#I see RESEARCHERS doing it sometimes and it's like aughhh no that man is unethical and draws his patient databases from
rattusn0rvegicus · 2 years
ALSO LIKE, learn to interpret peer reviewed articles and learn to figure out if an article was actually peer reviewed or not. A quick google search of the journal in question should tell you about it's peer review process - there are some journals that anyone can get into if you pay enough, and some journals that don't have as rigorous a peer review process, and of course peer review for all its benefits isn't PERFECT, so some stuff will slip through the cracks.
Just because you read something in a journal article - peer reviewed or not - doesn't make it 100% True Fact (tm). The process of science is an ever changing one. I would also recommend to try to keep your research up to date, within the past 10 years if possible.
The more you read science, the more you'll come across the odd article where you're like "how did they draw THAT conclusion from THAT data?!" lol
BUT peer reviewed articles (and primary sources, in the cases of historical documents) are always going to be your most trustworthy sources of information. Not social media influencers. Not even Rattus N0rvegicus Dot Tumblr Dot Com. Peer reviewed articles.
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