#I refuse to read this again so if there are any errors just sshhhhh
ominous-auburn-orbs · 7 months
Royalteeth fic idea, A coding error or glitch in the digital circus makes Caine act out of character/off and Kinger tries to take care of him while his coding tries to fix it
As ordered, my friend! Well, probably longer than ordered, but what're you gonna do?
Ragatha, Pomni and Kinger were near the stage, with the first two talking while Kinger stared into the distance. Gangle, Jax and Zooble had been there earlier as well, but upon realising Caine wasn't there to force them into an adventure, they all promptly left to their respective rooms to enjoy the peace. The other three had believed he would show up at some point, so they had stayed. It had been multiple hours now, and they were starting to get worried. Ragatha and Pomni were, at least.
"Kinger?" Ragatha peered at the chess piece, already bracing herself for his loud reaction.
"AAHH!! Oh, sorry, you scared me, Ragatha. Did you need something?" She started to approach him.
"Well, it's just that Caine hasn't shown up in a while, and I was wondering if you knew what might be going on? You do spend the most time with him out of all of us."
Caine was missing? That didn't happen, practically ever. He would at least greet them in the morning. "I'm sure he's fine! Caine's always fine. It's not like he could be hurt or anything. Yeah, how could he get hurt?"
Kinger trailed off, sounding more and more like he was trying to reassure himself rather than the others. Pomni's concern was growing further, and Kinger's forced certainty was not helping.
"Caine isn't necessarily the best ringmaster, but I still don't want him to be in pain or- or whatever getting sick is for him." She nervously fidgeted with her hands. "Is there a way for us to find him? Somewhere he usually spends his time?"
"Hmm, I guess we could check his room. He doesn't spend much time there, but I'm pretty sure it's the only place we can access," Kinger suggested.
"Wait, he has a room too?"
"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't he?" Because he was an AI. Because he didn't need rest. Because he didn't need a place to put personal belongings he didn't have or could easily fit in his hat. Pomni knew she wouldn't get many answers from Kinger, so she didn't bother asking. She already had plenty of questions nagging at her mind, what were a few more added to the pile?
That was when Bubble zoomed into view, surprisingly frantic.
"You guys have to come quick! Something's wrong with Caine's code, he's in his room and he's being really pissy!!"
"Alright, calm down, Bubble. We were just going there anyway." Ragatha turned to Kinger. "Guess you were onto something after all."
Kinger wasn't listening. Caine's code? That was important! It made him who he was! While Bubble was trying to lead them, Kinger was rushing ahead to get to Caine's room. He knew the way by heart.
When they arrived, the chess piece would've kicked the door down if he had the legs to do it. Caine had never been hurt before, his code was always in perfect shape. Alright, he may be exaggerating there, but he thought it was perfect!
"Caine?! It's me, what's wrong?!" Caine was sitting in the middle of his room, legs pulled tight into his chest. Kinger immediately went to him, but came to a halt when the ringmaster snapped at him.
"Would you stop yelling?!!" Pomni flinched at the doorway while Ragatha stopped her anxious inching forward. The chess piece would admit that it stung a little, but he probably deserved it for his slight overreaction. He tried to calm himself down and approach differently.
"Caine? Bubble said there was something wrong with your code. Can you tell me what's happening?"
"Bubble brought you here?" His tone was unreadable, but he still shot a look to Bubble that made him leave. "I'm fine. I don't need you. Just go away already!"
Ragatha solemnly nodded at Pomni, signifying for them to leave. The jester stared at Caine for a moment before giving Kinger as determined an expression as she could manage. "Feel better soon, Caine."
Caine's head snapped up just as the door closed behind the two.
"Was that Pomni?" He sounded terrified. "Did... did I yell at Pomni?"
Kinger kneeled in front of him. "Yes, but you can apologise to her later. I know she'll forgive you. You didn't mean it." The chess piece reached out a hand, but paused mid-air. "Can I touch you?"
Caine nodded. Kinger place a hand on his shoulder and rubbed gently. "Are you ready to tell me what's going on?"
There was a long bout of silence before the ringmaster spoke up. "I-I don't know. Some glitch has happened and i just don't feel like myself. I don't know what to do, Kinger." His voice was full of worn out panic. This much raw emotion was rare to be heard from him, even for Kinger.
"Do you know how to fix the code?"
"W-well yes, but... I just," Caine was getting increasingly frustrated already, "can't."
"Is there something you need for it? How can I help?" Caine's teeth shut, a harsh grumble, close to a growl, escaping him. "Caine, I'm trying to-"
"NO!" His teeth shot open again, his hands grabbing at the front of Kinger's robe, drawing a startled cry from him. "NO NO NO! I CAN'T, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, I CAN'T LEAVE, WHAT IF-" His yelling was abruptly cut off by a gasp.
Caine sank back down, his grip loosening, his eyes locked with Kinger's. The chess piece wanted to cry at his horrified look.
"O-oh God. Kinger, I'm so sorry. I'm so- F[@&%]!!" Kinger was still taken aback. He'd never seen Caine lose his temper, let alone swear. It really was bad. The ringmaster started to sob, head facing the floor, still clinging to the other's robe. Kinger softly embraced him, quietly replying to all of his apologies with loving forgiveness.
When the crying turned to occasional sniffles, Kinger spoke up again, barely above a whisper. "What do you think will happen if you try to fix your code?"
Caine squeezed Kinger's body before responding. "I-in order to fix the code, o-or change it at all, I can't do anything with my physical body. I can't see, I can't move, and- and fixing a glitch like this might take a while. What if- what if something happens to you? What if one of the NPCs act up? What if one of you gets hurt? What if one of you gets lost? God, what if one of you abstracts?" His fingers dug into Kinger enough to hurt, but he made no complaints.
"E-ever since Pomni found that 'exit' and got lost in the void- everything Kaufmo did- all because I was careless and got distracted, I'm just so scared of leaving again." Kinger slowly dragged his hand up and down Caine's back, waiting to see if there was anything else. When he was sure Caine was ready, he pulled back.
"If you're so scared, that means you aren't careless. You care a lot. How about I stay here with you while you fix the code, and if anything happens, I'll 'wake you up'. Does that work?"
"I guess it does... e-everyone's in their rooms, right?" Kinger nodded. "Can you take me out into the hall, then? J-just so I can be a bit closer to them."
"Of course." The pair stood and left the room, sitting down again just outside of Caine's room, leaning against the door. With it being at the end of the hall, it gave Kinger a good view of all the rooms and their doors. They sat in silence, with Caine's head on Kinger's shoulder.
"I think I'm ready now." The ringmaster cuddled closer to Kinger before the chess piece lifted him and placed him in his lap, the rising blush on his gums not going unnoticed. "Bring me back if anything happens, okay?"
Kinger brought up a hand and lightly stroked Caine's face. "Okay."
"Thank you." With that, Caine's eyes unfocused and became filled with green code.
For a long time, Kinger sat there, keeping watch. The circus performers would come by to check on the two and chat to Kinger as well as trying to find out Caine's progress, but they could never tell how close he was to being fixed.
Jax even showed up as well, but it was mainly to bother them and to see if he could disturb Caine. He got bored quick, though, with the only reaction he could get being Kinger's glaring before Zooble dragged him away.
Eventually, Caine came to, having finished fixing his code.
"Kinger, my dear?"
"Huh-? AAH!" Caine couldn't help but smile. He had really sat with him this entire time and still got startled by him. "You're awake! How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling great! And..." his voice quietened, nervousness creeping in, "I'm sorry for being so... agitated."
"I forgive you." Kinger touched his forehead to Caine's, both of them content. "Oh! You'll be happy to know that nothing went wrong while you were out. Some of the others did come to check on you, though. I had some nice talks with them."
Caine could never describe how grateful he was. He'd still have to make it up to everyone, especially Ragatha and Pomni, but he was fine with staying here for now. "Tell me all about it."
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