#I respect your privacy my dear mutual anon- UwU
tiny-space-robot · 6 months
hey dude i'm sorry if this sounds weird but. we used to be mutuals on another site a few years ago and i was secretly proship/profic back then and too much of a wimp to say it publicly and i just wanted to say i'm really happy seeing you still online and posting whatever makes you happy and not being bothered by creepy fancops. i'm still way too paranoid to say this off anon but idk you're a cool guy (also, opinions on 5-volt x 9-volt?)
hey!! woah! thats not weird at all!
happy to hear from you! (whoever you may be!) and no worries about that not being publically proship thing- youre valid no matter what!
and aaaw! thank you! >w<
aw man, 5-volt x 9-volt is soooooo neat! I don´t have really big opinions on it- (like I do with Crygorcest or Warmona for example asdfghjkl) but its super neat! and I def ship it!
(weirdly enough- back when I was on twitter I used to see occassional shipwars between 5-volt/9-volt and 9-volt/18-volt shippers! and I just?? guys! they´re both amazing! ;3;)
so yeah- 5-volt/9-volt is superb! love me some gamer fam loving asdfghjkl <3
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