#I’m moving everything Valuable to what I perceive as safer ground
sweet-as-kiwis · 5 months
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gamillianwrites · 5 years
The wonders of being “retired”
Style: Multichapter (hopefully) 
Wc: ??
Warnings: Cursing, lmk if i forgot something
Summary: Amelia got a letter in the mail with a job request from an anonymous person to “take out” a target with valuable information that they don’t want to be spread around. Speil and Willow were the only available friends to help out, so they run the job stealthily.  
A/N: This is my first time actually publishing something I’ve written so I hope people like it! It was fun and I’m thinking about posting regularly. 
The job is meant to be simple. Get in, take out the target (either out of the building or with Speil’s shortsword), get out. Amelia and Speil are on recon duty, and if they find the target they have permission to put him to sleep if he resists extraction. 
The letter came in the week prior, and it was the standard “An alias of mine has retreated to this and this location and I either want them returned or dead because they have secrets that can overthrow my company. You will be paid handsomely.” type jobs. You know, as you do on a nice Saturday morning. So, Amelia hit up the group chat consisting of her, the wife and three of her best “retired” hero friends. Speil and Wifey were the only ones available, so the job would be mainly stealth based. Not Amelia’s favorite style of job, but a fun one nonetheless.
Speil approaches the destination from the north followed by Amelia. The farm is down a small hill, with plenty of cover at their current location. From this vantage point, they have a perfect view of the farm. It’s your stereotypical movie farm hideout, big red barn with a silo. Across from it is a small and cosy white house with a little shed. A dirt path splits the two buildings and leads to a road on the far end away from Amelia and Speil. The opposite direction leads to the farmland next to where they are hiding.
“So, we have two options, las. Either I stay back and keep an eye on ye while you zip about jamming to yer music, or we can split up and we take a building each.” whispers the heavily accented voice next to her.  
Looking at him he’s not much, just a tall and skinny guy from Scotland, which is exactly what he wants. You can hear him frequently say, “The best deception’s are the underestimated one’s, and I love being underestimated.”  He’s wearing an oversized green/grey cloak that looks like a blanket with a hood that hides most of his features, and works well as camouflage. 
“I have a feeling you’ve already decided.” 
“Aye, yer right about that one. From the looks of it, nobody seems to be home, besides our potential target. From a tactical standpoint it’s safer if we go down us two with Willow as backup when she’s in position.” As he says that seven rapid pulses of light aimed at their location signal that Willow is ready. “Speak of the devil and she’ll come to play poker!” he chuckles and scratches his head.  “ As I was saying, tactically, it’s better that we don’t split up. That way the three of us aren’t spread out thin. We will be vulnerable to an ambush from this side, but Willow should be able to spot ‘em if that were to happen.” 
“I’m liking the sound of it so far. You want the barn or the house?”
“Honestly the barn would be nice Besides, you’d be able to search the house much quicker than I ever could.” 
Nodding in agreement she pulls out a signalling mirror, responding to Willow’s flashes of light with a single pulse. She glances back at the man after receiving a confirmation signal, only to see that he’s vanished without a sound. 
“Good luck, Amelia. Make sure to look out for booby traps,.” she mumbles to herself as she opens up her phone and starts the playlist titled “gotta be swift”. “See you on the other side, Speil.” she says as time seems to slow and every sound around her is drowned out by the intro of Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics. 
Since she is considerably faster than everything in the world except people with speed abilities, Amelia takes her sweet time. She jogs down the green hills to see if she can spot anything that can detect their presence. Speil has undoubtedly looked out for something like that as well, but it’s better to be on the safe side. One satisfyingly natural hill later, she continues her jog towards the house.
Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?
The house is two stories tall, and the paint faded and cracked. To her left she can see Speil’s legs dangling in the air, while he’s mid somersault through a window on the ground level of the barn. Chuckling at the sight, Amelia snaps a photo.
I travel the world and the seven seas, Everybody’s looking for something.
There’s a slanted double door that leads to a cellar, a small shed to the left of the house, and an old front door.  Amelia jogs over to the shack and tries the door. It’s unlocked.       
“Sweet, love it when that happens.” she says to herself.
Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you.
A quick run through the shack shows it’s unoccupied with an exception to a couple sacks of potatoes and animal feed. Turning around, she goes straight for the cellar door, opening it in a swift action. It’s dark. The only source of light is the sun above her. 
Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.
“Not as sweet, but it’s fine.” Amelia scratches her head, reaches for her phone and turns on the flashlight making a sound as she pushes the button. A quick jog through the cellar shows it’s empty besides a big pile of boxes in the corner. As Amelia moves up the stairs to the surface, she remarks “Someone left here in a hurry. I wonder who the target even is?” The air around her ripples as she speeds through the room faster than any living thing could perceive. 
Amelia looks back to where Speil was mid tumble and to her dismay, he’s landed and started up the stairs. So far, no sign of life. Both the front and back doors are locked, and a quick lap around the house shows that all the windows are locked as well. “Not ideal, but it can work.” 
Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?
Amelia takes the tactical decision of going to the backdoor, which has a big glass pane in the center of it. “This lock seems simple enough.” she says as she punches the glass and unlocks the door. “Who needs lockpicks when you can do that instead?”
I travel the world, and the seven seas. Everybody’s looking for something.
Amelia quickly scans the kitchen she just entered.She jogs to the front door to unlock it. The kitchen is quite large,with a stove and refrigerator. There’s a small table in the center with four chairs around it. On the far side of the room, there’s a counter that you can access from the living room. To the left of the refrigerator is the backdoor that Amelia had just entered through, and on the opposite side of the building, just outside of the kitchen, is the front door. The floor outside of the kitchen is completely carpeted, and it seems like it’s this way all the way up to the second floor. 
Dust clouds erupt from the carpet as she steps down. She can feel the wood under the carpeted floor creak and crack as she moves deeper into the house. There’s a door under the stairs that is cracked open, which she supposes leads to the cellar. “It’s oddly empty here? Has the anonymous employer fucked with us?” 
Hold your head up. Keep your head up, movin’ on 
Looking up the stairs, the second floor is dark. The eerie emptiness of the place is getting to Amelia, and she’s starting to get nervous. It would’ve been better if the place had been filled with people, at least then she could punch someone. Or lightly tap them with full speed. People don’t notice any difference, it hurts either way.  
Hold your head up, movin’ on. Keep your head up, movin’ on.
She runs up the stairs, only followed by eruptions of dust. In the first room to the right, she has a perfect view of the barn. The room has a bed neatly tucked into the corner, and posters of a child's favorite soccer team plastered on the walls. She can see Speil in the opposite building from a window on the second floor of the barn. His face covered by a cowl as he leaps off the banister that keeps people from falling down to the ground. Effective way to get down, but an unnecessary risk.
Hold your head up. Keep your head up, movin’ on.
Turning around, she leaves the bedroom. The floor moves under the stress of having someone run at superhuman speed over it. The room on the opposite side of the hall is a bathroom.She runs to the room diagonally and admires Speil’s leap from what seems to be a study room.
Hold your head up, movin on’ Keep your head up, movin’ on.
Three figures are standing behind Speil. She recognizes them as his mirror images. “That’s weird, why would he be using those now?” Amelia’s mind races with possibilities. “Wait, wasn’t there a door downstairs? There wasn’t any door that led up to the main building from the ce-” She was sprinting down before she could finish the thought. The floor under her’s heating up and contorting upwards, as the walls of the house are shaking. 
Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you.
The only thought going through Amelia’s head was a long and drawn out ‘Shiiiit’ followed by several other profane thoughts and an instinctual terror that she hasn’t felt since she was a little girl. She sprints down the stairs as they expand and distort from their normal shape. In certain parts, the stairs have seperated and reveal a glowing ball of flame that’s still expanding. Halfway down the stairs she loses her footing and hits the ground at the bottom of the steps, making her lose focus for half a second, which is enough for the explosion to get too close for comfort. 
Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.
The kitchen is also mid-explosion, and she curses herself for not opening some windows. The explosion under the stairs is evolving right in front of her. She can feel the heat singing the hairs on her arms and face. Amelia ducks under a piece of flying wood and dives through a window, cutting up her arms as she rolls on the ground and launches into a sprint.  
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