#I mean cmon if you were a shapeshifter wouldn’t YOU want to mess around with the options?
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Instead of having anything interesting for the very first Form Change Friday, have this very unfinished scribble of these two being absolute dorks
They’re talking about (and testing) how Cool™️ (sharp) Asteri can make herself look.
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cookierunauprompts · 3 months
Arcane egg: Her familiar, Charcoal loaf.
Yup, you read that correctly. Arcane has a familiar! And he’s a little bastard! But like in a fun way. 
First things first, what does he look like? He’s a shapeshifter spirit that arcane accidentally made by combining some of her personal magic, with some magic of her virtue, with a very special magical ink. As a result he’s an inky black malleable little blob when he’s not in his cookie form, of course he takes the shape of a cat. But tbh he can be any creature he really wants if he puts enough effort into it. Also you read correctly he has a cookie form, here look (design subject to changes.)
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Now, what’s this cat like? A little bit of a bastard I must say, he trolls and messes with most people. And one of the only exceptions is Arcane egg. Even then he’s very sassy, also since he’s a spirit he has a very different morality system compared to cookies. He’s on the orange and blue morality spectrum while everyone else is black and white, this way of thinking applies to all spirits. But he cares very deeply for arcane, even if you think he doesn’t.
That’s why during the story he’s not afraid to give the other beasts shit for being mean to Arcane, you don’t treat someone you care about like that. Even in his books, you just don’t. Period. He gets this strong sense of devotion and defiance unsurprisingly from Arcane, but that’s not the only reason. 
Back when he was first made, arcane wasn’t around because he came to a bit after the fact when the ink and magic mixed. And let’s just say the cookies around him were terrified, and as a result he was severely frightened. He just came into existence after all, so he escapes and hides in the building's attic. A few hours pass and he’s still so scared and confused, he feels so unwelcomed in this realm. Like he doesn’t belong. 
Until a pair of footsteps can be heard, he stays under this table he’s hidden himself under. He sees that hat first, than a plain white cloak. They seem to have sparkly pieces of see through cloth as well, it feels…comforting for some reason. It reminds him of the spirit realm, which he shouldn’t know what that is but he feels it within every drop of his body. Than he sees it, two piercing yellow-orange eyes. As intense as the sun, bright and warm. Filled with magical energy and vibrancy. Most cookies are intimidated by her eyes, but not spirits. Not him. It feels safe, like a home.
But those eyes are obscured, their vibrancy dampened by the veiled hat. “Hi little guy-“ her voice is different from those cookies as well, she seems so comfortable here with the magic and spirits. “Can I come closer?”
Of course, why wouldn’t he agree? Why wouldn’t he want to bask in this magic, this warmth. Why deny the sun? It’s probably hard to see but he nods.
She takes a few steps closer before dropping to her knees and crawling closer, till she can meet his eyes. “Hey buddy… quite striking eyes you got their huh?” Such an odd statement to say, but weirdly comforting. She talking to him like he wasn’t this scary monster, but as a living being.
She taps her gloved fingers across the ground, beckoning him forward and out. “Cmon out bud, I won’t hurt you- I’ll even get you out of here. How does that sound?” Why- why was she being so nice? So at ease around him, this blob of unsculpted ink?
“W-why..?” His new formed voice can’t help but ask, “a-aren’t you afraid of me? dis-gusted?”
She chucks slightly, “oh silly silly, why would I be afraid of you? Your clearly more afraid of me.” She continued to try and beckon him out.
She for some reason complies, his small mass of black ink with only bright yellow-orange eyes giving him any sort of definition. “Oh wow! Aren’t you marvelous!” She says with wonder. He must’ve given her a weird look as she begins to explain “why wouldn’t I be amazed, from what I can tell- you can be anything!”
“…but still… I’m still a spirit- a monster…” her kindness was almost overwhelming.
“No, not a monster- I would say your quite lovable. Quite lovable indeed-“ she continues to ramble on as she gently lets his head, but he’s not listening- loavable? He was lovable in her eyes…? H-he wanted to chase this, this feeling… he wonders if she would let him stay by her side…. He hopes she would…
But yeah, that’s piece of his backstory! I hope you enjoy, tell me what you think or if you have any questions. Bye!
AUAHGABSUDGHU*sobs* I LOVE HIM !! this might be because of cat bias, but i love him! he looks like a funky little bastard man and honestly he's so right for that
and now a question, is charcoal loaf essentially the polycule's son/hj
Okay now a real question, since he's a shapeshift then how many forms can he take?
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