#I reckon he considers soft-worn clothes a small 'luxury' which he can allow himself
ever-searching · 1 year
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer? (for Cain)
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Cain has spent the majority of his life wearing cheap cloth and textiles that were made to be practical rather than luxurious. Now that his adventuring career has finally taken off somewhat, he could afford something "better", but he still tends to default to what he is used to.
His favourites are cotton and linen for their durability and convenience but prefers them when they are slightly worn: still usable but slightly soft and comforting. He would probably enjoy silk due to its "airiness", too, but he considers it too pricy and unsuitable for his usual activities.
The fabrics he doesn't like tend to either itch or get easily sweaty and then cling to his skin, such as coarse wool or slippery types of satin. He also avoids hemp both because it tends to be coarse and because it reminds him of the unpleasant parts of his past.
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