#I was listening to Christmas songs and honestly I think s3 being set during Christmas would be brilliant
Imagine Good Omens s3 is set during Christmas.
Can you imagine how wild it would be. Humanity vs Heaven and Hell during the most notoriously holy time of year.
Jesus shows up during a church event showing the nativity. Aziraphale descends as a literal angel, Crowley rises up looking like the fashionista demon he is. Adam tags along because why wouldn't he, he's the antichrist. Newt would be doing a carol service with Anathema, then they'd notice a platoon of angels descending from the heavens.
PLUS best of all, Nina would get to have her Christmas lights, (she deserved to talk about them, I think it would be hilarious if she was putting them up right as a demon runs over and accidentally pulls them all down).
I just think it would look really cool if they used the song "Christmas (baby please come home)" or "Happy Xmas (war is over)" in the trailer as everyone collectively realises that the divine world and the human world is about to clash.
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