#I'd say I'm tempted to write a part 2 but it's so horrendous if I just leave it like this that it's so tempting to just. not.
rogueddie · 1 year
Something is wrong.
Steve isn't sure that Nancy or Robin notice- Nancy is so focused on reloading as fast as she can, having practiced enough to get it down to seconds, and Robin looks too entranced.
Vecna is... pausing. When he's shot, he lingers where he stumbles. Just for a second, just enough for Steve to notice. Not enough to look odd, but Steve is looking too closely. Too paranoid about something going wrong.
Just before the last shot, the one that knocks him out the window, Vecnas eyes search them. From Nancy, to Robin, then stopping on Steve. He smirks, just a little, before charging at Nancy. Screaming.
He has the same powers as El, Steve remembers, why isn't he throwing us across the room with his telekinesis? Using the vines?
Something is wrong.
By the time they get downstairs, his body is gone. But they don't have time to think about that too long. The clock chimes.
"Max," Nancy says.
The ground shakes, even more violent that before. He grabs the end of the banister, barely keeping himself from falling on his ass. He swings around, reaching around Nancy so he can grab onto Robin. He holds them both upright, grunting with the effort after a moment, the ground shaking for a long time.
When everything stops, when the world stills, they don't say anything. They wait, before sharing a look.
They run out the door at the same time, sprinting as fast as they can. Steve takes the lead, the space between him and girls growing ever wider.
"Eddie!" Dustins distant voice yells.
Steve changes course immediately. He hears Robin yelling after him.
It doesn't take him long to find them. With how heavily injured Eddie is, he feels lucky to have gotten to them in time.
"Dustin, get through the gate, call an ambulance."
"I c-can't leave him al-"
"I've got him, ok? Go!"
Dustin sobs, grip on Eddies jacket tightening for a moment, but he does as he's told. He limps, but moves fast, hurrying back to the trailer.
"Thanks," Eddie chokes out. His grin is forced. "He shouldn't have to... see this."
"Don't thank me yet."
Steve wigglings his hands under Eddies back and knees, gritting his teeth at how wet his arms get with blood. He's easy to lift, but the pained screams are horrible enough that Steve is tempted to put him down. To ease that pain.
"Fuck, Harrington!" Eddie pants, shaking in his arms. "Let me die in peace."
"You're not dying."
Eddie groaned, dropping his head onto Steves shoulder. Every step makes his wounds burn a little more. "Steve, please."
But, by then, they're already inside the trailer.
"Get more pillows or blankets, give him a softer landing!" Steve instructs.
He sets Eddies legs down as gentle as he can, awkwardly dragging a chair over to the portal. There's a new rope set up, the fabric blackened- the Upside Down sheets.
Steve doesn't wait for a go ahead, carefully and slowly climbing up the chair. It's hard to lift Eddie up, hard to support his entire weight, especially without causing him further injury.
"Catch him, alright?!"
"Alright!" Nancy calls back. "We're ready!"
Steve has to move slowly, trying to be as gentle as he can as he slowly lifts Eddie up to the gate. He tries to be careful of his wounds but, judging by his whimpers, he doesn't do a great job.
The edges of the gate pulse, glow, as he lifts Eddie through. He's almost sure that, for a moment, they move- but he's not sure because, at that same moment, gravity takes hold of Eddie.
"Yes!" Robin cheers.
His landing isn't soft, but it doesn't get more than a groan out of him. It's the best they could've hoped for.
The edges of the gate still look... wrong.
"Come on, just move the sofa," Nancy directs. Between the two of them, they move the mattress, with Eddie still on it, pretty fast. "Alright, Steve, come on through!"
As soon as Steve starts to climb the rope, the edges of the gate start moving. Fast.
"Holy shit," Eddie notices first. "It's closing!"
"Oh, shit," Dustin yells, dropping the phone so he can run to the gate. "Steve!"
"Come on!" Robin encourages.
He has to stop though, the gate already too small for him to fit through by the time he reaches the top of the rope. He drops down, the closed gate cutting the make-shift rope in half.
He doesn't land hard, but the Upside Down is so eerily quiet that it echoes like a gunshot.
Nancy, Robin, Eddie and Dustins panicked yelling sounds muffled, distant. Not the same way it had at Wheelers. Somehow, it sounds even more distant. More... out of reach.
Even the portal- though it still glows an ominous red, it looks thicker. He can't see the broom hitting the portal, even though he can hear Dustin yelling at Robin to hit harder.
They can't break through.
He's stuck there.
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