#I think I joined tumblr to basically post that about Legolas
literary-eclair · 8 months
How the Fellowship would eat (First) breakfast
(This is my very first post in this Fandom and on Tumblr, so forgive me if I make any errors)
Sam: Cooking everything for everyone (obviously). Prioritizes getting Frodo, Pippin, and Merry fed because he knows everyone else can take care of themselves. Once he’s finished cooking for the other Hobbits, he settles down in a quiet corner by himself to enjoy some nice taters (or po-tay-toes if you will) and eggs and bacon.
Frodo: Eats quietly, whatever Sam makes. Usually spends his meal quietly and staring off in the distance, or fooling around with Merry and Pippin. Back in the Shire he would enjoy the meal outside under his favorite tree with a book on his lap.
Merry and Pippin: FOOD FIGHTS ALL THE WAY. Causes so much shenanigans that everyone starts chucking apples at them (like Aragorn in the first movie), and then they start throwing back. Occasionally can corrupt Frodo. Did the same back in the Shire, just through Second Breakfast, Elevensies, all the meals really. Aragorn: Always alert. Eats almost in rations so he always has time to draw out his sword or scout while the others are still eating (prefers to eat while walking). Always eats nutritious traveling stuff like apples, cheese, lembas, etc. Occasionally will make oatmeal but always rushes it so it’s more oat than an actually cooked meal. Has done this ever since he joined the Dunedain. Once he becomes king, he and Arwen hold hands basically through the entire meal. He never wants to let go.
Legolas: Eats literally like a bird - in small portions throughout the day. A bite of lembas here, an apple there, and he’s just about good. Likes trees better than eating. At feasts he will eat a comparatively larger portion, but still not as much as you’d think. Gimli keeps worrying about him not eating enough. Gimli: Loves a hearty breakfast - think eggs, bacon, sausages - but won’t cook it for himself unless he thinks time that day is adequate. Loves hot sauce with his eggs. Boromir: Will eat whatever Sam can spare for him, or will just stick to lembas. He won’t risk exposing his horrid cooking skills.
Gandalf: He just eats when he feels like it. No one questions him making a breakfast sandwich in the middle of the night (or no one dares to).
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I saw another post on @postalninja doing this meme, thought i would join in on the fun!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
10 and counting! 9 for octopath traveler (not counting the one disowned fic) and 1 for the Grishaverse
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
37 702
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
As anyone who ever spared even a glance at my tumblr account knows, I love Octopath. Its my comfort game and is definetly one of my favourite games of all time. On the other hand, the grishaverse fic was a contest fic. I love that book a lot as well but it never came close to my damned love for that game
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
About women’s problems, lack of sleep and bluntness: Oh, that lil thing. It was my first fanfic I had written in years! It doesnt have the best writing but it does have a special place in ma heart
A Diary’s Importance: My ongoing longfic. Its as of date not completed, but its going somewhere eh! Luckily finally got a beta, so progress is there folks. But alas, currently on vacay so writing is out of the question.
Why phones and the 8 travelers should not be combined: A silly textfic I wrote to get myself out of writersblock. Believe me, I thirst for textfics I NEED MORE.
Sharp, stabby things: Well, if it wasnt obvious enough, im halfblind. Meaning I am actually unable to see shit from my right eye. So sense of depth does not exist. So when I discovered Therion would likely have the same struggles with his right eye I decided that damnit I was going to write something about it because the struggles of being halfblind are real folks.
About the practicallity of not being a caster: A little fic I always wanted to do of what a conversation between Cyrus, who got so many magic spells its practicallity his only thing, and Olberic, who got no magic at all, about magic would look like.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Fuck yeah I do! I love comment so so much. They give me motivation to write and shut the inner Bruno up (if ya get the meaning)
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm, hard one here. Most of the angst in my fic is very much in the middle with the end being happier as I sadly do have a soul. But, my vote goes to a friends betrayal. The fic was basically about Olberics thoughtprocess after the fall of hornburg and what lead him to his situation in beginning of the game. As you can guess, it is very angsty.
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Many! But, the vote goes to my beloved sharp stabby things. But that can just be my seretonin brain.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Not yet… (but i have an idea)
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Some passive agressive comments, but not really hate.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope. Huns, I am ace as fuck i cant even read it.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
as a polyglot I could do a fine I will do it myself moment, but i havent.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not as off today, but I am open to the idea of it.
14) What's your all time favourite ship?
Oh boy thats such a tough question. On one hand, gimli x legolas from LOTR will always have a special place in my heart as it was the ship that actually got me into fandom culture. But… if you spared a glance at my ao3 account you know my love for Cyrus and Olberic. I mean my two comfort characters in a relationship? Thats the stuff man thats the good stuff.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
16) What are your writing strengths?
I think it would be describing emotions and thoughtprocesses.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar, no doubt. I mean its not that 9 year old bad but my use of commas is through the damned roof.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Ahum, as someone who has multiple conlanguages and is a polyglot I adore them. Just wait yall asses till i get a solid idea of what acient hornburgian sounds like and its over for yall. IT WILL BE IN DIARYS IMPORTANCE OR I DONT DESERVE MY SCRIVINER.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Suprisingly, it was Percy Jackson. A Solangelo fic to be precise. Oh i cringe at it every time I see it.
20) What's your favourite fic you've written?
Brand’s Thunder,  no doubts about it. It was the transition to my longer fics and I impressed myself with my own writing which was new.
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tolkienrsb · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hi, TRSB-ers!  This is our last showcase post before reveals (if you think you have been missed out, please double check the previous showcase posts as tagging has been a bit awry thanks to Tumblr being its usual self - if you still can’t find something you submitted for the showcase, contact a mod ASAP).
We’re finishing off with a TRSB stalwart who has supported the event since its inception, the wonderful...
( @z-h-i-e )
I was introduced to Tolkien by my husband (who is also in the fandom and write/arts under the name Smaug) when we first started dating, though someone made a Glorfindel reference prior to that, and, that's a fun name to say, and I remembered the name, so I put it together when he started to read the Hobbit to me on dates we had, and he finished off reading the last chapters of it to me on our honeymoon.  I saw the Rankin and Bass adaptations just before the live action films came out -- and my alpha fandom is ThunderCats, so there is a bit of a connection there.  A mutual friend of ours convinced us to go to the live action Fellowship because he was able to get tickets for $1 each, and after seeing it, the three of us and another friend started playing D&D, and my sister was in love with both Legolas and Boromir, and one brother began to cosplay as Rumil, and my mother would roleplay as Galadriel at family gatherings, and now it's basically a family thing.  No one gets into this family without passing the Tolkien test now. ;) So I've been here for over half my life, and I don't have a primary activity because I do a little bit of everything.  Non-fannish hobbies...what are those? Pets. I already wrote a LOT, but, there is a pet who shares my current writing space, and that is Felix the very tiny parrot. If you've been with me in vc on Discord, you've heard Felix. He's obsessed with the bird in the mirrorverse and also post-it notes. Mainly with perforating all of my post-it notes. He also likes to fly up to my Gondolin diorama and knock over my Glorfindel action figure.  We've had words about this behavior.
Where can we find you?   You can find my stories here https://archiveofourown.org/users/Zhie/pseuds/Zhie  but you'll find me on Discord in my kingdom - https://discord.gg/HtuZZ4N
How are you joining in with TRSB20? I thought this would be everything except betaing but then a thing happened and I guess that, too.
Citius, Altius, Fortius
Mature story; I tend not to use warnings, but there is some dubcon and there are scenes related to a character's eating disorder, and probably some other things I'm not recalling on the fly
Info about your piece: This is a coming of age story that follows Aredhel, Turgon, and Fingon, interweaving their experiences together over a period of a few months as they each learn about themselves, consider their family relationships, and engage in some romance with their chosen partners.  I wrote this for NaNoWriMo in 2008, but I didn't start posting it until 2010 and I didn't finish until 2014.  This was very much inspired by the 2008 Olympic Games, which I spent a lot of time watching.  It was the last major piece I finished while living in my previous home, which was the place where Bunniverse was born and the place where much of what I wrote in this fandom was conceived.  I still haven't found a good replacement for whatever was special about that location, but there was certainly something extra creative about the view of the pine trees and the northern exposure and the balcony there.  About 10,000 words in, I was having breakfast out with my husband, at the time my other co-ML for NaNoWriMo, and he asked how my story was going after we ordered and I looked at him and flailed with "I'm 10K in and I don't have a plot! This is Valinor! Nothing scary happens in Valinor before it all goes to hell!" and he told me I needed a bear at the door. So we plotted out how to get something that was at that point just character study and conversation to a story with some substance. (And, that year was the best year I had with writing, clocking in the 50K+ for this, plus another 13K on a story which has sadly become mostly lost about a relationship between Feanor and Fingon, but I digress.) I had been asked a few times who each of the parts of the title is meant for, and I never really answered clearly, but I created a piece of art this year specifically for the Summer Showcase that goes with this story and covertly answers that question. I am aware that there are bits with the names that are a hot mess; I started with Sindarin, I had people complain it should be Quenya, I switched back, I had complaints about that compared to what's in the Silm, I eventually just decided, screw it, it's a free story, do what you will with it, I have other tales to write and I can't remember which way I left it all, but I think 'Felagund' even sneaks in there at some point, so, eh.
Top creative tips/words of wisdom for fellow participants:  Come over here.  Come closer.  A little--whoa, hold on there, let's just take a measure...okay, just stay there at six feet.  Now, where was I... advice. 
Don't stress.  Have fun. Make friends. Be proud of what you accomplish--even if something happens and you have to drop out, because a lot of people can't even make it to the step of trying.  It is not a failure if you manage to learn something from it.  For those who see the journey through, enjoy the reward of seeing the finished collaborative project. Creating is usually such a solo adventure, which makes challenges like this special.  Also, if you're trying to figure out, does my story need more Glorfindel?  The answer is always yes.
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elthadrifsilverleaf · 4 years
Suilad Mellon!
This is new for me, but I thought it’d be fun to have a tumblr dedicated to my OC’s from Lord of the Rings Online game! (*cough cough* Nerd!) I’m not a big gamer, but I do enjoy it. Sometimes you get so caught up in them that... it’s... bad lol. Anyhoo, my ex boyfriend from a long time ago introduced me to this game. Back then Lord of the Rings movies were all the rage and who doesn’t love Legolas? eh? So I tried it and at first I thought it was stupid and I wasn’t all that into the books or movies, but then I had lit classes that we had to read the hobbit and then that led me to watch the movies and what do you know? I loved it. It was time consuming and I got addicted to it, but later stopped playing. Then a couple years later I got back into it. I started off with bootcamp to get the game installed correctly and then it kept crashing and after a while I called it quits. I heard they had finally come out with a mac version and was so excited and then all that stuff happened and new updates and whatnots. But now it’s all good.
This game is a lot for visual aesthetics. Yeah it might not be super high quality like some other games, but for a free to play (and my first experience with one and an mmo) I enjoy looking at all the details. My absolute favorite is the landscape art. By golly it’s amazing. I am a visual artist, but I don’t think I’d ever be able to make something like the developers do. Sometimes I go and just watch the sunset over a beautiful hill. I basically go just to enjoy some introvert time in the landscapes. It’s a nice way to go somewhere without having to leave your seat haha.
Anyways I go on a tangent. I dunno. I always thought my characters would have a backstory (and they do), more so because I had lost my original character for a good couple years. That caused me to panic a little and I was very sad. I had leveled her up and after my game crashed, I didn’t reinstall it in fear it was going to wreck my computer (which in the end it did). Then they said that they were getting rid of worlds and that’s when I freaked. All that time put into this character and now it’s all wasted. Such a tragedy. I think I mourned my character and then a few years later, created a new one because I could not remember the name of the world for the life of me. I eventually joined a kinship because I remembered the name from before (Hunters of Moonshadow). Then about 6 months into it, one of the kin members says something about the world Imladris, and it clicked. I went and typed in my character’s name and the world it was in and I GOT HER BACK! Sadly I didn’t realize I had only leveled her to 44 instead of the 75 I thought she was. Boo. But nonetheless I was still happy to have her back. So with that information out of the way, I created bios for all my characters surrounding this story as it did actually happen.
Eithne was my first ever character. She is a woman hunter. I seriously love the hunter class (as you will see). After I had lost Eithne, I created Elthadrif. I wanted a name that was similar, but I didn’t like it so I ended up randomizing with the letter E and came across Elthadrif who is also a woman hunter. Currently level 78 I think. She’s technically my main now. Sorry Eithne. Then you have Mennarvith. She is also a hunter, but an elf. Go figure. I can’t recall her level. I think it’s 48 or something like that. This is when another player wanted to create a kin and so I created her. I did have a hobbit at one point (can’t remember the name), but ended up just getting rid of it because I just was not fond of her at all. So then I created an elf lore master, but she kind of was not played because there was an update and an limit on character slots so she got put on hold. Up until recently I was able to get her back into the game. She’s level 15 currently. My lowest level character.
Anyhoo, I’ve been searching for my fan story that I had written based on my girls and the rp that my kin does. I can’t find where I have misplaced it for the life of me. If I find it I will post here for you to enjoy. In the meantime, I’ll probably try to re-write it. Hahah. Good luck to me. I’ve got time.
Hope you are all staying healthy and safe during these times of the Corona Virus. I’ll post pictures of my chars later. Toodles!
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