#I wanted to use all new Pokemon I’d never used in a SM playthrough before so
shima-draws · 2 years
Either my team is super under leveled or the Alola Elite Four is MUCH harder than I remember it being lol
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transcendencism · 4 years
was tagged by @entering--hyperspace​ to answer some viddy game questions, yeehaw!!
first game you ever played: uhmmmmmmmmm...... my first instinct is to say toontown online ... oh the money i sunk into that game lmao
favorite game: i wish i had a bigger variety of story-driven games to draw from--or video games in general--but my memory is terrible and i’m terrified of asking for new games. undertale kinda like changed my life but the fandom ruined a lot of the affection i had for it sooooooooo ......... probably swtor.
game you’ve played through multiple times: uh...... s... swtor? 👉👈 BESIDES swtor probably uhm... pokemon moon. never had a DS as a kid so the first pkmn game i ever got to play was moon and i played thru it three times, one with each starter (my original starter was rowlet, before you ask). i ALSO played undertale quite a few times, and attempted a genocide run but it made me too sad so i had to stop.
game you hated at first but now love: hm, i don’t think i really have one of those! if i don’t like a game at first, i usually won’t stick around to play it.
game you used to love but now hate: uhh the sims 4. i used to play it so fucking much years ago and i keep trying to come back to it but it’s such an empty game. OH also: never played it myself but i watched someone play detroit: become human and at first i really liked it but looking back on it it’s very... eek. also five nights at freddy’s too, but that has less to do with the game itself and more to do with... uh .. the trauma.
your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): oh breath of the wild hands down. it helped me through a really tough time last year, and though i’ve never beaten the game, it’s fun to just pop in every once in awhile and ride around hyrule on my horse. also uhm i used to watch a TON of let’s plays years ago because i didn’t ever want to ask my parents for games, and there were a couple that markiplier played that really stuck with me but i can’t remember the name of now. there was one that was like... i think the main character’s child had cancer and the whole game was about that? idk that was a beautiful game though. would love to watch the let’s play again if i could remember. if anyone knows what i’m talking about PLEASE lemme know.
game with the best group/companion(s): honestly...? it’s a tie between kotor and swtor. swtor probably wins just by having more companions & notable characters, but like... i have mixed opinions on kotor and i definitely don’t think it’s the masterpiece everyone told me it was (the game was kinda disappointing to play through bc everyone hyped it up so much), but the characters were really cool.
a game with your favorite ending: oh i HAVE to say undertale. the pacifist ending still makes me cry.
 a game with the WORST ending: the ending to the imperial agent campaign in swtor is disappointing imo. the whole third act’s a disappointment.
best character customization?: like i said, my library of games is incredibly limited. will say sims 4 tho because 1) you can at least fill out the lacking content with custom CC, and 2) the face customization is really fucking cool and it’s a shame the only thing that game has going for it is the graphics.
hero and companions:
your favorite playable character: [cries in “literally all i play is swtor”] UHM. well bringing back me mentioning DBH earlier: i know i know the writing is bad and how they handled the abuse was bad and the civil rights movement allegory was REALLY REALLY REALLY bad.................. but i did like connor. he kinda led to me realizing that i’m aromantic so he has some emotional importance to me. as far as swtor pcs go, uhm.. probably knights, warriors, agents, and consulars. that isn’t to say those are my favorite campaigns (tho.. i mean they are at the top of the list), but i like the playable characters you can come up with in those classes.
your favorite companion(s): oof... OOF. hard question, but... in no particular order: theron, kira, ashara (i need to play the inq campaign again i miss her sm), vette, tau, arn, senya, koth, and probably MORE that i’m forgetting.
favorite game friendship(s): unfortunately, base game companions don’t have a TON of interaction together and KOTFEET really let me down trying to shove theron & lana’s friendship down my throat so some of these are speculation: theron & koth, theron & kira, theron & vette, theron & mako, tau & arn, vette & the sith warrior, kira & the jedi knight, teeseven & the jedi knight
favorite game relationship(s): theron/sith warrior, theron/jedi knight, theron/imperial agent, felix/consular
favorite companion banter: again, base companions don’t really get a lot of interaction with one another, so like.... just by default i think this has to go to kira and scourge.
 a relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: hrmm... probably andronikos’ romance? i just kinda romanced him on a whim because inquisitor was the first campaign i played through and i really enjoyed it. didn’t list it as one of my favorites because it’s been so long i hardly remember it, and also the character i had had the personality of a piece of cardboard so they didn’t really click. i was just like... living vicariously through her and living the dream of having a pirate husband.
 a character you wish you COULD romance: i would say zenith but i hc him as aro so like.... i’d want a queerplatonic route but i don’t think bioware would cater that just for me. i’d really like a tau romance though!! i really love her a lot 🥺
shoutout to a random NPC: ZENITH PLEASE COME BACK
a game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: i don’t really watch playthroughs these days because the youtubers i used to love as a kid have... just.... idk if i’ve changed or if they’ve changed, but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. the closest thing to playthroughs that i watch these days is Aravail’s veteran mode operation runs, and the guild i’m in on SS wants to start doing vet mode runs again so!! gonna be watching them more to try to learn the mechanics!
i used to watch playthroughs for any game that i wanted to play but was too shy to ask my parents to get me.
love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: hmmm, horror lets plays probably. i’m really bad at horror and it’s not a good idea for me to play them myself so i watch other people play em lmao
why do you play video games?: well, i like them!! but also they’re a huge coping mechanism for me
i’ll tag @shanfamilydrama, @bongwaterjuice, & @sith-shenanigans, no pressure as always!!
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