#I ran out of steam at the end hence the rough summary thing dfgkjhjkhdfkjsgf
obsessedwithegos · 2 years
Hello again! I’m back but with a writing prompt! Doesn’t have to be filled or anything, just wanted to share it cause you’re one of my favorite writers :D A young (I don’t mean child like young adult) royal gets kidnapped by a criminal for ransom, but it turns out that the royal family was really toxic and abusive to the person so now this criminal has to deal with the repercussions of committing treason and crimes against the crown while having to take this little prince/princess/heir with them. Could be a whumpee/slightly better whumper situation or could be a whumpee/caretaker or even a whumpee/a bit healed other whumpee. Hope you enjoy!
So I took a little creative liberty and made a small change! Prince Thei is still kidnapped for ransom, but Alistair wasn’t specifically targeting royalty! 
Notes: Eldryth is a 5 headed dragon, but her green and black heads share a consciousness and her blue and white heads share a separate one. Meaning she has 3 separate consciousnesses! Also 10,000 gold is equivalent to $1,000,000 USD!
CWs: Draconic Sibling whumper(s), Vampiric Tiefling whumpee, Changling carewhumper, Sibling abuse, Downplaying abuse, Kidnapping, Improper wound care, Whumpee seeking out carewhumper
Thei harshly pulled their hood over their head as they stormed out of the castle.
“Oh come on you big baby! You know I’m just messing with you!” Eldryth’s primary head called out
“Messing with them typically doesn’t involve getting claws on them.” Her green and black heads pointed out, causing her to roll her eyes. “Oh please, they need to get over themself.” she huffed.
“Ma’am, should we send someone after them?” A guard asked. 
“No, if they want alone time let them have it.” She says at the same time as her blue and white heads, resulting in a slight echo effect.
Thei sniffled as they try to wipe tears away so they don’t fall into the fresh claw wound on their face. 
Their face burned and they kept their eyes looking at the ground. “That sanctimonious bitch and her vacuous heads.” They muttered. 
They kicked a rock “Just once I’d like to take reprisal on her without getting in trouble.” They huffed 
They continued to rant to themself, unaware that there was someone just around the corner that was listening. 
“I- Just- AUGH–UMPF-” Their ranting was cut off by a paw slapping over their mouth as they’re grabbed and dragged off into the night. 
They attempted to struggle but it didn’t take long for something to wrap around their tail and legs, a blind fold thrown over their eyes before being gagged, and then their wrists being grabbed to be tied behind their back.
Despite being restrained they still continued to squirm and try to yell into the gag, regardless of their attempts they were still carried off.
Alistair was breathing heavily by the time he got back to his cabin, while the person he caught seemed to have tired out a while ago, carrying them and keeping up this form was exhausting. 
He locked the door behind him and hulled the person over to a chair he had already prepared. He drops them into it, unwrapping his tail from around their legs and tail so he could tie them to the chair first. 
Once he had them secured to the chair he finally drops the tabaxi disguise. “Alright. Let's see who you are. Hopefully you have someone who’s willing to pay good money for you.” He mutters the last sentence as he grabs their hood and yanks it back. 
He hums as he looks over their green hair and pink skin. “Well, I can’t see your eyes but you’re pretty cute.” He grabs their chin so he could move their head to get a better look at them. One of their cheeks had a pretty deep cut in it. “Even if I can’t use you for ransom I’m sure I could sell-”
His eyes landed on the scale choker with 5 colorful gems that was clasped around the person’s neck. “Fuuuccckk.” He whispered as he felt his heart drop.
He just kidnapped Prince Thei. He just kidnapped one of the children of Tiamat. Oh he was so screwed. 
Then he paused. Why was the prince walking around without any guards? Why was he hurt?
He sighs and goes to get some rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and a bandage. When he returned, he kneeled down in front of the prince. “I’m going to take your gag off so I can clean your wound. If you yell I’ll shove it down your throat.” He threatened before taking the gag off.
To his surprise, the prince remained quiet. 
He poured rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball before pressing it against the wound, resulting in a hiss from them as it stung their wound. 
Despite the stinging, Thei didn’t pull try to pull away. Other than the occasional hiss from the stinging, they remained quiet. 
“What happened?” The kidnapper asked as he put a bandage on the wound. 
“Why do you want to know?” 
“It’s not everyday there’s an injured prince wandering around without guards.”
They hesitated for a moment as their ears pin back. “My sisters happened. It’s not that serious.” 
“It’s not? Is it a common occurrence?” He asked, sounding confused. 
“... Yes.” 
There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment. 
“If I take off your blindfold, you won't have me executed when you’re brought back home. Will you?” He asked.
Thei snorts “As if I have that ability.” 
“Just answer the question.”
“No. I won’t have you executed. If you’re going to use me for ransom, I’d recommend sending it straight to Tiamat. She’s the only one likely to pay it.” 
The kidnapper was quiet for a moment as he took the blindfold off. “The name is Alistair.” He introduces himself. 
They squint their eyes and blink a few times to adjust to the light. Upon seeing the changling in front of them, they looked confused and then looked around. “Where’s your furry partner in crime?” 
“I don’t have a partner in crime. That was me.” Alistair answered as he turned his hands into fluffy orange paws. 
Thei looked at him in astonishment. “You can turn into animal folk? I thought humanoid changlings couldn’t do that.” 
He shrugs and poofs his arms back to normal. “Well, like you, I’m an oddball.” 
“How peculiar.” They muttered. 
“As for the ransom. If I attempted to do that, do you have any idea what the size of the bounty that would be put on my head would be?” He rhetorically asked. “Tomorrow I’ll drop you off somewhere outside of the city and you can walk back home.” 
“I imagine it’d be around ten thousand gold.” They answered, resulting in a choked sound from Alistair. 
They paused for a moment. “What if I don’t want to go back?” They asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“What?” Confusion was plastered across his face. “You’d rather stay with your kidnapper than go back home?”
They gave a half shrug as it was difficult to move their arms. “I mean, this is the most thrill I’ve had in a while! You aren’t beating me, you aren’t shouting at me, or claiming how much better you are than me. You actually tended to my wound.” They listed off as they managed to adjust their hands enough to be touching the rope around their wrists. 
“This is significantly better than that stuffy old castle.” They added on right before acid from their hands caused the rope around their wrists to snap. “That’s a little better.” They muttered. 
He looked at them, completely bewildered before shaking his head. “No. Absolutely not. I’m not risking my head just because Prince Thei doesn’t want to go home.” 
He picks up the leftover supplies that he used to tend to their wound. “I hope you’re comfortable because I’m not untying you, so you’re going to be sleeping in that chair..” He says before leaving the room to put supplies away before retiring to bed.
“Wha- No dinner?!” Thei called out. Upon getting no response they pouted. “What an awful way to treat a captive.”
Alistair woke up before the sun rose. He got dressed and left his room as he mentally prepared himself to carry Prince Thei back to the city. 
What he wasn’t prepared for was finding the chair that he had tied them to empty with the robes on the floor with ends that had been eaten away by acid. 
Panic started to build until he spotted the familiar pinks and greens of the prince sleeping on his couch. He breathed a sigh of relief before walking over to them. 
Despite the situation they looked like they were sleeping mostly peacefully. Their face was almost entirely relaxed with the exception of their eyebrows being slightly furrowed. 
“Alright escape artist. Get up.” He says as he knees them in the stomach.
They wake up with a yelp followed by wheezing as the air is forced out of their lungs as they try to roll onto their back. “You could’ve- fuck- just shaken me awake!” They managed to get out between wheezes and gasps. 
“And you could’ve stayed in the chair.” He snipped before grabbing one of their arms and forcing them up “Now come on.” 
Alistair just wanted to get this done and over with to get the prince out of his hair and to get the risk of such a high bounty off of his back. 
Little did he know that the prince would continue to seek him out, just for a bit of thrill and to get away from their family. 
General: @emmettnet @thebluejaysworld
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