best friends it took my ass all day!! But I wanted to be comfortable in bed when I read it 😭 UGHH I FUCKING LOVED IT. That so called “best friend” (fake jealous ass bitch) NEEDS HER ASS BEAT, WHOOPED, DRAGGED!! ALL OF THE FUCKING ABOVE
I’m gonna put some of my favorite things from the fic below:
Visit you at work and photoshop you in compromising pictures with different men to make it seem as if you were doing more than just giving them dances and sent it to Jack through a text message. This is really another level of miserable 😐
amila- Jack it’s Camila, I hate to be the one to tell you this. But Y/N isn’t as innocent as she seems. I don’t want for her to string you along anymore seeing as it’s been almost eight months. I’m actually surprised that she kept it up for this long. She does more than dance for people, she sleeps with them. She’s been lying to you. I’m sorry. This whole thing just REALLLYYYY PISSED ME OFF!! 🔪
Jack- Y/N, I didn’t want to do this over a text but, I have a lot of things going on and I feel as though we need to take a break from our relationship for a while. “I didn’t want to do this over text” THEN DONT!! BE A MAN AND FACE HER 🙄
And to think you told your mom and grandmother about him. SHE TOLD THE GRANDMA BROOO 😭 and he broke up with her OVER TEXT!!
And that he wanted to bring you to Kentucky to spend Thanksgiving with his family. AND YOU THE TYPA GIRL I WANNA BRING TO THANKSGIVING!!
“I love you, Mila. Thank you for being the one person that I can always count on.” THE IRONYYYY. Like she’s telling this evil ass bitch she lovers her & don’t even know what this hoe did!!
“Of course, baby girl. I am always going to be here for you. Until the end of time and even after that. All we need is each other.” And here comes her fake ass response, like bitch NO U NEED HER 🖕🏽
“But you really liked him and I was excited to meet him so he better get his shit together and make me a great grandmother.” Nana’s in the hospital bed preaching 😭
“Girl, please. You know you want him and only him. I’ll stop picking with you for now, but do me a favor and drop his address when I get out of rehab. Nana will set him straight.” Someone please tell me, where I go or what I gotta do to get a Nana like this 💀 I feel like this would be @hoodharlow as a grandma, DONT MESS WIT HER FAMILY 😭 or you will be catching them hands.
“I deserved to have that relationship, not her.” BITCH U DIDNT EVEN WANT HIM!! YOU WANTED THAT LIGHT SKIN BIG HEADED ASS HOE DRAKE 😐
I’m not holding on for a got damn thing. Get your shit out of my apartment and you better not come back. I… consider this friendship over with. Who knew you were a jealous ass bitch. Oh, and find another person to get you to help pay for your tuition next semester, I’m done. FIRST OFF, YN told this bitch the fuck off. AS SHE MOTHAFUCKIN SHOULD!! But what gets me is SHE WAS HELPING THIS FAKE WACK ASS HOE WITH HER TUITION?! AND THAT’S HOW SHE WANNA DO HER🤨 ANDDDD I STILL THINK SHE SHOULDA GOT HER ASS BEAT THE FUCK UP 🗣️
jackharlow: the baddest to ever do it. first black principal dancer of americanballettheater that's my wife yall 😍 YALL SEE THAT!! BLACK PUSSY POWER AT ITS FINEST!! Babygirl is married ANDDDD got her dream job 😘
lilnasx: jackharlow I'm spoken for. he better download a dating app. This….this just killed me 💀
Jackman was wrong for not letting her explain
Don't even get me started on Camila
Yess Nana gives me Blanca vibes because I know she doesn’t play about the people she cares about
And Camila wanted Drake's ass not Jack
When she saw how her "bestie" was happy she was like where is my boo at? She doesn't deserve him
And yesss the ultimate form of black girl magic! Jack made sure to help her dream come true 😭😭
Druski and Nas always be going at it and don't know how to act lmaooooo
Who knows, I might do another insta au that shows married life for them and her thriving being the badass she is 😌💕
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nightshadeshadow123 · 3 years
Jealousy (A.M-R)-(C.G)
You are a witch and dating Ally, Cordelia comes to visit you for awhile and some jealousy ensue and Cordelia's old crush on you appears again. Hmm, I dunno where I want to go with this or maybe make it a multi part fic series or a part book but this idea just randomly popped up in my messy head space.
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You let out a frustrated groan, (e/c) snapping open when the black candles blew our for no reason, glaring down at the circle of the black candles, scrunching up your face as the last wisp of their smoke vaporised into nothingness.
"What's wrong?" Ally asked curiously, tearing her brown eyes away from the book she was reading to look at you sitting on the floor a few feet away from the comfy black sofa she's laying on.
You rubbed at your forehead before looking to your girlfriend.
"I'm not sure...Just feeling a little shifting in my powers and I can seem to focus. That only-." You suddenly cut yourself off as you perked up at feeling a familiar warm yet distant presence lurking about.
"What is it?" Ally asks, sitting up completely after she noticed your sudden perking up for no reason.
"No way, that can't be." You tried to reason with yourself but you couldn't for long as the familiar feeling suddenly grew stronger.
"Delia!" You smiled and jumped up, not caring when you knocked over the dead candles and making a run for the front door, a startled Ally left sitting on the couch as she watch you run from the living room.
"What the actual fuck?" Ally asked to herself, dropping her book on the sofa and bolting up as you slammed the door open with a bang.
Your excitement grew when you see that feeling of a familiar powerful yet warm presence infact came from who you thought it would be.
"Delia!?" You exclaimed happily and ran towards the blonde Supreme that is smiling brightly, arms held open in waiting.
"Yes, my little witch. It's me." Cordelia said softly, arms wrapping around you tightly yet comfortably as you finally crashed into her, her excitement to finally see and feel you clear.
You tightened your hold on her waist and buried your hands into her blonde locks as she held you, not wanting to let you go ever again.
"Not that I'm not super glad to see you again but what are you doing here?" You pulled your head from her shoulder to look her in the eyes.
The blonde Supreme shot you a sharing smile as she made eye contact with you, rubbing a hand up your spine, amusement filling her when she felt you shiver against her, a slight pink dusting your cheecks.
"I came to visit you for awhile. I haven't seen you in ages and I've mi-" suddenly the blonde was cut of by a voice.
"(Y/N)? Who is this?" Ally asked tentatively, trying not to focus on the way the blonde is holding you.
You pulled away completely from the blonde and turned to face your girlfriend, one hand flying up to rub at your neck nervously as pink dusted your cheecks more.
"O-Oh, this is Cordelia, my Supreme." You explained.
Ally raised a dark eyebrow at this. "Your Supreme? What is a Supreme excatly?" She questioned, moving towards your side and gripping your arm with her, her free hand interlocking with yours as she glared at blonde witch in front of you, taking notice of the way the witch glared at her too.
"Well, a Supreme is a coven leader. She's my coven leader." You explained, rubbing circles on Ally's soft hand in yours, not taking notice of the way the two are glaring at each other.
Cordelia smiled at you when you looked back at her, her hands crossing over the other, not liking the jealous feeling crawling up on her when Ally have arrived.
"And Cordelia, this is Ally my girlfriend and Ally this is Cordelia." You introduced the two to each other happily.
"Pleasure to meet you." Cordelia forced a smile, hand moving to shake Ally's.
"Hmm, I can say the same. She talks about you a lot and I've once seen you on TV. " Ally spoke, not bothering to shake hands with the witch, her grip on you tightening.
You choose to ignore this before you decide to spoke up. "Wanna come inside for some coffee?"
Cordelia let her hand fall back to her side and gave you another warm smile.
"I would love to darling." She said adoringly, adding the pet name to work on Ally's nerves, a smirk tugging on her lips as pink rise to your cheecks once again.
You pulled away from Ally and made your way back inside with the older two women following close behind you.
As you entered the living room once again you gestured Cordelia to sit down on one of the comfortable back sofas, please the one you've been leaning back against when you were practicing your spells and magic.
Cordelia smiled when she saw the knocked down candles on the floor along with, jewels and some plants.
"I see you're still practicing your magic." She commented, a fond smile tugging at her lips as she looked up at you after sitting down on the sofa.
"Yeah. I would hate it if my powers would flake out when I stop and maybe land in a situation where I'd have to use them and I can't have my powers weak then...not like last time." You muttered the last part mostly to yourself but both the older women heard you and Cordelia gave you a sympathetic smile.
"I'm gonna go make some coffee. I'll be right back." You excused yourself and speedily walked out of the room, willing yourself not to look weak in front of them.
They both watched you leave before Ally turned back to Cordelia.
"What does she mean by that?" The brunette questioned curiously.
Cordelia only raised an eyebrow at the woman. "I'm probably shouldn't tell you that. I feel like she must tell you that herself."
Ally leaned back against the sofa she's sat on and rolled her eyes at the blonde. "Fine, if you say so. Not that she talk too much of her life back at that academy and before that. I'm still curious but she push me away when I try to ask her of her past and how it have changed her."
Cordelia gave her a tight lipped smile, unsure of what to say. She knew all too well what have happened and what you've been through over the past years, including the few years before she found you and Mila and brought you to the academy.
"She'll talk when she feels she wants to, she hates talking of bad things that have happened, and yeah she does push people away when they pressure her too much, and she have changed indeed but she's still herself in a way." The blonde,please woman played with the ruffles in her black skirt before bending forward and pick up one of your black candles.
Ally only watched the witch from the corner of her eye, feeling jealous and somewhat sad that the older blonde seem to know almost everything about you while she only knows a bit. She was even more curious than before, desperate even to find out what you hide behind that hot-cold facade but she also fear to push too much and receive the more cold side than the warm side of your persona.
Cordelia smiled fondly when as she swirled the familiar black candle with silver engraves between her slender fingers, remembering the time she gave them to you as a gift after a particular hard time and you've been obsessed over them and not using them too much.
"How long were she at the academy after you've found her?" Ally questioned.
Cordelia looked back up at the woman, a blank look once again on her face. "Six and a half years. She's was one of the youngest I've taken in at the time back then."
Ally turned her attention to the blonde completely. "Can't you tell me just a little bit more about her past? You seem to know everything about her."
Cordelia could clearly hear the jealousy the other woman is trying to hide, but she could also not deny being a little jealous of your girlfriend, she could almost kich herself for not making a move on you earlier before you left the academy after everything.
"All I'm going to say is she was quite broken and lost and became quite a troubled teen and got into a...whole lot of trouble with Madison most times but I've managed to mostly pull her away from that path." The Supreme gave very little detail and she could tell it irked the brunette but she was not one to spill out your past and secrets without your consent.
Just as Ally went to ask more questions you entered the living room with the coffee, choosing to sit down next to Cordelia as the blonde thanked you warmly as she take the coffee, tingles dancing up your spine as her soft skin brush up against your hand.
Ally frowned at this, the nasty feeling of jealously rearing it's ugly head as she gripped her coffee mug, ignoring the searing burn it caused to her soft skin. She just didn't like the witch all that much near you and she could clearly see the way the blonde is adoringly looking at you and they way her hand had linger a few seconds to long for her comfort on your hand when she took her coffee from you.
"Thank you darling." Cordelia cooed, a smile on her lips as she too a sip of her coffee. "You remembered just the way I like my coffee.
A hint of a blush dusted your cheeks once again at her praise.
"Yeah, how can I ever forget simple things such as that?"
Ally smile a bit when she hear you say that, she knows it's quite true that you always take notice of small details of how people like things a certain way and memorize them as if it's the most natural thing to do.
Cordelia smirked to herself after noticing the faint blush on your cheeks, leaning closer to you and take in a breath of that all too familiar comforting scent of your peaches and cream body wash you loved to use.
You could feel your heartbeat pick up it's rate when she did that, knowing she used to do that back at the academy after you've taken a shower or a bath, claiming that the soft scent brought her some comfort and calm.
Ally glared at the blonde coldly, having taken notice of her not so subtle gesture.
"What spell have you been practicing." The blonde suddenly asked you, gesturing towards the black candles with one had that isn't holding her cup.
You shrugged. "Just a small black magic spell, nothing too big but...my senses and powers completely flaked when I sensed your presence nearby."
Cordelia looked at you curiously. "What do you mean by that? You powers were mostly fine back at the academy even with me around you."
You rubbed at your neck nervously again before looking up at her again, picking up the candle your candle that she have putted on the sofa.
"I'm not sure. Sometimes they've gone a bit weaker and sometimes a bit stronger with you near." You swirled the candle around in your hand, looking down at it.
Cordelia hummed, a look of confusion and curiosity crossing her face.
"Interesting. Why haven't you mentioned that back at the academy?" She questioned, one of her hands moving to lay against your jean cladded leg.
Ally glared at the blondes hand, her knuckles turning white from the grip on her mug, almost certain the mug may crack under the pressure, trying to focus in the conversation you and Cordelia are having and resisting the urge to just tear you away from the other woman.
"I don't know. I just thought it wasn't something serious and ignored it." You explained, eyes back on the radiant blonde next to you.
Cordelia hummed once again.
"Did that only happen when I was near or around others too?" She questioned and you could only wonder why she seems so curious about that.
"No, just when you are near. It's kinda like a magnetic push and pull type of way it felt like." You explained, goosebumps appearing on your skin as she squeezed your leg softly.
"I'll have to ask Myrtle about that, maybe she'll know a thing or two about that. You should come visit the academy and find out what it is. And to also see the others again, they miss you and I miss having you around there to make the days more bearable." Cordelia watched your emotions carefully, knowing how to read you like a open book after mastering it over the years getting to know you.
You looked down for a moment before making eye contact with her again, ignoring the twinkle in her eyes and shrugging it off as the light playing tricks.
"I'll think about. It would be nice to see the others again too and I do miss them a lot too...and you." Yous said the last part so softly Cordelia could barely hear it.
Cordelia felt a spark running through her, almost wanting to engulf you in a hug and never let go again as the two of you shared intense eye contact for a moment until Ally cleared her throat, drawing both your attention to her.
"Sorry." You said sheepishly before getting up from the sofa and walking over to Ally, sitting next to her.
Your girlfriend waste no time in pulling you into her and planting a wet heated kiss against your lips that have you letting out a low moan.
Cordelia could only watch in jealousy, a sense of longing hitting her hard, wishing she was the one kissing you and be able to tear moans from you in this way and also in a whole other dirty way.
After pulling away from the kiss, Ally looked at her smugly as you leaned into the brunette weakly, a whine leaving your mouth, wanting more of her lips but opting to peck a few wet kisses against her soft neck until you remember that Cordelia is here, seeing the whole show and that have you pulling away from your girlfriend with a blush but Ally only held you to her side tightly, kissing the top of your head while making eye contact with the Supreme, the blonde only narrowing her eyes at the woman.
"I must really get going. I just wanted to check up on you." Cordelia said as she got up.
You got up too along with Ally and you walked over to Cordelia and pulled her into a hug.
"Remember to come and visit us and to hear what Myrtle have to say." The blonde said in your ear, a shiver running down your spine as her breath hit your skin.
"I certainly will do so." You said and pulled away from the hug.
Ally took your hand and walked out of this house with you behind Cordelia, watching as you waved bye to the Supreme with your free hand just before she disappeared into thin air.
"Let's go and have some fun baby. I'm so wet for your touch." Ally whispered in your ear, nipping at your neck making you let out a moan.
You eagerly nod your head and pulled her inside of the house.
Once inside Ally slammed the door shut and pushed you up against the wall and proceed to immediately kiss at your neck, one of her legs forcing itself between yours and rubbing against your center, a moan falling from you as bucked your hips forward, trying to get more pressure on your center.
Ally smirked against your neck before sinking her teeth into your soft flesh, immediately drawing a strangled yelp mixed with a moan as she soothed the skin with her tongue.
"Shit Ally." You hissed out, your hands moving to grip her hips after slipping it underneath her grey jumper and digging your nails into her soft skin.
The older woman only chuckled against your skin, a spark of excitment running down her body all the way to her already heated core at the way you are gripping her hips as she left a few more hickeys on your neck before slamming her mouth against yours in a bruising way.
You knew you were in for a wild time at the way she's claiming your lips, her tongue buried in your mouth and battling with yours heatedly, her grip on the back of your neck and hip firm as she rubbed her leg up your clothed center.
I'm not sure why the hell I came up with that idea and I know it's shitty but whatever, spend too much time writing it and I don't want to delete it. And not sure where I want to go with this or if I should continue this part into more parts. I know this part is a whole lot shorter but yeah I write smuty parts longer than non smut. Let me know what you guys think and if I should continue this messy and shitty fic into more.
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milazka · 4 years
August twelve — Rudy Pankow
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image found on pinterest
summary: the one where it’s your boyfriend’s birthday and you planned an amazing day for him.
request: yes
content: fluff
author’s note: i didn’t add a smut part because i feel like i’m only writing smutty imagines and i needed to write a fluffy one with this hottie! my requests are open and you can find my masterlist at the end of this post if you feel like reading more of my stuff!
warnings: most of my stories may contain mature themes such as swearing, underage drinking, substance abuse, sexual language and scenes, fights and more. also, i do not intend to be offensive towards anyone who reads this blog, if anything written can be perceived as hurtful to any community or person, i apologize, it was never my purpose while writing it.
word count: 1700.
She was standing in the frame of the door, her pretty eyes observing the young man lying on the bed, his body half covered by the grey blanket. His chest was rising at a peaceful rate with no sign of trouble apparent on his angel face. A little smile slipped over her rosy lips as she thought about how lucky she was that this man was still a part of her life, twenty years later. Both born in Ketchikan, Alaska, just a few months apart, Rudy and her had grown up as a duo. hey did everything together. Rarely did you ever saw one without the other; she was the Bonnie to his Clyde and nothing in the world could have changed that. Over the years, they both had a few meaningless relationships, and they never lasted long. The girls were envious of his closeness with Y/n while the boys were quick to understand that she would never look at them the way she looked at Rudy; he was her person, but she hadn't figured it out yet. It was on a cold December afternoon, a few days before the New Year’s eve, that they exchanged their first kiss, their lips frozen by the Alaskan winter, both seated by the burning fire in the chimney. Five years later and in a much warmer town, she was looking at her sleepy boyfriend with the same sparks in her eyes.
“You're staring at my butt, aren't ya?” 
Rudy's sleepy voice took her out of her thoughts as she laughed. His eyes were half opened and he had pillow marks all over his right cheek. His disheveled blond hair was falling out in front of his pretty ocean colored eyes. She carefully made her way to the bed, trying not to knock over the breakfast tray she was holding with both hands. 
“I made you waffles” 
“The blueberry ones?” he asked with his childish voice and she nodded. “For what occasion?”
“It’s your birthday, remember?” she chuckled as she watched his facial expression change from confused to excited. He has always loved his birthday, especially since the day she became his girlfriend and always planned a day full of surprises for him. Rudy grasped her blue sweater sleeve and lured her towards him to kiss her lips tenderly.
“Mmm you taste like maple syrup.” 
“I may or may not have already eaten a waffle while cooking them,” she smiled, tilting her head to the side to give him her guilty puppy eyes, making him fall more in love with her. “I planned the whole day so you better start eating your waffles now because we’re leaving in an hour.”
“Did I ever tell you you're the best girlfriend?” he mumbled with his mouth full of waffles dipped in maple syrup.
“Many times, but I'll never get tired of hearing you say it, lover boy.”
“Good, because with such a good waffles recipe, you're stuck with me for a while, pretty girl!”
─── °• ❀ ───
Chase picked them up around eight pm in front of their apartment with his black truck, the rest of the cast were already at the the Pate’s house, decorating and preparing the cake. She had blindfolded his boyfriend and he kept asking where they were going every single minute of the trip like a child. He had done the same thing a few months ago when she took him skydiving for the first time, it was almost routine for her to hear him complain in the back of the car. 
“Stop asking, you big baby!” she said to him, turning her upper body toward the back of the car where he was seated. “It’s a surprise, I’m not gonna ruin it because you can't wait for a few minutes.”
He gave her his pouting face and crossed his arms on his chest, knowing she would not say a word to him about it even if he tried harder. A few minutes later, Chase parked his truck next to Drew's car. She walked to the left side of the car to opened Rudy's door, quickly kissing him on the lips and automatically causing a big smile to cover his pouty face. She guided him to the backyard with Chase’s help. He opened the back yard gate, letting them pass in front of him before closing it back so Lilah's dog would not run away like he did multiple times when they filmed the first season of the show. All the cast members were silently gathered in front of a multicoloured cloud of balloons and were holding a sign that said 'Happy birthday, Rudy!' 
“Okay, you can take your bandana off!” she said to his ear and he could feel the excitement in her voice. 
Slowly, he pulled his blindfold down and a wide smile slipped on his lips at the sight of all his friends singing happy birthday to him. He squeezed his girlfriend's hand while his friends were still singing and she couldn't help but let a few tears of joy run down her cheeks when she saw him so touched by the surprise she had planned for him. 
“Thank you for all of this, baby. I love you more and more everyday my sweet girl,” he whispered to her ear before leaning down to kiss her soft lips that tastes like caramel due to the caramel macchiato she drank in the car.
“I’m happy you’re happy, lover boy,” she said to him as he pressed his cheek against her palm, a smile at the corner of his lips. “Now, go hug your friends!” 
─── °• ❀ ───
After her and Rudy hugged and thanked everyone, they all swapped their clothes for bathing suits that would come in handy during their little boat trip of the afternoon. Jonas had let them borrow his boat, taking advantage of the fact that his children were with them to spend a day with his wife at the spa. Drew was at the helm of the boat while the others were all sitting on the benches, toasting to Rudy's birthday just before Chase announced that they were far enough away from the shore to put the tube in the water. JD, Rudy and Y/n were the first ones to shotgun a spot on the pneumatic tyre.
“Babe? Can you help with the zipper?” Rudy asked his girlfriend, frowning completely clueless.
“He’s twenty-two and still needs his girlfriend to zip his life jacket,” Jonathan mocked him, resulting in him being pushed in the water by a proudly smirking Rudy who quickly followed him the water, grabbing Y/n by the waist to take her with him. She surfaced quickly thanks to her life jacket, clearing her face of wet hair and sending a wince at her boyfriend. They all swam to the tube, splashing each other on purpose along the way. Rudy climbed aboard first and reached out his hand to Y/n to help her climb up. She sat between him and Jonathan, clutching a black rubber handle with one hand while the other was firmly intertwined with her boyfriend's hand. 
“Are you ready?” yelled drew, turning his upper body toward the back of the boat, his right hand resting on the wheel. 
“Aye aye, Captain!” Rudy screamed back and the boat begun to pick up speed. 
The water was splashing back in their faces and they could barely keep their eyes open, but they couldn't help smiling stupidly. The three of them let out cries of surprise and laughter every time they jumped a wave and almost got ejected from the tube. They could see Madison and Chase laughing at them while Madelyn filmed them for her next tomfoolery instagram post. Drew took a sharp right turn, dropping Y/n and JD on Rudy. She firmly grabbed her boyfriend's bicep after she lost her grip on the handle and pushed JD back up with her shoulder so he could settle back into his seat. Just when they thought Drew was done messing with them, he suddenly accelerated, ejecting them out of the tube like three little rockets. 
“You fucker!” Rudy shouted to his friend, laughing before turning towards his girlfriend. “You okay baby?”
“All good and still in one piece!” she replied, swimming back to the boat where Deion gave her a hand to climb up. A few seconds later, she felt a towel being placed on her shoulders and two arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled, turning her head to meet the face of her boyfriend who had pressed his chin to her shoulder. He placed a few kisses on her neck, making her squirm under his grip from the tickling of his lips against her wet skin. 
“Look at them! You guys are so cute,” whined Lilah, taking a picture of them. Y/n blushed while Rudy smiled proudly. “Can you send me the picture? I'm gonna post it on instagram.” rudy said as he grabbed his phone and sat on one of the benches while Chase and Madelyn were putting on their life jackets. She sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and playing with the hem of his boarding shorts, a gift she gave him for his birthday last year, right before he started shooting for Outer Banks. He quickly wrote a caption and posted the photo of them on his instagram, getting hundred of likes and comments only a few seconds after. 
‘My sweet girl. Thanks for the amazing birthday surprise! Love you to the moon and back, my love.’
“I love you too, baby,” she cupped his face with her palms and kissed his salty lips. “Oh, before I forgot,” she brought her face close to his and took her sensual innocent voice. “Since it’s your birthday, I’m gonna let you do whatever you wanna do to me tonight.”
His eyes opened widely and he cleared his throat. “Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me, pretty girl,” he kissed her, nibbling at her bottom lip. “I’m gonna please you so much tonight that you’re gonna beg me to stop.” 
She smirked at him and grazed his crotch with her fingertips. “I look forward to it.”
─── °• ❀ ───
mila’s masterlist
taglist (send me an ask if you want to be added)
@milaonthemoon @spilledtee @pogue-writings @thebutterflyonhischest @ilovejjmaybank @bananasfromtarget @drewstarkeyobx @void-maybank @prejudic3 @pit-zuh @starlightstarkey @lefthandwritings @theonetheonlyalexbrown
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angstgods · 7 years
OKAY! I'm probably going to suffer for this but I'm a glutton for pain so I humbly request: one where Yuri succeeds in his suicide BUT Otabek staying with Mila and having their baby. The years go by and they're all miserable, especially Otabek. He's gotta live with the consequences of it all. Love ya and I trust you to break my heart into dust. ❤️
sorry this took for fucking ever to finish, but your wish will eventually be my command i guess lol (evidence for yuri’s date of birth found here: https://yurikobutachan.tumblr.com/timeline)
also, im so sorry i didnt update, school just started 3: updating soon! heres something to tide you over! 
A little boy with knobby knees pouted on the front steps of his house. He couldn’t have been older than seven or eight, right? Well, actually, he was almost eleven. He hated being small.
Mousey brown hair that looked reddish in the light fell into his eyes. It was getting long again, falling just past his chin. With his chin in his hand, he grumbled mean things at his bangs. He secretly liked how long his hair was, he thought it framed his face well. He knew his mother would make him cut it as soon as she noticed, he pouted even more.
“Hey kiddo.”
He gasped and pointed a little button nose up at a man standing over him, house keys in hand. He had a shock of thick, dark hair that was starting to grey right in the middle of his forehead, and dabbles of white in the scruff on his face that never seemed to go away. He wasn’t very tall, but built solidly, from the ground up like a brick wall. The boy recognized him and went right back to grumping. “Hi, Dad.”
Otabek looked around. “What’re you doing out here?” It was a nice day out, the sun was low in the trees but it was still warm enough for a t-shirt. The boy sat up like he was going to say something. After a pause, he slouched back down, pouting even harder. Just when he thought he’d been left alone, Otabek settled down next to him, feeling it in his knees. The boy stared at the pavement, pretending he didn’t exist.
“Vaska, what’s going on?” Otabek questioned, Vaska looked everywhere but in his direction. “Visaliy,” he pressed, but Vaska shuffled away. “Vasya,” Otabek softened, taking a page from Mila’s book. A peachy blush ran right over the freckles dusting Vaska’s nose. One more push. “Come on, let’s here it, Votik Kotik–” 
“Stooooop!” Vaska whined, delivering an embarrassed shove to Otabek’s shoulder. Affection, get’s him every time.  
“What’s wrong?” Otabek tried again when Vaska softened up a little. Still, he looked away, watching ants march along the ground. He huffed.
“Pavel and his friends called me a fairy because I like to dance,” Vaska explained after a lull of quiet between them. He picked at a dirty band-aid on his knee, “he said it makes me weak, but I’m not weak! Ballet is so hard, Dad.” He shook his head, puzzled. “Why doesn’t he like me?”
“Do you like him?”
“No.” Vaska grimaced. “He’s mean to girls and steps on flowers, he’s a batman villain.” Otabek had to laugh at that, letting out a little puff of amusement. “Stella said she’ll kick his ass if he talks to me again.” Otabek raised his brows.
“I have no doubt in my mind,” he agreed gravely.
Now at the tender and tumultuous age of fifteen, Stella had taken up kickboxing as a way to channel her stress. She was a happy, energetic girl, but sometimes the world weighed a little too heavily on her shoulders. When Vaska was born, she immediately took him under her wing, caring for him like a little brother. She would defend him to the end. Akari, on the other hand, was a little shy of him at first. Vaska asked her why once, she said he was too familiar. Up until then, he really thought they were all siblings, sharing similar catlike monolid eyes. His were a bright sea foam green, a little similar to Akari’s. But when she officially rejected him, he finally saw the distance between them. 
“I… like Stella,” Vaska confessed after a while, an uneasiness clouded his eyes. “She said I’m not supposed to. She think’s I’m a fairy too, doesn’t she…” 
“No way,” Otabek flat out denied. “You may be a little young for her, but it’s probably just the way she was brought up. It’s a little strange for her that boys and girls can like each other.” Vaska took this into consideration. As long as Stella didn’t think little of him, he was happy. “You know she loves you in her own way,” Otabek reassured, but Vaska already knew that.
“Sometimes Stella calls me Yuya,” Vaska spoke up, “She’ll say it, then she’ll get sad. What does that mean?”
Now Otabek was staring into the yard, Vaska looked over to find a stony look on his face. He let his Dad think for a bit, scooting over to make room while he adjusted his seat.
“Do you know how you think of her as a big sister?” he began. Vaska nodded. “She used to have someone just like that. She thought of him as a big brother, and she called him Yuya.”
“Was that his name?”
“Yuri… His name was Yuri.”
Otabek closed his eyes. When he opened them, Vaska had nuzzled in close, wiggling under his arm and offering what comfort he could without understanding why his Dad was so sad all of the sudden. He pulled Vaska into his lap, settling him in his arms and resting his chin in Vaska’s hair.
“You remind her of him,” Otabek explained softly, nostalgically, “you remind all of us of him. 
“What’s he like?” Vaska asked curiously, taking note of a strange tinge in Otabek’s voice.
“He was…” he paused, looking for the right word. “He was like a tiger.” Vaska exhaled, wondrously imagining a regal, majestic young man that may have resembled himself. “Yuri was eye-catching, you couldn’t look away. He had these eyes.” 
“What did they look like?”
“Green, just like yours.” Vaska smiled just a little. “They were powerful. They could make you forget what you’re saying right in the middle of your sentence. He could see into you, see your thoughts and your feelings. Very calculating, like a… soldier… Unforgettable.” Otabek went quiet. Vaska didn’t rush him, feeling his chest suddenly get tight behind him. Otabek sniffed. “He was elusive though, like a tiger. He didn’t trust many people. He never let them in too close. But he was so magnetic, everyone wanted to be close to him, to be chosen by him.”
“Did he choose you?” Vaska flinched, feeling something wet drip down onto his scalp. He twisted around to see what it was. Otabek’s eyes were red and watering. He offered a small apologetic smile. Vaska needed a second to take it all in, then turned around to stare at the ants.
“Yeah, he did,” Otabek replied honestly, “I met him the first time during a ballet class when I was eight. I was too scared to say anything though, he was beautiful then too. I met him again ten years later. I’d almost lost hope that I’d see him ever again, but those eyes…” He sighed, hugging his son and watching the people go by. “He was a fierce kid, Vaska. He took no prisoners, just like your mom. That’s actually around the time I met her, but…” Vaska hummed for him to continue, but Otabek shook it off and moved on with his story. “Then I found him again after Stella and Akari were born. He was a full fledged adult by then. He was an award winning figure skater, he was a principal dancer with the Mariinsky Ballet, he was on every talk show and magazine cover; everything they said about him he used to his advantage. They called him a fairy.”
“No way, really?”
“Really,” Otabek nodded, “He didn’t like it at first, but he used that and became this otherworldly, nymphlike creature. He loved Stella and Akari more than I’d ever seen him love anything else. Even the ice. He was… he was…”
“Dad?” Vaska questioned. Otabek was holding his breath, letting tears fall from his eyes. His nose was red, but he wouldn’t cry. If he started he wouldn’t stop and Vaska didn’t deserve that. “Dad,” Vaska had been saying for a few long moments, “did you… did you like him? Like… Did you like him?” He let go of the breath and nodded. “Did he like you too?”
“I think so… or he did at one time.”
“What happened to him?” Vaska asked slowly. A fresh flow of tears fell from his Dad’s eyes.
“I was with him when your Mom found out she was pregnant with you,” he said. A small smile lightened up his face. “He wanted to name you Charybdis.”
“What does that mean?” Vaska smiled in interest. It was from a book that was a little over his head. He would be able to read it soon, probably in school. “I like it!” he said, “what else happened?”
“Well,” Otabek tried to stay at least a little positive, but his facade was slipping, “Yuri and I knew that it was time for us to go our separate ways. We were both sad about that, but… But Yuri was very sad. And I wasn’t there to tell him it would be okay… What do we say about feeling very sad, Vaska?”
“Tell someone?” Vaska responded automatically. It didn’t quite make sense why his parents had taught him that until right this very second. The sun went behind a cloud. 
“Yuri didn’t tell anyone he was so sad. He was all by himself and,” Otabek cut himself off, taking a few breaths to collect himself, “he decided he didn’t want to live anymore.” Vaska gasped, a tear rolled down his cheek. “It was peaceful,” Otabek reassured, “he fell asleep and didn’t wake up.” Vaska stared at the steps they sat on, watching his tears hit the cement. “That’s why Akari stays in her room when we come over. It’s not your fault, she just loved him very much and now he’s gone. It’s hard to think he’s never coming back.”
“I’m really sorry, Dad,” Vaska’s hair fell into his eyes, and in that moment he was Yuri’s spitting image. Otabek’s heart skipped a beat. He barely registered Vaska saying, “I got between you. Maybe… Maybe it would be different if–”
“No. Stop that– Vaska, look at me.” He resisted, stubbornly squirming but eventually he complied. “You– Vaska, you’re a miracle. Your Mom and I, you’re what we’ve always wanted. We tried for years to have a baby, we thought it was too late, but here you are. You’re my son and I love you more than anything. I wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
“Do you love Yuri?” Thrown for a loop, Otabek’s words stuck in his throat. “Why haven’t you told me about him before? Is it because you love him and he died?” Otabek opened his mouth then closed it back up, starting and stopping until his thoughts straightened out. His son watched him, knowing where all the cracks where that would give away his true emotions. Only one other person had been able to figure him out like that.
“Yes, I do,” he finally settled, “we didn’t tell you about him because he meant a lot to me and our friends. It’s very hard for us to talk about and we all just decided one day to never talk about him. It’s easier for us to move on.” Vaska wasn’t all the way satisfied with that answer, but it sated him for now. “Yuri was just as excited to meet you as I was. He was ready to love you as much as he loved Stella and Akari. When he died, I promised him I’d love you as much as both of us combined. I miss him every day, but I’m so glad I have you. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“I love you too, Daddy,” Vaska replied softly, a genuine response when he wasn’t quite sure what to say to that. He let Otabek smooth the hair out of his eyes, slicking it back and kissing him right on the crown of his head. Vaska turned pink. “You can’t forget him,” he said, “not talking about him means you’re forgetting him little by little. You have to talk or the memories won’t keep. Tell me one thing about him every day.” Otabek could agree that that seemed fair. If no one else wanted to talk about Yuri, Vaska was more than happy to lend an ear. “And, and,” he wasn’t finished yet. “Let’s visit him. Let’s go before Mom gets home.
Like the wind had been knocked out of his lungs, Otabek went rigid for a second, slowly relaxing. No one had ever wanted to visit him. “Okay, Vaska,” Otabek found himself saying. “Let’s go see him.”
Wandering through a peaceful cemetery, Vaska scanned for names and faces that jumped out at him. Otabek lagged behind while he ran ahead. Under a cherry tree lived a white marble headstone dusted in pink petals. A pensive face, lovely and sad, was carved into the center, framed in gold filigree.
Yurochka Nikolaevich Plisetsky. March 1st, 1999 -  November 22nd - 2019
“So young…” Vaska mused to himself. He straightened up, squaring his shoulders. “Yuri.” he said, “I’m Visaliy Altin. I’m– What did he call you?” Otabek looked down, realizing that that question was for him. “You call him Yuri, did he call you something?”
“Beka,” he admitted softly. “I called him Yura.”  
“Beka’s my Dad,” Vaska’s chest puffed out, “and you can call me Vaska.” Otabek smiled and squeezed his son’s shoulders, proud to the ends of the earth. “I’ll be eleven soon. My birthday’s in August. I’m training to be a dancer with Madam Baranovskaya, just like you. She says hi, probably, I haven’t talked to her about you. Dad says I remind everyone of you sometimes. Especially Stella. Her hair is long and blonde now, I think it’s really pretty…”
Vaska told long stories about school, his best friend Dima, and his first visit to Kazakhstan when he was five. He thought pointing his toes was easier than the rest of his classmates did. He must be gifted. He’d asked his Mom if they could get a cat and she said no, what she didn’t know was that the cat wasn’t for him. After Ume died, Akari was very sad. He wanted to bring her a new sphinx as a peace offering. It was easy for Vaska to talk to the gravestone that represented a man he’d never met before, easier than it was to talk to Mila.
“My Dad still loves you very much,” Vaska concluded, “he thinks about you every day. And I know you love him too.” Having plopped down in the grass to rest his head against the marble, he stood up. Vaska shrank just a little bit, getting a good look at what this was doing to his Dad. 
Standing a few steps behind him, Otabek did his best not to make a sound, but tears bored from his eyes. His face was red from holding his breath. He didn’t want to take this away from Vaska, he seemed like he needed to pour himself out. But just standing here, seeing his son– so like Yuri in so many ways– chatting with his headstone like they were old friends, it was hard to watch. Yuri was so many things; he was stubborn and moody, sweet and intelligent, headstrong and cocksure, and so so caring. He’d been all over the world, seen everything there was to see. He was such a complicated, multifaceted person, and here he was, boiled down to a name and a date like it never happened. He never truly existed. It was wrong, it was offensive.
Vaska peered up at him, snub nose turned up like a little piggy. His hair fell into his eyes.
“Ready, kiddo?” he smiled through sharp pangs of guilt and sorrow. Vaska nodded. Otabek held out his hand. “Let’s go.” Vaska walked right past the hand, throwing his arms around Otabek’s waist. They stayed like that for a while, Vaska pressed his face into Otabek’s chest, warming his heart with as much love as he could muster. It was hard for him to be here, Vaska knew that. He was so grateful that his Dad shared a part of himself that he normally tried to hide. It brought them even closer together.
The door opened with a squeak and a little body wiggled in through the opening, darting into the living room. Sitting in an armchair with a cold, black aura surrounding her, Mila sipped something clear out of a rocks glass and numbly watched her son cross the living room in search of her.
“Mom!” he exclaimed when he finally saw her. Taking six of the ten steps it took to approach, he was smiling until he noticed the mood around him start to sink. He slowed to a cautious gate. “Mom…?”
“Where have you been?” she interrogated monotonously. Vaska stopped just shy of her reach.
“Mom, you’ve been drink–”
“Answer the question.” Otabek closed the front door. He didn’t move into the living room. He listened intently.
“W-We… Dad was telling me about Yuri,” Mila’s eyes widened, “so we went to go see him.” Mila sat up in her chair, unblinking as she set her glass down. “Mom, I–”
“Go to your room.” Vaska nearly jumped out of his skin. “Now, Visaliy.” He skittered away. When his bedroom door closed, Mila settled back into her chair and tossed back the rest of her cup.
From the front door, Otabek heard her calmly call his name. Gritting his teeth, he ventured into the living room where it was ten degrees colder just with her in it. All his muscles were tense, sensing an oncoming fight. She watched him approach and plant his feet on the opposite side of the living room. 
“You took my son to the cemetery?” she asked slowly, enunciating all of her words.
“He’s my son too. He asked me to go and I said yes.”
“You listened to a ten year old boy?” 
“He’s right, Mila,” Otabek raised his voice just a notch, careful to hide his words from Vaska’s prying ears. “Every day I avoid talking about him, I’m forgetting him little by little. Yuri was–”
“Don’t you dare say that name in my house,” she hissed through her teeth. Otabek was silent, still like a statue. “You promised me. You promised me you wouldn’t do this.” She moved to stand, suddenly feeling dizzy and falling back into her chair. She squeezed her eyes closed with a groan. When she opened them back up, her glass was half full and Otabek was in the kitchen looking for whiskey. “Are you going to lose your fucking mind again?” she spat. Otabek sighed. “I’ll take him. You’ll never see us again.”
“Then go,” he whirled around, squeezing a glass of his own, “go to Italy if you think that’ll make you happy. But he stays with me.”
“No,” she denied, shooting up from her chair. “You didn’t even want him, Otabek.”
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is!” she countered, “if I hadn’t gotten pregnant, you’d be off somewhere with Yuri sucking each other off like a couple of teenagers.”
“Leave him out of this,” he all but growled, but Mila was unimpressed.
“Why? Everything that happened is his fault.”
“I mean it, Mila.”
“Oh my god!” She threw her hands up. “You still don’t fucking love me over a rotting old corpse? It’s been twelve years, there’s probably nothing even down there.” She gasped, startled by the glass in Otabek’s hand exploding in his grasp. He swore and turned into the kitchen to clean up ice, whiskey, and broken glass. He was bleeding. “You’re not gonna do anything,” Mila shook her head, but her heart was beating out of her chest. “You can’t blame me, or Vaska, you can only blame yourself.” Otabek barely looked at her. “What does Katrine say?” she asked with her arms crossed. Otabek was quiet. “What does she say?” Mila repeated herself.
“I stopped seeing her.”
“Oh god… Goddammit, Otabek!”
“If I can’t even talk about him, the dreams are all I have left of–”
“Having sex dreams about a dead body is all you–”
“They’re not sex dreams, they’re morning after dreams, and you’d know that if you’d fucking listen to me!” He realized he was shouting after it was too late. In the silence, Otabek and Mila listened to their son’s confused weeping from his bedroom. He was in there alone, listening to his parents fight, thinking that he’d somehow caused this. Otabek took a few calming breaths for the sake of their son and tried to put his family back together. “You’re my wife, Mila, I should be able to tell you these things.” She scoffed. “You should be able to talk to me too, we haven’t spoken in ages.”
“You wanna talk? Fine, let’s talk.” Otabek took a breath. Before he could let it go, Mila hissed, “I don’t love you either. Why are we even trying if all we do is make each other miserable? Listen to what it’s doing to Vaska!” In his room, Vaska’s crying was getting softer and softer. He was falling asleep. “Yuri is dead,” Mila deadpanned, sitting back in her chair and reaching for her glass. “Maybe you should be too. You’d be happier, right? You’d rather be dead than be here with me?” She rolled her eyes. “Maybe we should all be dead… You, me, V–”
“Vaska!” Charging down the hall, Otabek blew through the door to his son’s bedroom, startling him awake. His cheeks were streaked with tears, eyes puffy and raw. The first thing Otabek did was drop to his knees and pull his boy into his arms, hugging him tight. “Let’s go, buddy. We’ll come back in the morning and get your things for school.” Too tired to walk, Vaska opened his mouth to whine, but Dad was already bending to pick him up. He was too big to carry, but special circumstances called for special privileges. 
“Where are we going?”
“Go get in the car, everything’s fine.”
Otabek took Vaska with him to stay with Victor and Yuuri. It was late by the time they arrived, but Yuuri was expecting them. Stella, who’d been brushing her teeth when they announced their arrival to the house, grabbed Vaska by the arm and pulled him into bed with her, lending him something to sleep in and tucking him in next to her. Otabek took the living room couch, having to fight a small bear to get to it. Even then, Egor tried to sleep on top of him once or twice. But sleep eventually found him and Otabek found himself in the same dream.  
“Beka… Beka…  Wake up!” Otabek’s vision sharpened, and two green eyes were smiling down at him. Long blonde hair tickled his skin. Straddling Otabek’s waist, Yuri peeked out from under the sheets. The sun reflected off his bare chest, filtering in through the windows of his bedroom. Without even thinking, Otabek pulled him down and kissed him all over his face, ending with a slow meaningful peck at his lips. “Good morning to you too,” Yuri joked, falling into an even slower, terribly reverent, almost apologetic kiss that he accepted but didn’t quite understand. “What’s wrong?” he asked when it was over.
“Nothing,” Otabek avoided with a sad sigh. Yuri didn’t press him, hoping a nuzzle and a kiss in the middle of his forehead would make it a little better.  
“So,” he changed the subject when it seemed like they didn’t need to delve any deeper. “If not Charybdis, it should be something else badass.” Sliding down Otabek’s chest, Yuri’s face came to rest in his hands. Otabek could feel his breath on his face. “That that one chick. From Game of Thrones. Arya? That’s sorta Russian.” Yuri shrugged his shoulders.
“What about Visaliy?” Otabek suggested thoughtfully, knowingly. “I have a feeling it’s gonna be a boy. It’s weird, but he kinda looks like you.” Yuri raised a confused brow. “In my head.” 
Yuri took the name under careful consideration, resting his chin in the dip between Otabek’s collar bones. “Hm… Yeah… Okay, I like it. Only if we call him Vaska,” Otabek agreed with a pleased smile, “especially if it embarrasses him.”
“Sounds perfect.”
Yuri sighed, drawing lazy patterns all over Otabek’s chest, watching it rise and fall. A hand made its way into his hair and Yuri purred happily. Otabek swept rogue strands of gold out of his face, out of the way of those eyes peering into him. 
“I wanna stay like this forever,” Yuri mused wistfully.  
“You have no idea how much I feel the same… I love you, Yuri. I don’t tell you that enough.”
“I love you too,” Yuri smiled, “even if you are a cringey bastard.”  
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