#I’m only gonna get like. $130-smth back too……. I hate it here
what-the-fuck-khr · 3 months
had to spend $260 today for a consultation-slash-ecg-very quick echo to look at my heart. got told to do a stress test and also wear a monitor for a day. that is about $200 and the monitor is $450 or some shit like that. Medicare does pay most of this back for all of these (about $130+ for the payment today, and for my appointment like $1__+ smth back from the first number and $3__ smth back for the other) and that’s fine I guess. the actual out of pocket payments isn’t too much. except. this upcoming appointment in a fortnight. I need to pay the whole thing up front so they can refund me, instead of just paying the out of pocket cost. I guess for the paperwork to be official for Medicare. I need to get $650 together for it first. oh my fucking god. FOR A STRESS TEST AND A HEART MONITOR FOR 24 HOURS????? I KNOW I GET THE MONEY BACK BUT ARE YOU. KIDDING ME??? I STILL NEED TO FIND THE ACTUAL $650 IN PERSON FOR THE DAY REGARDLESS. WHAT THE FUCK LOL. I ONLY GET PAID $700 A FORTNIGHT??? I HAVE BILLS AND SHIT TO PAY OUT OF THAT??? I ONLY GET PAID ONCE BEFORE THE APPOINTMENT?????????
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