#I think it's interesting that ada and michael are the least affected by tommy's betrayal
starry-sky-stuff · 2 years
Heyyy idk if you've watched the show but I was wondering if you could sort the Peaky Blinders characters? PLUS it seems like a great show to use as examples for certain sortings because all of the characters are fully-realized, fleshed out, and complex, rather than flat or simply plot devices. Just saying :)
Spoiler warning
On the face of it, Tommy Shelby appears to be a Loyalist, a Badger who prioritises the wellbeing of the Shelby family over everything, even the wellbeing of the individual Shelby family members. After his betrayal of the others at the end of season 4, he appears to perhaps be a Snake Primary who petrified after Grace’s death and only cares about his son. But Tommy knows no loyalties and never has. He isn’t loyal to the Shelby family or any of it’s members, and certainly doesn’t feel guilty about having them arrested because it’s a part of his plan. Tommy starts off with a Badger and Snake Primary models. Protecting Freddie for Ada’s sake and smuggling Whizbang Charlie out of Birmingham. The Badger model is gone after the early seasons and the Snake model soon follows. Tommy isn’t motivated to gain power for his family, but for the sake of power itself. He could be a Lion, but I think he might be a Bird. An iconoclast, who sneers at Polly’s faith and Freddie’s cause. Nothing's sacred. He even uses his own brother's funeral to draw out his enemies. He enjoys his borderline philosophical debates with Alfie Solomons. But the only cause Tommy Shelby has ever served is power. He tells Grace that everyone’s selling a part of themselves and he truly believes that.
Tommy is a mastermind, a plotter and a schemer. He plans and double-crosses, viewing everything in the long-term. He keeps Michael out of the dirtier side of the family business because he foresees the need to have a legitimate face. He also uses prior experience and skills, such as digging tunnels like he did during the war. Tommy is a cautious schemer, and some of his greatest blunders are when he gives into his Lion Secondary model and acts rashly, such as killing Vicente Changretta without considering the fallout. Tommy models the changeable, manipulative Snake Secondary, charming and deceiving when necessary, but his greatest talents lies in plotting.
Unlike Tommy, Polly Gray is a loyalist. Like him, she starts off with a Badger Primary model, prioritising the safety and wellbeing of the Shelby family. But once she finds her son, the Badger disappears and she’s all Snake. Her main priority is protecting her son, even being willing to betray Tommy and the Shelby family. Secondary-wise, I think she might be a Badger. She’s the one who cares about the proper way of conducting business - votes, family meetings. She detests Tommy’s despotic manner of leading. When she wants to undermine Tommy she organises opposition among the wives.
Arthur and John Shelby are straightforward Lion Secondaries. They’re the muscle, the ones who handle the dirtier, bloodier side of business, and will generally be the first to suggest the use of violence to solve a problem. Both of them a loyalists too. Arthur is a Badger Primary, and his position as the eldest son, and his inability to fulfil the responsibilities that go along with that position, weigh heavily on him. John, a Snake Primary, turns his back on Tommy after his betrayal, choosing his wife and their family instead. Arthur doesn’t walk away from the Shelby family because he can’t.
Ada Shelby’s an interesting case. When she gets together with Freddie, she adopts his cause as her own and continues to espouse it even after his death. But as the season pass she gets less and less attached to the cause, rejoining the family business she’d previously rejected and she never has any real problem taking the family’s money to live well. But she is also distinctively unaffected by Tommy’s betrayal. Even if she was the one member of the Shelby family not arrested if she were a loyalist she would no doubt feel betrayed on behalf of the others. I think she’s a Bird Primary who changes her system throughout the series, influenced first by Freddie and then by Tommy. It would also explain why she understands Tommy in a way the others don’t. In the first season, Ada looks like a Lion Secondary, conducting an illicit affair with Freddie and then running off to marry him. But in the later seasons she’s less reckless and more inclined towards peacekeeping. I think Ada is a Badger Secondary, working quietly to support Tommy.
Michael Gray is a Glory Hound Lion Primary, seeking power and glory. He comes to London not merely to reconnect with Polly but to join the family business, which he views as a way to become a powerful man. His ego, pride and bravado are part of his downfall, as he seeks not only to equal Tommy but to usurp and supplant him. It’s Michael who rejects Polly’s offer to betray Tommy and flee, not out of loyalty but because he doesn’t want to admit defeat. Unlike Tommy, Michael isn’t a planner but nor is he bold and brash like Arthur and John. He’s a Snake, charming, deceitful, and reactive.
Despite her role as an insider, Grace makes for a poor spy. She gives herself away to Polly by not doing the sign of the cross (a Bird undoubtedly would've done their research into the role they were playing) and she falls for Tommy. For Grace, the manipulation became real, something unlikely to occur with a Snake. The fact that she in no way struggles with living a double life counts out Lion, so I think she's a Badger Secondary. Primary-wise, I think she might be a Snake who changes her loyalty to Tommy.
Freddie Thorn is a true Revolutionary, a Double Lion who’s devoted to the cause of communism. When faced with prison he refuses to run, even when to do so would be in the best interests of his wife and child.
Alfie Solomons is a Bird/Snake, who enjoys philosophical debates with Tommy and delights in unnerving others with varying displays of bizarre behaviour.
Esme Shelby is probably a Badger Primary. She convinces John to turn his back on Tommy by arguing that 'we're the family now', rejecting the Shelby family for their own new community. She's a hot-headed, outspoken and straightforward Lion Secondary, unafraid of confrontation.
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Tommy Shelby: Bird, Badger Primary model, Snake Primary model/Bird, Snake Secondary model, Lion Secondary model,
Polly Gray: Snake, Badger Primary model/Badger
Arthur Shelby: Badger/Lion
John Shelby: Snake/Lion
Ada Shelby: Bird/Badger, Lion Secondary model
Michael Gray: Lion/Snake
Grace Shelby: Snake/Badger
Freddie Thorn: Lion/Lion
Alfie Solomons: Bird/Snake
Esme Shelby: Badger/Lion
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