#I suppose there's some consolation in the fact it's no longer a 25-27 hour test. but. u g h
gottagobuycheese · 1 year
well, as the saying goes, out of the frying pan into the autoclave
#off work for the next 2.5 weeks but god at what cost#(the cost is small and entirely predictable and on purpose)#okay well the MONETARY cost was not small lol but at least they'll pay it back#note to self#SUBMIT THE CHANGE OF DATE RECEIPTS YOU WALNUT#the emotional cost on the other hand#t-minus one week until execution TuT#*slams pots and pans together* I! DON'T! WANT! TO! TAKE! A! SEVEN! TEEN! HOUR! TEST!!!!#I suppose there's some consolation in the fact it's no longer a 25-27 hour test. but. u g h#I wish out of all those years of school I could've at least learned how to study#but if nothing else I hope I have at least retained the mediocre skill of Taking Standardized Tests#Cheese's personal molasses#PROMISES TO MYSELF:#IF I PASS THIS EXAM ON THE FIRST TRY I WILL#A) JOIN ANOTHER MARTIAL ARTS CLASS#B) PRACTICE SOME MUSIC EVERY TIME I HAVE A DAY OFF#C) RESUME LANGUAGE LEARNING WHERE I LEFT OFF#D) WORK ON AT LEAST ONE DRAWING EACH MONTH AND/OR STUDY ONE ASPECT OF ART I WANT TO GET BETTER AT EACH MONTH#if I do not pass this exam on the first try...I will. study better. or at least more lol#assuming the entirely disproportionate and self-wrought shame does not annihilate me on the spot#BUT#reGARDLESS of how next week actually goes#it is t-minues TWO weeks until WICKEDDDDD#honestly very surprised my family have agreed to see it again#I figured it would be an over the hedge situation and they'd be sick of it with how many times I've re-watched it by now#but then I realized they were never there through the dozens of slime tutorials I've watched#and neither of the tour preformances I saw#so technically they only watched me watch it once#which is. much less than over the hedge back in the day#bummed I'm gonna have to be offline for orvww though :(
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