#I’ll admit the primo one is me projecting
countmothra · 1 year
Since you guys like pain so much.
•Terzo hates looking in the mirror because all he can see is Nihil staring back at him
•After the kiss the go goat incident, Imperator promised herself that she would never love someone as much as she loved Nihil (this plan backfired when she found out she was pregnant with copia)
•Nihil pick favorites and will let the other boys KNOW that they are lesser than the prized child (before his death, it was Terzo and Nihil made SURE secondo and primo knew they would never be as good as Terzo)
•Primo struggles heavily with self esteem issues
•Secondo devoted so much of his time to Ghost that when he was asked to step down, he had no idea what to do with himself.
•Copia was largely shunned by the other children in the ministry due to his interest in rats and the plauge
•when their respective papa dies, the ghouls feel every bit of pain and agony their papa is feeling
•Before he got his ghouls, Copias only friends were his rats.
•Nihils children were not allowed to play with the other kids, they were expected to dedicate their lives to becoming papa and running the ghost project
•Terzo and Secondo were always in competition with each other since they were born so close together, this caused a huge rift in their bond that was only starting to be repaired when they were killed by Sister
•None of the emeritus boys know who their mothers were/are as they were separated as soon as possible
Bonus kind of funny HC:
•in the ministry, the emeritus boys getting decked by sister imperator is their version of a baptism.
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perfect-chancellor · 5 years
My blog talks a lot about Esteban (MUCH) so I thought for once, I was going to talk about the other characters by giving my opinion on each of them.😆
I think that after Esteban, it's her that I prefer. Elena is really the friend I would have liked to have at school. She is daring, ingenious, brave and really great. I admire her enthusiasm every time she does something and the connection she has with her family is so beautiful. I also admire his leadership temperament. She knows how to lead the troops and impose her ideas without hesitation and above all, she is not afraid to be heard and defend her beliefs. His little faults? Well she is stubborn, sometimes naive, impulsive but other than that, she is really great
It's a character that I appreciate very much. He is kind, talented, brave and so funny. He is also a calm, laid-back and rather studious person who studies and practices his magic relentlessly and with passion. The small rivalry he has with Gabe in some episodes amuses me much as his awkwardness and his movements of dances. I think he has evolved a lot and I'm sure he's not finished surprising us
Well, I'll be honest, Gabe is far from being my favorite character. In fact, it's the character that touches me the least. So yes, he amuses me from time to time as when he became El Guapo or riding a donkey. Apart from that, I find him brave of course, attentive, always ready to protect Elena (I'm not sure she really needs protection, but hey), he's a very helpful and ambitious boy. On the other hand, I find that Elena does not have the same link with Gabe as with Mateo, I have seen more moments of complicity with Mateo so I join the Eleteo team and I send Gabe with Naomi
Ok, I'm going to end up hating myself here, but Naomi, like Gabe, is not really the character I love the most. What I like most about her is his complicity / rivalry with Esteban (on the other hand, I can not join Esteomi, I try, I can not) and his clairvoyance (it's the only one to beware of Rita). For the rest, I'm not a fan of his personality and his style. Although I find her important character in the series, of course, it's a key element, but unlike Elena, I do not see myself becoming friends with her. The only episode where she catches my attention is in "My fair Naomi" (Esteban comes out of this body😅) and I admit that it made me laugh in "The kigndom fair" when she runs after the little pigs😂
It's funny my little sister and I have the same age difference as Elena and Isabel but my sister is more like Elena and me to Isabel. I love her because she is intelligent, studious, calm and thoughtful. We work a little in the same way and often, when she feels something and well, I feel the same thing. Like when she wants to work alone on her project and the mistress sticks a team (sorry Elena but I'm still convinced that I work best alone for a school project) And then she is so cute! I would like to see her more interact with Esteban, more primo / angel moment I want more!😍😭 And his bond with his sister is so true. Not to mention his talents as a handyman. She is a girl full of promise.
Ah this good old armando. We are far from the caricature of the baileywick gentleman. How not to have compassion for him? He is devoted, generous, funny. I had so much trouble when he spilled his guava juice that he had lovingly prepared it in "The King of Carnival". It is true that he is quite awkward and sometimes not very clever (Rita is the living proof) but other than that, I think everyone would like to have an Armando as a friend.
Admit that you would be ready to trade your grandmother against Luisa? This woman is just great! She is direct, intentional and prepares tamales like no one. I like his energy in "Olaball" and his singular replicas in "Royal Rivalry". She always has good advice and is, like Naomi, endowed with clairvoyance that other characters apparently don't possess (no, frankly guys, Shuriki disguised as Isa, you'll see it anyway?) In short, I like that. She is fun and dynamic.
Just for his timeless "guitar" I love it! Francisco is really a grandfather of gold. Like Luisa, he always has good advice. I would like to know even more stories about his youth and especially to see more interactions with Esteban. I also like his elegant costume and ... his energy! If at his age I can do a triple jump, I could die in peace!😅
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perfectlyuniquebear · 4 years
Vibrant veins in me.
I am feeling so much grateful that you come here to know the start of my journey in my course Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.
Furthermore, I want to partake with you folks My Desired Skills be it hard skills and soft skill. I made this blog in taking part of the activity purposes.
“You are like an embellish ornament with a detailed color that makes you in bouyancy.  An inamorata that gives love to those hearts that was smashed.  A gal who would dare to be fierce and couldn’t be vent. A ladylike that is the primo in her path.”                                                             -Grant Mendaño
A pleasant day to you all folks! I am Grant Kisha F. Mendaño, 18 years of age from the Philippines and as I have stated at the beginning, I am taking the course – BSA, and I am your Future Certified Public Accountant. Yes, you read that right! a CPA, but before I’ll take another step to hold the diploma that I’m eager to have then I need first to pass this four-year course that I have chosen obviously. However, I just want to share to you all that I am a type of person who really likes to sing, read poetry and make one, learn Hangul (Korean Language) on my own, play guitar and ukulele and I’m a Pluviophile person wherein I find joy and peace of mind just watching the raindrops. Conversely, At first, I didn’t know my goals and what to do after I graduate in senior high school. I am aloof to everyone in school, but when I realized how my parents sacrificed everything, my mom and dad working overtime always, the tiredness in their eyes and body is so blunt, they’re being selfless just to give me and my three siblings a good life, I thought that I want to give them a good life that’s why when I took a stepped in becoming a senior high school student I really pour the whole thing in my studies, achieving with high grades every quarter and being top 1 in my school.
Moreover, the moment I learned that I am the Valedictorian, I was so exuberant to go home that time and make them the happiest parents in the world and what I’m expecting to them was a tear of contentment. Thus, I’m always reminiscing that part of my life on which gives me more encouragement to reach what I’ve planned for them in the future. And with that, boost my self-confidence more and me as an individual, I feel like I’m really getting connected to myself. On the other hand, I was blue for almost 1 year, some wants me to be in a thought of muddled but I realized that truly knowing your value as a person, having connected to your inner self, I’ll tell you now, no one as in No One can put you in a grave of dismay. At this point, I want to partake this to anyone who’s feeling that they can’t do anything right and having fear that they will not satisfy the people that surrounds them “Always know your worth because that will lead you in an enlightenment and to a better future.”
My achievements in senior high school.
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Now as you already overview my journey in life, my goals and experiences, I want to share MY DESIRED SKILLS that I want to obtain in my system.
“Hard skills are specific abilities, or capabilities, that an individual can possess and demonstrate in a measured way.”
Presentation Skills – this hard skill is really a challenging expertise to acquire for the reason that it covers the Visual communication, Slideshows, Research, Data analysis, Reporting, Persuasion, Graphic design and these insides of it for me is really hard to obtain and the field that I have chosen, this type of skill is very important to be in my system for me to become more flexible in this kind of path.
 “ Soft skills are subjective skills that are much harder to quantify. Also known as “people skills” or “interpersonal skills,” soft skills relate to the way you relate to and interact with other people.”
Time management - As aiming to 1.25 grade, I seriously need to acquire this skill in my system. Yes, I do have a time management but I’m admitting that the way I manage my time is not enough for me not to procrastinate. So, through getting this skill will allow me to accomplish more things in a shorter period of time, which leads me to have a more free time, which lets me take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers my stress, and helps me focus, that I surely know leads me to a more career success. I can just have this skill if I’ll do earnestly the 4D’s: Do, Defer (Delay), Delegate, and Delete (Drop). Placing a task or project into one of these categories will help me manage my deficient time more effectively and stay focused on what matters most to me.
Anyways guys, I made some poem and I want it to share it here with you and feel free to express your thoughts about this piece I have created^^ hope you will like it!  “A compassionate heart you have but can be hellacious once you have been stepped on.                A sympathetic trait you have that shines you uniquely.               You are that person who’s aggressive but needed to be care of and love dearly.”
  “Everything seems gloomy in your world.   Letting someone throw your heart out. But you managed to lit that forlorn candle of yours. Tearing every little pieces of torn in you and wears the ring that’ll make you bloom.”
 “Gilt-edge that I’ve been found in lots of deserts of diamonds. Gem-like that attracts the eye of finical. A regalia that needed to be thoroughly cared of. And the current that set through the spark been happening in the veins of my heart.”
By the way, I joined a leadership training back when I was in Junior high achieving an award with my team.
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I am part of the ambassador in Gateways Institute in Science and Technology, experiencing to sing in front of President Duterte, performing in a big event like competition wherein the competitors came from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao held at Novaliches, Quezon City and also, performing in different kind of huge events.
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if you want to know me more just follow my instagram account: ishant_grant.
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dasynka · 7 years
Starbucks to start the second day in Valencia (here the first). It would also have been my mom’s nameday, September 29th. So we went to see the Gulliver Park: taken from Swift’s novel, the moment when the protagonist on his trip is imprisoned by the Lillipuzians, men high just 15 inches. This park is built as if we were the Lillipuzians who run and play around a giant Gulliver-carousel lying on the ground. Mom often named this story when we were little, it was a novel she had loved in her endless and polyglot teens reading.
The City of Arts and Science is right there. It’s composed of several buildings including the Museum of Science (interactive experiments on sound, brain, waves, energy, dinosaurs, space, nature …), the Hemisphere (where several films are projected, but I must admit that we were a bit disappointed), and externally the Oceanographic (sharks, dolphin shows, beluga, crocodiles, birds … and an underwater restaurant). While I was in front of the beluga tub, the beluga mother stopped for several seconds, I had the real impression she was smiling at me. I have a faint emotion for these animals when I first saw them in Canada and touched them. I’ll tell you one day.
On the pools surrounding the city’s buildings you could rent canoes, water hoverboards or stay in a floating ball. It has been one of the most deep experience of my life. Being there, in that balloon, flowing on the water, without anyone except you. As you always are. An acoustic and emotional isolation. The world’s sounds are away, and even if you are in a pool in front of so many people, you can feel yourself. You hear the sound of an acoustically closed place, like underwater or in a small room. After spending the first few minutes trying to stand up and falling and laughing and crawling on the water, I stopped to look my little world inside those two cubic meters of space. The sound of my thoughts. The bubble of apathy in which I lock myself up when I feel too full, when too many conflicting emotions fist in me and nullify each other. It’s a place where I find peace, and I repeated that it was exactly here that I would be back the next time that all around in my life would have become too loud. I lay down and let the water float, breathing deeply and remembering. Ten minutes that seemed like an eternity.We wandered around the city in the evening, dined with Spanish paella (meat and fish) in the square right in front of the Basilica of the Virgin of the Abandoned, and tasted the churros in a historic chocolate (though they were definitely too fried, and the chocolate too sweet, we left a part for the nausea). There is only one other day left to tell about this trip. xx Dasynka
PS. Total look of Zaful: shirt, pants and sunglasses.
Starbucks per iniziare il secondo giorno a Valencia (qui il primo). Sarebbe stato anche l’onomastico di mamma, 29 settembre. Così siamo passate a vedere il parco di Gulliver: tratto dal romanzo di Swift, il momento in cui il protagonista durante il suo viaggio viene imprigionato dai Lillipuziani, uomini alti 15 centimetri. Questo parco è costruito come se noi fossimo i Lillipuziani che corrono e giocano intorno ad un gigantesco Gulliver-giostra steso a terra. Mamma nominava spesso questa storia quando eravamo piccole, erano un romanzo che aveva amato nelle sue infinite e poliglotte letture adolescenziali.
La Città delle Arti e della Scienza è proprio lì vicino. È composta da diversi edifici tra cui il Museo delle Scienze (esperimenti interattivi sul suono, sul cervello, sulle onde, sull’energia, dinosauri, spazio, natura…), l’Emisfero (in cui proiettano diversi film, ma devo ammettere che ne siamo rimaste un po’ deluse), ed esternamente l’Oceanografico (squali, spettacolo dei delfini, beluga, coccodrilli, uccelli… e un ristorante subacqueo). Mentre ero davanti alla vasca dei beluga, la madre beluga si è fermata per diversi secondi, ho avuto la reale impressione che mi osservasse sorridendo. Ho un debole emozionale per questi animali, quando li ho visti e toccati per la prima volta in Canada. Lo racconterò un giorno.
Sulle piscine che circondavano gli edifici della città si poteva noleggiare delle canoe, hoverboard acquatici o stare in una sfera galleggiante. È stata una delle esperienze più profonde della mia vita. Essere lì, in quel pallone, a fluttuare sull’acqua, senza nessun’altro eccetto te. Come sempre siamo. Un isolamento acustico ed emozionale. I suoni del mondo sono lontani, e anche se sei in una piscina di fronte a tante altre persone, riesci a percepire te stesso. Si sente il rumore di un posto acusticamente chiuso, come sott’acqua o in una piccola stanza. Dopo aver trascorso i primi minuti a cercare di stare in piedi e a cadere e ridere e gattonare sull’acqua, mi sono fermata ad osservare il mio piccolo mondo dentro quei due metri cubi di spazio. Il suono dei miei pensieri. La bolla di apatia in cui mi rinchiudo quando sento di esplodere, quando le troppe emozioni contrastanti fanno a pugni dentro me e si annullano vicendevolmente. È un posto in cui ritrovo la pace, e mi ripetevo che era esattamente qui dentro che sarei tornata la prossima volta che tutto intorno nella mia vita sarebbe divenuto troppo rumoroso. Mi sono stesa e ho lasciato che l’acqua mi dondolasse, respirando a fondo e ricordando. Dieci minuti che sembravano un’eternità.
Abbiamo girovagato per la città di sera, cenato con paella spagnola (a base di carne e pesce) nella piazza proprio di fronte alla Basilica della Vergine degli Abbandonati, e assaggiato i churros in una cioccolateria storica (anche se erano decisamente troppo fritti, e la cioccolata troppo dolce, abbiamo lasciato una parte per la nausea). Manca un solo altro giorno da raccontare per archiviare questo viaggio. xx Dasynka
PS. Total look di Zaful: camicia, pantalone e occhiali.
SHIRT: Zaful (here) PANTS: Zaful (here) SUNGLASSES: Zaful (here) SHOES: Blink (similare here) BACKPACK: Forever21 (similar here)
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Photography by me and Carmela.vix, www.carmelavicedomini.it
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VALENCIA | DAY 2 Starbucks to start the second day in Valencia (here the first). It would also have been my mom's nameday, September 29th.
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