#I want him to defeat insurmountable odds and resurface to a crowd cheering his name y'know?
pianokantzart · 6 months
Who’s ur fav character and why is it Luigi (only correct answer wink wink)
Okay listen, LISTEN... I love underdogs, but not just regular underdogs, I want true underdogs! I want the ones who are considered last choice amongst a large cast of underdogs. Socially awkward? Check!
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Often pigeonholed as "dumb" or "goofy"? Check!
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A tendency to latch onto someone else due to a lack of trust in themselves? Check!
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A heart of gold despite it all? A natural tendency to prioritize the needs/desires of loved ones above their own? Double check!
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Add on top of this the crippling anxiety! Luigi knows where he stands in the grand scheme of things, he knows that at the end of the day he's a just a simple plumber who is not meant to fight giant fire-breathing turtle monsters and ghost kings! 99% of the time he just wants a hot cup of tea, a good book and a nap!
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But doggone it, he fastens his overalls and does the right thing when the chips are down! With every bone in his body trembling and every braincell in his head screaming "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS" he pulls himself together and does it out of love! Luigi's the reluctant hero who is eternally reluctant, but that just makes him all the more lovable! Everything is working against him, even his own instincts. Nothing comes easy for him, and yet every step of the way he's trying his very hardest to do well by those he cares about!
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It's just... aaaahhh it's so GOOD man.
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