#I officially declare myself CEO of ADHD saeyoung
jihyuncompass · 4 years
ADHD Seven/Saeyoung Headcanons
Okay so as a person with ADHD I’m a heavy believer that Seven has ADHD. So I decided to write some headcanons about it. 
As a disclaimer I am a person with ADHD so a lot of these are drawing from my own experiences with dealing with it but ADHD is an extremely complex neurodevelopmental disorder with a lot of symptoms and behaviors, so many that I can’t include them all here.
Seven wasn’t diagnosed until he joined the agency. 
Seven mostly deals with a combination of hyperactive and inattentive type, however his hyperactive symptoms are much more obvious to people. 
Seven has a prescription for meds, but he’s really bad at remembering to take them. He tries to keep the bottle on his desk to remember to take them when he sits down to work but he usually forgets. 
As a kid Seven had a hyperfixation on computers, which is how he learned to hack so quickly. He would lose himself for hours just learning about how they work. 
Some of that still lingers but he hyperfixates on electronics and tech as a whole now. 
This is partially why he has so many strange inventions littered around the bunker. Many started as brief ideas that his mind went wild with leaving him hyperfocused on creating that idea. 
However for every finished invention there’s about 3-4 unfinished ones. Projects he lost interest in or stopped being fun enough for him. And unfortunately once he loses interest he rarely gets it back. 
He drinks Dr. Pepper partially because it tastes good but the caffeine actually helps his mind settle and makes it easier for him to focus on his work. He depends more on caffeine then his own meds tbh. 
Part of the reason he mostly eats HBC is not only because they taste good but often times cooking is hard for him. Almost everything takes too long, takes too much energy to make, or is too confusing. He also once almost burned down his bunker after leaving the stove on trying to make noodles after he got distracted. He won’t admit it but that moment was kind of traumatizing. 
As annoying as they may be, Vanderwood is actually a huge help for him. Getting anything done without an external motivation is nearly impossible. They may be harsh about it but Vanderwood’s pressure actually helps him focus a lot better. 
Unfortunately his ADHD also makes him a bit oppositional defiant so yeah he’ll do the work, but he might be a pain about it. 
Seven struggles with some sensory issues, things like noise and touch are especially sensitive for him. 
Big hoodie and headphones? ADHD sensory saviors honestly. 
Sleep is also a huge issue for him. He’s almost never tired at night and even when he is he finds it impossible to actually fall asleep. He relies on melatonin supplements to get himself to sleep. 
Other times he just falls asleep when his body physically gives up. This is usually at his desk or on the couch, it’s not very restful sleep but it’s what his body needs. 
Socially Seven has a difficult time. On top of having ADHD he also didn’t exactly socialize a lot of a child so he missed learning a lot of the social cues and expectations that most people learn as children. 
He’s also rather impulsive in the way he speaks, he blurts out things and goes on long unrelated tangents. If you think it’s bad in the chatroom its even more intense in person.
Seven is more than aware of how impulsive he can be while speaking, He tends to agonize after conversations about things he said. He would never let people in on that though. 
He leans heavily into the quirky, aloof 707 personality for this reason. He knows he’s socially awkward and doesn’t always say the right things so he acts as this sort of cartoonish caricature of himself he’s created.
Although Seven tries to hide it he cares a lot about what people think of him. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is a huge hidden aspect of ADHD and he can’t stand the thought of people rejecting him, or even disliking him. 
It’s why he always listens and follows what V asks of him. Seven deeply cares about what V thinks of him. And considering V’s the only older male figure in his life he actually trusts wholeheartedly? The thought of V being disappointed in him is debilitating. 
It was similar with Rika too, Seven didn’t think it was a good idea to install a bomb in the apartment. He couldn’t think of a single reason why that could be a good idea, but he’s petrified of the idea of her being unhappy with him. 
To end on a light note, Seven is the living embodiment of that one vine. 
“Got diagnosed with cool guy syndrome yesterday, so now I take ~adderall~ haHA” 
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