#I’m sorry but for some reason every single villain Rick Riordan writes sucks me in
f0xgl0v3 · 3 months
I drew art! Guys I did the thing. Well- I’m in the ever perpetual process of doing the thing but uhhhh,
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It’s Mercury and Octavian :3. I’ve affectionately started calling them the Gaea duo and it was a little unintentional to make them together but uhhhh. Yeah! Soon I’ll get maybe Michael and Dakota done, we’ll see. I also have a little comic panel piece for a SoN scene in the works but hhhhhhh-
Also the Octavian one is… probably gonna be re-worked? I like having these pictures as a way to reference my designs for the characters (the Larry one I drew way back when is great). But I’m still working out how I want Octavian to Octavian so uh- yeah. Maybe his siblings will get something one day, like names.
Also tomorrow marks the day I’m forcing myself to sit down and read through the Dark prophecy (as much as I can get through, hopefully all of it because I know I can finish that book in a day *I did it with SoN and tLT to what’s one more?*) and that means Lit stuff.
I love the silly goofy goober. Also maybe Oracle things? The setup for things like Dadonna was interesting and maybe possibly I’ll try my hand at our villains for this arc (I don’t know but ToA Nero has a HOLD on me. Purely just for how silly goofy in the worst way but he like ahfoaksnejak- so excited to see Caligula and Commodus :3)
Or I’ll give up everything and then there will be probably Harley something. Or stuff about the Augurculanum because Octavian so deserved to have one and it’s so weird that he didn’t like omg-
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