#I think about ep 1 Nami literally all the time
onepiecethingsilike · 8 months
One Piece | Romance Dawn Arc
Nami in Episode 0001
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notbroadwaybound · 5 months
been thinking about season 2 of One Piece live action since the show runners announced they have a 12 season plan (which some articles are saying ohhh they can't do that because cast will age which I think is silly because you can shoot multiple seasons at once and there's literally a built in time skip in canon)
anyways, I think they really need to go to a 10 episode season format if they really want to get through Alabasta arc which is apparently the plan. I think they can get through Drum Island in 7 eps but I think once you get to Alabasta you need at least 3. Here's how I think it should go. Excited to be able to come back to this in a year or so to see how it ended up.
Ep 1 - Loguetown (cut out / only have slight references to Sanji cooking contest and Daddy the Bounty Hunter)
Ep 2 - Escaping Loguetown/entering Grand line (cutting Warship Island which sad because of love Apis but ya know)
Ep 3 - Laboon / getting to Whiskey Peak
Ep 4 - Whiskey Peak / Baroque Works reveal Ep 5- Little Garden. if you do cut one episode / rewrite a bit, I think you could do it here but I think it's just so important for Usopp and setting up Elbaf + Nami's disease + Mr 3, but I do think you can get to all of those without Little Garden specifically. You could probably end this episode with the first Wapol encounter.
Ep. 6/7 - Drum Island. I don't know how you do Drum Island in less than 2 episodes and still hit all the beats that make it such a great story. Ep. 8/9/10 - Alabasta Kingdom (they'd cut a lot of the walking there and backs). To set up Ace/Nico Robin/Crocodile/Bon Clay/Smoker/the rebels and follow through on all I think you have to have 3. I'm sure they'll cut a lot of the Baroque Work agents, but if Baratie and Arlong Park each got 2 in season one, you got to have 3. Maybe if they really weave it in well throughout the first episodes of the season they can get this down to 2 and then cut Little Garden I guess you can get it down to 8 but you're talking about 38 episodes of the anime that they're in Alabasta.
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Finished the One Piece Live Action and overall I'd give it an 8/10. Most of the actors are great at portraying their roles, and despite a few small (and two not so small) criticisms I had with the show, overall it still felt like One Piece, albeit a different version of it.
I sincerely hope they do a season two, despite my criticisms. I think they could easily do the Alabasta arc, even in just eight episodes, though I'd hope for more.
Logue Town
Reverse Mountain / Crocus / Laboon
Whiskey Peak
& 5. Skip Little Garden and go straight to Drum Island
6. , 7., & 8. Alabasta
Would be so awesome if they did that.
Spoilers below where I go in-depth about my criticisms, mainly for my own benefit.
Starting with the biggest criticism I had, I think it was genuinely a mistake for them to cut the Don Krieg fight because of how it really makes both Sanji deciding to join the crew, and Nami's iconic "Luffy, help me" scene kind of fall flat.
It messes up Sanji joining the crew because, without it there's really no reason for Sanji to even consider joining his crew. At that point, Luffy was just this random wannabe pirate captain who had been forced into becoming a dishwasher for the Baratie, and whose crew consisted of a half-dead swordsman, a liar, and a thief who betrayed them. Not to mention, said-wannabe pirate captain just had his ass handed to him and was looking to presumably get his ass handed to him again by the same guy while presumably going after a woman who stated clearly that she wanted nothing to do with them anymore. What about that screams: "Ah yes, I should quit my sure thing of a life and job to go hangout with these all-powerful, super intelligent, upstanding people!"
It also just sort of lessens the Nami moment later on because at that point she has no reason to even hope Luffy can beat Arlong, and literally every reason to believe he can't given that she'd literally just seen him lose to Arlong at the Baratie. Instead of it being an inspiration of hope at her lowest point, it became this pathetic last-ditch effort to beg for help from someone who she has every reason to believe can't help her.
This isn't to say that scene wasn't done well, for what it's worth. I thought Nami did a good job of recreating the scene pretty well honestly. It was just the setup to that moment that I had an issue with.
Beyond that, I had an issue with Sanji overall, but this is again connected to the fact that they cut the Don Krieg fight. Honestly, while I thought the Syrup Village was easily more enjoyable in live action than it was in the anime, I really wish they'd cut that arc down to just one episode and given Baratie the time it deserved to be what it needed to be. I know they had a lot to cram into just 8 episodes, but I really don't think they did the best of jobs deciding what was worth keeping and what was worth tossing.
Of course, I have to assume this was mainly due to budget and effects, hence why they also decided to cut out easily the best character in Arlong Park (probably hard to depict an 6-armed octopusman), Hatchan, who I would argue is far more important as a comedic relief character than one might expect, but I digress. His role in Arlong Park really helps relieve some of the tension, reminding everyone that this is supposed to be a goofy pirate show and not always some ultra serious, depressing drama series.
Other than all that, the show was great I thought. You really have to open your mind a bit and not be such a stickler to the source material, as I often find myself being. I really hope they do a season two though. I can see it being somewhat feasible for them to do an Alabasta Saga next. 1 ep for Logue Town, 1 for Reverse Mountain/Crocus, 1 for Whiskey Peak, skip Little Garden since ultimately it's not super important and just have Nami get sick some other way, 2 eps for Drum Island, and then I think Alabasta itself probably deserves 3 episodes so we can maybe see at least a couple of the fights.
I'd love to see Zoro solo the Millions, and especially his fight against Mr. 1 since I think that's a pivotal power-scaling moment for him when he cuts steel for the first time. Of course, you can't have Alabasta without Bon Clay, so seeing him and Sanji fight would be good. And then obviously, Luffy vs. Crocodile. I'm not sure where Nami, Usopp and Chopper would fit in, since I'm trying to think of how you'd keep this budget-friendly, and having them all fight their actual opponents I think would just be too much (especially Usopp & Chopper vs. Ms. Merry Christmas & Mr. 4).
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naihexiang · 5 years
fave hnk ost tracks
this is for you @solsmasher 
1. Afternoon - lighthearted and fun, listen for a boost in energy bc it’s just… so nice and bubbly
2. Trials in Winter - played when Antarc is showing Phos the ins and outs of winter duty and the reason why I think Antarc plays lower range instruments because of the big parts the cello/double bass have in this track. Also, it’s really fun to listen to because you can practically hear Phos and Antarc bickering lmao
3. Idea - a more low key version of Afternoon featuring some nice flute and violin duet
4. Phosphophyllite - literally the sweetest, most innocent, most hopeful track I’ve ever heard. Like, it’s just… so nice to listen to because it’s just so soft??? I miss bby Phos okay
5. Unreachable - listen to this only if you want to cry because this is the track that is played when Antarc is taken ;; like, you can literally feel Phos’ desperation through the music and like… oof that hit me right in the feels, thank you
6. liquescimus - listen to this to be instantly reduced to tears (also that cello solo tho)
7. Battle - you know that song that plays during every episode preview? Yeah, that’s this one
8. Danger - the track that plays during Bort’s first appearance, and it sounds pretty badass to match
9. Breather - I don’t even know why I like this track so much, it just sounds fun and also kind of chill… like Padparadscha but in song form. I don’t know what I’m talking about, the strings part at the end just gets me okay
10. What is This?! - this is the track that’s played whenever bby Phos is being a little shit and I love them so much. Baby Phos shenanigans are immediately brought to mind. You can practically hear Jade sighing.
11. Transformation - played when alloy Phos is first presented to the other gems after winter and also when Padparadscha wakes up. Fhdcdjxmdj Padpa’s voice in the sub? Hnggg
12. Isolation - that cello part tho. I have to admit, I’m a cellist, so basically any song with a good cello part is immediately on this list.
13. Cinnabar - BABY ANGEL PRECIOUS CHILD I LOVE YOU SO GODDAMN MUCH- But Shinsha as a character aside, this song just feels… so lonely and detached and distant and sad and I want to pick Shinsha up and hug them and never let go
14. Retreat - played during Bort and Phos’ encounter with Shiro (and also that time in ep 12 when Shinsha saves Phos from a sunspot) and like… it’s just so good on so many levels? Like, there are actually layers to this track, and I can feel all of them…. Also, at the part near the end you can totally visualize Bort dragging Phos away from Shiro and then yeeting them at the bell lmao
15. Shiro - play for fun memories of that one time Phos lured Shiro away from the other gems by making a gold fake gem and then getting their ass beat
16. Awakening Power - one of my top faves of the OST; played when Phos discovers their speed and also when Dia and the other gems get Phos out of Ventricosus’ shell and put them back together. It’s like… so hopeful and soft and sweet… it’s just really good okay
17. Phos and Cinnabar - “WHY ARE YOU RUNNING???? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING”; jokes aside, I thought this was a cool rendition of Shinsha’s theme so yeah
18. Hibernation - time to cry over the winter arc :’)))
19. Kyoumen no Nami Orchestral ver - okay so there are two versions of this one, one that has the actual song and the other that’s an instrumental, and they’re both so good oh my god
20. Land of the Lustrous - this is my ultimate OST fave because it is a fucking medley and I’m weak for medleys okay??? Like, the song transitions and the whole composition is just so good and I literally love this so much. Also, them having Shinsha’s theme after Phos’? ;)))
21. C’mon! - played only once during the entire anime, and that’s when Sensei stomps into the school to scold Phos for running off into the sea. That entire scene is fucking hilarious and I love it and this track so much
also tagging @pancakethepikachu bc this is basically a better version of the original i sent u <3
hope u enjoy ~
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aomitois · 6 years
3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 47, 48, 50 for the fanfiction question please?
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Mystic Messenger, i think. there’s barely any drama here.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? naaayi see a lot of people say some dumb shit, especially in some fandoms, but just ignoring them is fine enough, i won’t let it hinder my content enjoyment
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. oh boy oh boy i’ve been in so much fandoms xD i’ll list only the ones where there’s at least one ship i like(there are also other ships, but for things that i didn’t involve myself with its fandom)
DTB - Heiyin
Ladybug PV - Feligette
Mystic Messenger - Zenhee, Vmc
Naruto - Sasusaku
Bnha - Izuocha
Voltron - Sheith
Vampire Knight - Zeki
Bleach - Ichihime
Fairy Tail - Jerza
One Piece - Zotash
Owari no Seraph - Mikayuu
Pmmm - Madohomu
Assassin’s Creed - Arlise,Altachali (okay i’ve made up that name, idk if anyone else ships it??)
Kuroshitsuji - Cielizzy
Snk - Eremika
Drrr - Shizuona
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
DTB - that detective and widow from eps 3-4. big cringeee
Bleach - Ichi//ruki. the ship isn’t a big deal for me per se, but its fandom is unbearable
ML - never understood the popularity of nat/chlo
Avatar - Mai/ko
Mysme - V/rika
Naruto - Jira//tsu, Kaka//saku
Fnaf - literally any ship here, jfc they’re souls of murdered children why would anyone ship that
Dishonored - Daud//Corvo (yes i’ve seen ppl ship it and??)
Bnha - bkdk
Voltron - sh//lav, also at first klonce was a notp for me but gradually i started to tolerate it, and now don’t mind it (hell, i even ship it in some fics)
Teen Titans - bb/rae
Fairy Tail - cat ships
Opm - all ships
Snk - Ere/ri
Drrr - Shi//zaya
Inuyasha - Miro//sango
Kuroshitsuji - Seba//ciel
Soul Eater - Blackstar and tsubaki
Toradora - don’t remember ship name, the main characters
Hq!! - Iwa//oi
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? hmmm i think my latest is DDLC. i just saw a lot of posts about it on my dash and wanted to check it out, since i like otome games and indie horrors. but not actually play them since i’m big coward xD so i just watched Manly’s gameplay. then i just went on tumblr to scout for some fanarts lol
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? there’s sooo many talented artists!
11. Who is your current OTP? currently i’m drowning in sheith hell, other that i remember put me in angst coma for good month were heiyin and zeki
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? mmm hard to recall bc they don’t put me thru that much roallercoaster of emotions, and i liked a lot of friendships in many media. just few that i can think of atm: Corvo and Outsider, Altair and Malik, Sakura and Sai, Sakura and Naruto, Fairy Tail guild as a whole (seriously the jokes about nakama power are funny but they’re willing to go so much for their friends, their family, i spent few days crying about it)
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? already listed in notp question yo, like half of them are pretty populari always reject what’s most popular in fandom before checking thing out and have to judge it myself. i won’t ship something just because it’s popular. i ship only things that pull my hearstrings. which for some reason are usually second most popular ships, that are at war with #1 fandom’s fav lmao
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? as a kid i remember having really, REALLY strong feelings about couples in tv shows and wondered what the fuck is wrong with me, it wasn’t until over 10 years later that i discovered what is shipping and that i’m not alone xD earliest i can recall is Bloom and that blonde dude from Winx. boy i was really hardcore shipper, had headcanons, made tattoos on my dolls with their initials, couldn’t sleep at night thinking about their relationship. they’re no longer my fave, since i’ve long forgotten about them and heiyin is my absolute fave.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? oh yes a lot!! there are tons of really cute ships with good chemistry, that really suit each other, but i just don’t feel anything about them?? so i’m like oh yeah i like this, it’s sweet, but i don’t ship it. mostly bc they just didn’t have any romantic interaction even hinted, and usually i ship pairs that are intended to be canon. anyway the examples are idk, ships in sport animes like hq or knb, nejiten. also Sokka and Suki, Kataang.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? yeah, ships where i don’t like the character or didn’t like at first. like i couldn’t stand Vorona at first, but later she was more likeable and Shizuona had such nice chemistry?? damn (and he’s my boy so i wouldn’t like just any ship) also still in drrr i reeeealy dislike Iza//ya, but with Namie (which i also dislike lol) they have such an interesting relation, like she’s the only one who can keep up with him, who’s equal in cunning schemes. that’s the only ship i can think of where i like paring but hate characters lmao
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? can’t post if i don’t write anything ^^” well there is one original story that i roughly drafted the universe, but i plan to make it a comic, not write. and no idea where i would post it tbh.as for reading i don’t really visit neither ao3 or ff, i read only what i spot on tumblr, or on the two sites if some tumblr post redirect me there.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? i liveblog whatever i think about it as i read xD otherwise i’d forget everything at the end. that is when i read Wolfy’s fic. when i read something on tumblr i write review in tags, but it’s not really vast, since i keep all weird analogies to myself this time. and generally i don’t have much to say so i keep it short.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?can’t say i did, i don’t read it too often. i only read if it happens to show up on my dash and summary got me interested enough. i got really invested in Wolfy’s fics after he described one au, its world, the story. the more chapters i’ve read, the more i got fired up for next ones xD it’s just amazing, like i’m watching some good tier show in my head. mostly bc it’s not centered aroud the ship, but it’s the action story with slow burn in the background. hhhhng 10/10 my taste exactly 👌👌👌  i actually can’t seem to enjoy any other fanfics anymore bc it’s not the same style?? 😦
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