#I'm going insane I need to find a way to make this Soma into either my pfp or header EVERYWHERE
yeonban · 11 months
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heyitsmefloofy · 4 years
Thoughts on Castlevania #1 (from SotN to AoS)
what up borgers i'm back
And I actually have some of my friends on this website now so expect more posts from me (I love u both 💖)!
Anyway, I've been going on a bit of a Castlevania marathon (specifically the metroidvania ones) and bc I'm lazy for the sake of brevity I thought I'd make a single post collecting my thoughts on the 4 games I've played so far
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Symphony of the Night
is a really great game c:
The combat is super fun (and only gets better as u progress and get more weapons/abilities), the soundtrack is consistently great, and the sheer attention to detail the developers had when making this game is insane- I was watching a let's play after I finished my playthrough and I was blown away by the amount of secrets and easter eggs that I had missed. You could easily play this game over and over again and find something new every time, and that's crazy to me
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Circle of the Moon
kinda sucks
I'm sorry to any Circle of the Moon fans out there but this is the only one I didn't finish due to how frustrated I got with it. The movement is clunky (who thought the double tap to run was a good idea?), the DSS cards, while cool in theory, in practice are even more of an RNG fest than the souls in Aria of Sorrow due to how low the drop rates are, and the game generally got frustratingly hard. I barely got past Adremelech and when the Dragon Zombies showed up I just gave up lmao
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Harmony of Dissonance
Now this one is way better. From the title screen alone I could already tell that a lot more love and care was put into Harmony than Circle of the Moon, and it shows in the gameplay as well. The combat is, despite being whip-only, really fun, and the addition of spells that change depending on which sub-weapon you have makes for cool flashy attacks and fun discovery and experimentation. Even the dagger is useful, which I can't say is true in SotN and CotM.
The movement in this game is also really fucking fun. I loved being able to dash all over the place from the get-go, and it's something I immediately missed after starting the next game.
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Aria of Sorrow
Ah yes, the big boy of the GBA trilogy. This is undoubtedly the best one of the three. The variety in the weaponry Soma has is even greater than Alucard's in SotN, and the souls system gives u lots of different tools to play with, both for exploration and fighting. I don't like how the souls are just random drops (meaning that if u want a specific one u need to grind for it), but on the other hand I don't see how else they could've done it.
I also like the difficulty curve in this one the most. While the other games I've played so far got either too easy or too hard at times, Aria felt like it maintained a constant challenge all throughout, and got harder the closer u got to the end as all games should. Speaking of endings, these games are way too short ;w;
Overall, Aria is another "best game in the series" contender for sure. SotN is still the king in my eyes for now, but we'll see if that changes once I finish the DS trilogy 👀
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