#I’m currently doing a TSC rereading and I can’t wait to get up to TDA again!
witchlingcirce · 18 days
Since I made one for our Dru dearest, thought I’d make one for Kit (Ty coming soon🙂‍↕️!)
Every (most) offical art of Kit Herondale post TDA:
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(Artwork by the wonderful Cassandra Jean)
Does he have gold blonde hair? Does he have pale blonde hair? We will never know 🙂‍↕️
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judenightfell · 5 years
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So I made this blog a couple of weeks ago and still haven’t made a proper introduction of myself in this community, so here we go!
My name is Ash (at least, it’s my nickname online, but my full name isn’t Ashley), I’m 20 and currently in my third year of uni. I’m an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing, and a Film minor, and I will be able to graduate early (hell yes, less money to owe! *she says as she’s already drowning in debt*) I’m working towards one day becoming a published author, and will possible be an editor in a publishing house first (peeps need to contact me back UGH)
I got into TSC when I was in 10th grade--the movie was being made and I read through all the first 5 TMI books like three times, waiting for CoHF to drop, and guys let me tell you, once it did, I read all the way through to the dreams in Edom and then for some God damn reason stopped and didn’t read any more until next year. idk why (I totally know why--i hate when things end) BUT then I realised TID series was finishing up, so I read all of those, then went back to finish cohf lmao
then, things were pretty quiet for me with these books. I wasn’t apart of the fandom (my main tumblr is a 1d blog, so if you see stylesmyth liking your post, but chocolateforemma reblogging, that’s me lmao) and I had no clue tda was being written. But summer of 2018 came around, I was bored as shit and decided to reread the first two series for like the twentieth time, and THEN found out about TDA and fuck man, that wait for Queen was brutal
my relationship with these books is so weird. I have plenty of books on my shelves that I’ve never even opened to read (maybe one day *insert “and then I didn’t” gif*) but I find myself drawn to keep reading and rereading these books, and never get tired of it (I finished rsom the other day and also finished my reread of shadowhunter academy, so I’ll likely start a reread of tmi as soon as a 10pg paper about Hamlet if off my shoulders)
now, how about some stats (not really stats, but just favourite, least favourites of stuff) fav book? literally can’t decide, next question least fav? City of Fallen Angels, fight me fav series? i could sit here all day and go back and forth between them movie or tv show? MOVIE WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT (side note: in January, I decided I would try to watch the show, but i kid you not, the first minute of it pissed me off so fucking much, and WHY THE FUCK WOULD JOCELYN GIVE CLARY A STELE UGH, obvs i have very passionate thoughts about the first ten mins of the pilot episode so movie) ((another note: I WILL FOREVER BE PISSED THE MOVIES DIDN’T CONTINUE)) fav ships: listen. I know everyone here loves malec and kitty and yes I do love them too, but because of the way I connect with books, I typically go for the ships that are presented immediately and latch onto them more: Clace, Wessa and Jemma (I do like Jem and Tessa, but fuck I love Will) ((and I’m sure I’ll latch onto Kitty when twp comes out and when...they’re a better age to appropriately ship))
faceclaims? (I think y’all call them fancast) but I see all the tmi characters as those cast in the movie (lily, Jamie, etc), for TID Astrid Berges-Frisbey as Tess and Douglas Booth as Will, and TDA i think I’ve settled for Lorenzo Zurzolo for Julian but God I’ve been having the toughest time finding someone I like for Emma (so if you have thoughts, I would love to hear your fc for her)
last thing, I’ve been graphic designing for six (seven?) years, so you’ll probs be seeing more from me in the future (i would love to get into drawing the characters but school ugh no time) but for now you can check out my Enneagram Series and request a character you’d like me to do next!!!
Cool, okay, this was long (stop by my inbox to chat, would love to get to know the peeps in the community more!!!)
Ash x
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