#I’ll have to update my masterlist links btw because of the username change apparently rip
littleoddwriter · 8 months
Blog/Personal Updates (used to be: ronaldrx)
Hey there, again! Another update from yours truly. x') So, without going into too much detail about my personal life, I just had to say that I've been focusing more on myself, as a person, and coming to lots of realisations (some bad, some good). Thus, I've also started to think about making some more changes to accommodate myself and to feel more comfortable on here, like I had already begun months ago.
Since I've been starting my medical transition from female to male, I have come to feel more comfortable with my femininity again. I've been realising that I belong more on the non-binary spectrum, rather than strictly being binary trans. That realisation also came with a change to my writing. I used to be very uncomfortable with female!reader stories because they made me feel very dysphoric. But, now I'm actually okay with it. Especially when I'm writing them myself. So, my writing will now also include female!readers, which means that I'm open to any and all readers, not just masc/non-binary ones.
The other thing is that I now know why sexual NSFW writing has become extremely uncomfortable for me, personally. And why it was always changing for me, in terms of being able to write it normally, and feeling completely repulsed by it. Without going into detail, I had to, unfortunately, realise that I'm a CSA victim. So, sexual NSFW writing is something I will not do again. Hinting at it should usually be fine, but anything explicit is off-limits for me indefinitely.
And lastly, as you may have noticed, I've changed my username from ronaldrx to littleoddwriter. I hate changes like that, lmfao, but it was long overdue, to be honest!
Those should be all the changes for the future. My rules and guidelines have changed accordingly, as you can now read for yourself on my Pinned Post. I felt it was necessary to make a separate post to explain where those changes came from, considering a lot of you have been reading my writing since the beginning and know that I used to be strictly masc/non-binary and also used to write a lot of sexual NSFW stories. Anyway, my requests are open for a limited time (until I received 10 that I'll accept to write), and I'm looking forward to them. But please be aware that it might take me longer than expected to write and post them! As you may know, though, I always tell you if I don't accept your request, so you aren't waiting for something that will never come. Otherwise, please be patient with me! Take care! <3
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