#I took the pedrospero pic from the previous ship war I hope you don't mind πŸ˜…
onepiece-polls Β· 1 month
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 1 Side D
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Pedrospero edit made by @yuriappreciationsquad
Mod: ... I see a theme here (if you include opla) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…
Propaganda under the cut.
Kuro x Merry: Not funny haha but funny in "I've never thought of that!" sense, actually when you stop to think about it it's all quite a heartbreakingly tragic love affair riddled with betrayal. But! They have no ao3 fics so here we are.
Pedrospero: This is the culmination of a long-running joke I have with one of my mutuals. In their primary interaction, Pedro blows himself up with dynamite. We got more submissions than UsoNa in the main ship tournament, maybe this time we'll actually make it past round 1.
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