#I wasn't sure what robot master serial number to give him at first.
stardestroyer81 · 3 years
Around the end of November last year, I unveiled a full set of robot masters that I had designed for my very own faux Mega Man game, Mega Man Ultimate! At first, I was a little nervous in showing off my fanmade robot masters, but to my surprise, they were a big hit— I was not expecting the Synergon Legion bots to be so well-received!
In the first post I've linked, I mentioned that I've been designing robot master OCs since mid-2013, though ended up becoming super reclusive with them since a lot of them were subject to extreme ridicule, despite the fact that none of them were meant to be on the same level as official ones.
However, there was one particular bot in the very first lineup of robot masters that I designed which stood out the most, in that he actually looked like he belonged in a Mega Man game. Granted, his design was still particularly lacking, but I held him in a high regard.
And after designing a full set of robot masters that all look official in one way or another, I figured that it was high time that I revisit said favorite robot master OC of mine and give him a big redesign with my newfound robot master design smarts. Enter...
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SDN-001: Stellar Man
Height: 5'11" Special Weapon: Crescent Boomerang Good Point: Confident Bad Point: Tends to overwork himself
Stellar Man is the rank of general of the Space Surveillance Network. As the head of the astral agency, he works tirelessly to ensure that the space station he mans is always within perfect working order. He specializes in the design of numerous spacecrafts and space stations, and has a major soft spot for all things astrology, spending most of his free time studying star patterns and galaxies.
When he's doing battle with a threat from beyond the SSN's parsec (Namely a certain Mega Man), Stellar Man utilizes his zero gravity mobility and his signature weapon: the Crescent Boomerang, a cross between the Metal Blade and the Rolling Cutter. With an iconic weapon, a well-regarded reputation and an absolutely out of this world look overall, he's a real star, man!
(Design and sprite process below the cut!)
At last, Stellar Man makes his debut on my blog! I've actually had Stellar Man's general design around since before I even had any of the Mega Man Ultimate robot masters up on tumblr, so this appearance was a long time coming!
When I set out to design him, one of the biggest things I wanted out of his design was to have him look a lot like the Stardroids from Mega Man V. The Stardroids have some of the coolest design elements in Classic Mega Man's history; even now, there's nothing quite like them, in my eyes, and that was something I wanted to incorporate into Stellar Man's design.
I also knew that I wanted him to have a unique helmet shape, but after combing through all of the robot masters and Stardroids, I couldn't think of something that'd stand out. It was when I looked to the character designs of the X Series, however, that I found a few design aspects that I liked, and suddenly his design was blasting off!
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Here is the step-by-step process I made when drawing Stellar Man's sprite! Really, the toughest thing about taking the design and shrinking it down to sprite form was the helmet, as the jagged edges and the glass dome proved to be a challenge in sizing perfectly, but I'm really happy with how he ended up looking!
Also, can we talk about the stage select portrait I drew for him?! I'm fairly certain that it's one of my absolute best portraits I've sprited, right up there with Strafe Man and Glitch Man! It originally started as a test to see how far I could go in spriting a robot master portrait without any preliminary sketching... and before I knew it, I had a full icon made. Talk about motivation!
I am REALLY proud of the sprites on display here and the overall design of Stellar Man, and I couldn't wait to show them to my followers! I really hope you've enjoyed everything this post has to offer, and you can certainly expect to see more fanmade robot masters of mine in the future!
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