#I'll write an actual bio laaater
wanted to make a little character bio thing for Robbie's pinned
Full name: Claudia Roberta Marianna
Aliases: Robbie; To Be Decided
Alignment: Hero (allegedly)
Age: somewhere between 19 and 22 (they aren't sure)
Pronouns: She/They (you can just pick one they don't care about alternating them)
Family: Wilson Fisk/Kingpin (Father); Vanessa Marianna (Mother); Richard Fisk (Brother; Deceased); Julius Marianna (adopted son)
Romantic Partners: Orlando Octavius/Doctor Octopus (ex-girlfriend); Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl (girlfriend); Ana Kravinoff/Black Cat (girlfriend)
Residence: Digital New York (previously); Nebrraska, Wyoming (usually); Gotham, New Jersey (currently)
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