#I was even stoked to see cad bane cuz we were watching clone wars at the time and he’s such a cool character
littledeadling · 1 year
I can’t watch the new mandalorian trailer I’m still so burned by the shitshow ending of TBOBF 💀💀💀 long rant in the tags sorry please don’t mind me
#grr…. afraid…...I just wanna keep enjoying my funny space cowboy dads in peace and quiet in my little corner 😭#I don’t want to suffer through any more cgi Luke...#are they rly gonna honour that grogu ‘reunion’... even tho it happened it a DIFFERENT SHOW?#sorry but that was the emotional core of the show I’m screaming in pain they CANT DO IT OFF SCREEN IN A DIFFERENT (BAD) SHOWWWW#I also didn’t care for the Cobb Vanth thing…... I have soooo many problems with that show 💀#tried SOO HARD to enjoy it I gave it way more leeway than anyone else#feel bad for temuera Morrison#I love boba fett I was so glad to see him get a chance to do it and I love what he brings to the character... but the writing 💀#I love fennec too#but mannnn#I was even stoked to see cad bane cuz we were watching clone wars at the time and he’s such a cool character#but he shouldn’t have been in that show 💀#(not even factoring in his crimes of shooting my favourite character)#(just kidding lol he’s forgiven)#atrocious cgi shitshow ending that poor Vancouver animators had to crunch for ... absolute garbage ending#also I’ll literally walk into the middle of a busy intersection if they put that annoying guy in the mandalorian 💀💀💀💀💀#the twilek…... if they’re really sticking with making him Amy sedaris’ boyfriend I’m gonna kms#I know a lot of it happened the way it did bc of covid I’m just so scared that means theyre beholden to all of it 😭#I may not watch s3... ugh I have to try... but I might not finish the whole thing#anyway#I love the mandalorian I will be sad if it fully goes into the toilet#they’re already making it too grand and epic w the darksaber shit... guys this is a story about a dude becoming a dad and loving his son ok#don’t forget it…...#(I think they forgot it)#also while ur here i had a revelation that I wouldn’t hate dinluke so much if they’d just CAST A DIFFERENT ACTOR#instead of creating UNCANNY VALLEY HORRORSHOW TECHBROS SUCKING THEMSELVES OFF UNDERPAYING NONUNION VFX ARTISTS ASS CGI LUKE#AND WHY DID THEY USE AI GENERATED VOICE CLIPS FOR HIM?? MARK HAMILL IS LITERALLY A TALENTED VOICE ACTOR!!!#also he stole his son >:(#ok I’m done#bz bz
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