#I will die on the hill that all Lucio needed was a good sugar daddy
consul-valerius · 7 months
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The Duke welcomes home a new partner he met over seas—no, he doesn’t resemble the dead count of Vesuvia at all. This guy’s name is Lorenzo.
Originally was just a mushy kiss kiss between the bastard men, but then I wanted to attempt to draw out an idea for a new arm customized by Sam for Lucio in an “upright” ending scenario for them (ie Lucio is properly banished from Vesuvia and gets to shack up at the Pearl Isles to avoid all his problems and woes 💕💕) The pros of having a magic rich boyfriend is you DON’T need to sell a child’s parents for a sick new prosthetic arm, he’ll just give it to you in exchange for kisses lmfao✨✨
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