#I think if I was to ever use SUMMUM in a campaign I'd look more towards philosophical influences for research
scratching92 · 8 months
So I mentioned this on the discord, but I was looking up possible inspirations for the name SUMMUM as a name for a decorp group (apparently it was actually a backer suggestion that was also the name of a server for a while? Anyway,) and one of the first results I came across was this wikipedia page for a... religion? Cult? Tax evasion scheme? (admittedly those things have a fair bit of overlap) that was led by a guy who went by the name, and this is not a joke, "Summum Bonum Amon Ra".
I just absolutely lost it imagining some dude who's, like, really into decorp, but it's Okay Actually, Because I'm Actually RA. Like, some guy who either claims to be some manifestation of RA or will eventually join with RA, which is why he needs to - and is perfectly okay to - break the First Contact Accords. I doubt this is what the backer who came up with the name ever possibly intended, but it's pretty funny.
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