#I love them so much and didn't think 2023 would bring me shipping these two
taydaq · 1 year
Since no one else is doing it... I'm taking matters into my own hands... (these are just previews at the moment- full images will eventually be posted to AO3 when I get a chance). Have some Sami x Jey sketches that I've been working on and I'm putting them under a read-only because I know some people aren't into it! (And any negative comments will be deleted and blocked).
If I didn't have somewhere to be... I'd also post the ambreigns stuff too. But I'll do that when I get home!
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ironbloodaika · 7 months
Happy Halloween 2023!
This is something long overdue. Even though I stopped posting my commissions on here that doesn't mean I've stopped getting them!
I've especially enjoyed getting Halloween commissions because those are really fun to conceive, order, and see made into reality. I've especially enjoyed getting them from Aeolus06 and he's never disappointed. Sadly due to me being between jobs I couldn't get any this year. :( That said I've decided to use this as an opportunity to show what I've got over the last few years and hopefully you'll love them as much as I do! :)
These first four are unique in that these were all from the same year (2020 to be exact). Since Aeo has a cool down period between commissions, I actually got these all done over a period of a few months. XD Took a lot of luck and prayer, but I got all the ideas I wanted done!
First one was probably the most complex, but was worth it because of how well it fit. Star, Marco, and Hekapoo from Star vs The Forces of Evil as AndrAIa, Matrix, and Older!AndrAIa from Reboot! Much like Matrix, Marco had a bit of age jumping that fit naturally (especially body types and eye scars). Plus Star and Hekapoo are shipped pretty hard with him so it was natural they dress as the different versions of Matrix's lady love.
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Also, Fun Fact: Marco's scar/prosthetic eye is on the wrong side compared to his costume, but I felt it was better to ignore it than have Aeo flip the entire costume. XD
Next up we had some classic hotties from Canada, Lindsay and Courtney. Everyone with a pulse will know I'm a Courtney fan, so I'm always eager to give her some love. And while I'm not AS big on Lindsay, she's a fun character and I have some friends who love her too so I didn't mind them sharing the spotlight.
Obviously the theme/inspiration behind this pics conception is the fact Lindsay and Courtney pack the biggest T and A on the island respectively, so they needed some costumes to illustrate that. Thus we got Courtney as everyone's fave lady wrestler Rainbow Mika from Street Fighter and Lindsay as the boxing cheerleader Tiffany Lords from Rival Schools. Both ladies who kick ass and look good doing it! Give these ladies some love folks!
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Another Fun Fact: This one took faster to do than I expected, mostly cause I didn't realize my refs were thigh high. In the end I feel it still looked good and didn't bother bringing it up. XD
Here's another cute couple and one I think deserves more love. Eclipsa Butterfly and Globgor are also from SVTFOE and honestly very sweet and adorable. While they're regarded as evil by less tolerant folk, they're honestly some of the sweetest characters you'll see on the show. I feel this is a nice contrast to their costumes, Sindel and Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat. I went with the MK9 versions of their outfits since they were both modern and simple. Didn't wanna be THAT guy who commissions SUPER complicated outfits. I'm not a sadist! While later games would retcon Sindel into being just as evil as Shao (something thankfully corrected in MK1) I still feel this outfit and character works for Eclipsa, even if she and her hubby are as far from evil as you can get. XD
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Final pic of this year is another couples pic with Danny Fenton and Paulina Sanchez. I ship these two and take no shame in it. This was originally gonna just be Paulina as Phantom Girl from Legion of Superheroes since the name and colors matched Danny perfectly. But then I figured just having Paulina in costume wouldn't be fair, so I had him dress up as Timberwolf, since I recall them having a few moments in the cartoon. A cartoon, much like this pairing, is very underrated. XD
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Now to 2021! This was a fun crossover and and me deciding to avoid "themes" and combining two character pin-ups in one! Once again we have Hekapoo and this year she's dressed up as Otedamako. Who's that? Only my fave Monster of the Day from Sailor Moon! :3 To her side with have a humanoid Rarity showing off her darkside as Martha from Helluva Boss! This one came from the animated opening in G5 that had Rarity showing off some spiky teeth and a crazy look in her eyes. IMMEDIATELY brought Martha too mind. All and all, very happy with how these two came out!
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And now to the prior year of 2022. By this point Aeo started coloring the stream commissions and honestly, it was worth the price increase. Dude is a machine! If this one has a theme it's basically me taking the waifus of my close friends (Chill, Terrible, and Raccoon) and dressing them as other sexy waifus. From left to right we have Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia dressed as Harlequin, the Harley Quinn of the Gods and Monsters film. A very hot/underrated design for a VERY twisted take on the character. Toga makes it work! Front and center we have Wilhamena Mettle from OK K.O.! as Starfire, specifically the comic book version for obvious reasons. XD Finally we have Juri Han from Street Fighter dressed in the tight leathers of Penelope Spectra from Danny Phantom, specifically her second form. Lot of specifics in this piece. XD
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Final Fun Fact: Was tempted to have Wilhamena as Star Canary, the fusion of Starfire and Black Canary from the Batman/Superman comic. Very hot design. XD
And a bit of a bonus! I ended up really helping out a new friend on deviantART back in 2020 and got to get a bit of art as a thank you. Courtesy of XJKenny we have Meteora Butterfly, daughter of Eclipsa and Globgor as Mileena. Also her MK9 design, this not only works for Meteora herself given her story, but also matches up with her parents' costumes as well!
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Well that's everything I wanted to share this year! This has been a rough year for me personally and for the world as a whole. But I'm hoping we can turn things around a bit with what bit of the year we have left.
Happy Halloween everyone! Stay scared and stay safe! 👻 🎃
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beautifulpersonpeach · 6 months
Hi BPP, i know that i probably shouldn’t be asking you this but right now you are the only blogger i know who might be able to explain this to me in a way that make sense.
So i’m kinda new to the fandom (January 2023) but i’ve been able to watch loads of clips and pretty much caught up to speed with alot of content. I’m not a shipper but i were to ship anyone, I’d probably ship Vmin because they are my favourite members and Jungkook comes right after the two of them on my scale of preference, but i have always thought Jk has an extremely special and sorta complicated relationship with Jimin. It really confuses me sometimes but i know that those two have a really beautiful bond. For Taekook, they have always been very easy for me to understand but while going through some blogs here on tumblr, i noticed that so many taekookers believe that taekook’s ITS talk was scripted. They think so because, apparently neither Jk or tae had ever looked or seemed distant or awkward around each other. They bring up examples of them napping together on ITS, still hanging around each other and even engaging in skinship. According to them, taekook wouldn’t do all these if they really were awkward and distant.
I personally think they are interpreting the whole thing wrong but a part of me wonders if they might have a point. I don’t see any reason why the company would make taekook act out something like that, which pretty much shows that they went through an awkward phase plus taekook seemed very genuine to me while they had the talk and ut didn’t seem like it was an act. So my question to you is, what are your thoughts about the ITS talk? Why do u think some pple continue to insist that it was scripted? I’m just trying to understand the whole thing cuz the different opinions i’ve read about it really confuses me. I don’t think there is anything going on with taekook ofcourse (it just wouldn’t make sense) but i think they are one of the closest pairs, and people tkkrs misinterpret their partners in crime dynamics for romance love. Pls i’d really appreciate it if u can let me know ur thoughts on this.
I could go into a rambling detailed breakdown of why Taekookers believe what they believe (their only option in this scenario is to believe the convo is scripted, their theories leave them no choice), or get into how taekook did drift apart and by how much, or talk about the inevitable angle of fan service, etc, but the truth is I really don't want to get into it.
I don't care enough about taekook or taekookers to dive into it, so I'll give you the abridged version.
The obvious counterpoint to their narrative is to ask why their villainization of Jimin skyrocketed in the years during which taekook supposedly 'didn't' drift apart. The times they hated him for jikook's Japan trip, the time they hated him for the fixed orbit situation jikook had in 2018, jikook in 2019 were a problem too. A huge problem for taekookers given they couldn't stop talking about how 'Jimin was working with the company to take Jungkook away from Taehyung while lying to Taehyung that it is to protect his relationship, so jikook + BTS + HYBE were fucking Taehyung over in his personal life and his career'. It riles me up just typing it out so imagine how insane these people are to believe this as a core creed 24/7. Anyhoo, they knew something was 'wrong' in a sense with taekook and that Jimin was involved somehow, and this is plainly evident in their well documented behaviour from 2016 - 2020. In my opinion. Do I think they're right and Jimin is the reason taekook were distant? No. I think whatever distance happened is due to taekook's own actions. But I also think it betrays an understanding in taekookers, that taekook had drifted apart.
What do I think about the ITS talk? I'm glad they had it. I like taekook and had missed seeing their dynamic. For anyone still not sure if they indeed drifted apart, if you can sense a general shift of more taekook content after that conversation than immediately before it, what does that tell you? The sort of rapport between them now is reminiscent of their closeness prior to 2016-ish, and in some ways better so that's good to see.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 4 months
hello steeeeephhhh :D
yet another rant incoming - hold on! (or ignore your choice lmao)
but like-
idk why it took me so long to watch the rdj sherlock holmes movies but like... HAHAAHAHAHAH HOW CAN A MOVIE TRY SO DESPERATELY TO BE STRAIGHT AND END UP SO BEAUTIFULLY GAYYYYY
lmaoooo literally can't. it's just too funny!!!
i watched them both (are there really only two?) (nvm i just looked it up myself - yes there are only two)
thaha. holmes constantly trying to sabotage watson's relationship with mary and watson actually giving in to holmes' attempts to keep him company... it is hilarious!
OH aaalso... the first one was made before the bbc show right? it's funny to see the parallels between those!
(bbc did better but honestly nothing will ever be better than bbc sherlock to me...)
(jude law is an amazing watson!!! not entirely convinced of rdj as sherlock holmes. maybe i didn't buy his british accent xD (or maybe i am just too big of a sucker for benny boi xD) (who am i kidding ofc i am too big of a sucker for benefit cumbernoodle))
ANYGAYS!!! i hope youre okay and i am sending you hugs!!!
btw i am sorry for my random rants in your inbox but... i don't know i just love the way you interact with your asks... ask-people? what is that called??? idk but i hope you know what i mean!)
whoop!! reminded me of how much i love sherlock haha (not that i could ever forget i am just in desperate need of a rewatch)
(am i making too many brackets?) (i totally am) (shut up turtely it's getting awkward) OKAYYYY BYYEEE
love you take care youre wonderful and loved and beautiful and perfect just the way you are and I NEED TO STOP AND BRING THIS TO AN END NOW!!!
Hey Turtely!!!
OMG I LOVE RDJ Holmes, and it's so BEAUTIFUL. The first one came out in 2009, and Sherlock came out in 2010, so yes, RDJ Holmes was first, and I fell in love with that one first (I got into Sherlock in 20...13? Just before season 3). The two RDJ films are still a couple of my faves, and there's been talks for YEARS for a third one (I know both RDJ and Law want to do it, but I think the problem is all the issues plaguing WB...)
AND OMG the BEST PART?? Law literally shamed a reporter for calling their relationship a bromance; I think they BOTH want the third one to be an explicit queer relationship, but I think the big hurdle is the studio interference and (BEFORE 2023) was the remaining copyrights not having expired. NOW that all the ACD canon is public domain, the big hurdle is the WB.
Anyway, I love them, SO MUCH. I ship them SO hard, and now I think I'm gonna go rewatch the movies because they're SO beautiful. I love them to bits.
Since it's been over a decade since the last one, I would LOVE SH3 to explore them older and together. I think that would be lovely.
I have a lot of fun stuff in my rdj holmes , ritchie holmes , and sherlock holmes 2009 tags you can check out!
And thank you for your kind words. I will try my best to take care of myself <3 My heart is a squishy at the praise LOL
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canonically47 · 9 months
i watched the entirety of total drama 2023 today, and here's how it went (spoilers below!) (no duh...):
got very, very, VERY emotionally attached to zee, laughed my ass off at most of his lines, absolutely adored every minute of him being on screen, and cringed when he announced he had joined both alliances, then got SUPER MAD at chris allowing the players to vote again. what bullshit
found bowie and raj's romance absolutely adorable, although cut a bit short, but they made up for it by bringing everyone back in the finale and having raj cheer for bowie so intensely! also, ADORED wayne and how supportive he was! he was absolutely adorable!!! and after being so into the many queer ships of the fandom, actually hearing the words 'gay' and 'bi' on total drama made me kind of tear up. that was adorable.
also, loved everyone, from wayne to chris and sharks being supportive of bowie and raj, but how much chris emphasized his hatred of emma and chase's relationship. i also hate them, by the way. emma was cool until folding all the way back for chase.
very mixed on ripper. on one side, he is annoying and one big fart joke, but on the other side, he seems like he could genuinely be sweet if he tried hard enough - or not at all! he didn't even want to help millie, but she still found him helpful when giving her advice on how to win priya over again!
weirdly enough, found no new ships except for rajbow. saw some people shipping priya and millie, as well as wayne and raj, but honestly - and this is VERY unusual for me to say - i think those two duos are way better off as platonic! of course, massive respect for those who ship them, they have some cute moments that i guess you could take for romantic if you wanted to, but they're not my style.
the whole goat thing was hilarious. the goats going >:O at bowie saying he has eaten and will eat goat again was just so good.
the pretty boys need to try to make it further, man. justice for caleb. a lot of eliminations were kind of unfair to me, actually, especially axel's, and for ripper i really felt like he could've gone another time. i've already mentioned zee. *sobs* zee............... he is the winner in my eyes. (is it obvious i have a favorite?) (i think it's bowie but zee is tying with him. zee <333)
i kind of disliked millie at the start but hearing her mini-speech about her own insecurities and thinking she's above everyone else...argh i kin her so hard stop she deserves the world.
chef? was actually interested?? in their safety??? up until the finale of course but i found that so weird
i screamed in shock and disappointment when bowie didn't win, but i kind of knew deep down inside they were bold enough to add an openly gay contestant, and although i was certain he would make it to the finale, i was expecting the win to go to priya because they wouldn't go much further than that. next season, though :')
i was very surprised with how major some of the roles were, and how insignificant others were! i feel like lauren, mk and nichelle were hyped up a lot, but i barely got attached to them, while i just saw one or two posts of priya and millie, and assumed they would not even make it to the final ten. i also thought some ships would have more interactions due to some fandom posts - nichelle and axel... the potential was THERE... but they barely got a WORD........
what i'm thinking for next season:
chase and emma break up all over again, but (HOPEFULLY.) this time it's for good, and emma and bowie get a chance to properly reunite and become friends again.
bowie and raj will also be an official couple, but because of that, i doubt chris would let them on the same team.
it would also be fun to see wayne on the same team as bowie, and not raj! bowie talks his ears off about how great raj is, and then wayne does the same (but platonically) and it's great. everyone hates them because all they hear about is raj, raj, raj.
caleb - please, please, god - makes it a bit further this time, and damien makes it to the final five! everyone is shocked, including him.
my ideal final five would be raj, wayne, bowie, zee, and damien, but i seriously doubt that would happen because they always keep things equal between the genders, so, for the sake of the next point, let's say it's raj, axel, zee, nichelle, and bowie.
my ideal elimination order would be:
mk ("we don't want you spying on us again, that's gross")
lauren (costs them the challenge because she got carried away being creepy)
caleb (the votes are rigged against him yet again, this time by julia! goddamn it julia)
ripper (his pride got in the way and cost them the challenge, but he managed to get a bit of redemption in the episodes he was in),
millie (too injured from a challenge to continue, urges priya to keep pushing forward)
julia (people get tired of her bullshit much quicker this time and vote her off before she can cause any more unwanted drama, but spoiler alert, bowie's still here, so you did nothing, guys)
chase (right after emma's major breakup with him! ouch.)
priya (takes it VERY. HARD.)
emma (the votes are rigged against her)
damien (he put up a good fight)
nichelle (it is found out that she rigged the votes)
the final three are raj, axel, and zee. raj has an alliance with wayne, bowie, emma and zee - zee joined because he wanted to make up for the last failed alliances - and so, raj and zee team up to get axel out (because they literally couldn't otherwise).
side note, bowie still got voted out because nichelle helped by rigging the votes from afar for axel. what the fuck.
so, for the first time in total drama history, the final two are of the same gender! lots of angry letters for that one.
it seems that zee has the win for a while - against all odds! - but, to make up for his boyfriend losing completely last time, raj takes the win, and splits the money between himself, wayne, and bowie! there's a remaining dollar in there somewhere, and zee's mad happy to get it. (raj actually gives him more, but that's between you and me.)
and that's it! i'm obviously very biased because i have favorites, other opinions are welcome if you wanna discuss :D
here is a list of my ranking of the characters (for which this tierlist was used) to finish this post off strong:
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goldenteaset · 5 months
2023 Fic Writer Year In Review (Part 1)
These came from this ask post here, but I felt like answering them in chunks on my own, similar to what I did in 2022. I was a lot happier this year. :D
Answers 1-10 under the cut!
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
Messing with formatting and POV in "An Act of Husbandry" (Virche Evermore, Scien/Ceres)! I think it turned out great, thanks to the Despair Ending that inspired it having a lot to work with. I definitely want to try it again!
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
...I have no idea, actually. ^^; A lot? Let's go with that, yeah.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
Being honest with what I want to write makes the act of writing go so much easier. Also a lot of things I thought I'd never consider writing I absolutely would if given the right characters.
4. What piece of media inspired you the most?
A lot of media, not even ones that I wrote fic for! Cupid Parasite wound up being a huge inspiration just for how it handled the different "love types" in each route so effectively. Baldur's Gate 3 has helped me put into context how I want to write Legato in Ligature. Virche Evermore has made me adore visual novels as a medium more than ever. Anne Rice's books once again reminded me of why I write in the first place...I could go on. XD
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
Alphabetically: Berserk, Death Note, Granblue Fantasy, Trigun ('98 and Stampede), Touken Ranbu, What in Hell is Bad?, and Virche Evermore.
6. What ship(s) captured your heart?
This was the year of Legato x A Good Chunk of Trigun's Cast, with special mention going to Legato x Vash, Legato x Meryl and Legato x Knives x Vash. Allan x Lynette from Cupid Parasite also occupied my thoughts a lot, but I didn't feel the need to write fic for them. ^^; Also, coming in at the end of the year: is that Scien x Ceres from Virtue Evermore with a steel chair?! Yes it is, and I've never been happier to be bludgeoned.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
Legato waited 10+ years before setting up shop in my heart and I still don't know what happened. Later, Scien kicked down the door and Ceres apologized before also stepping in too.
...Also, I feel it's worth mentioning, but good lord was this ever Belial's year as well, even more so than the last five. Confound this man and his ability to make anything sexy as long as he's involved!!
8. Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
With the exception of Berserk, GBF and Touken Ranbu, they were all new this year! (And even GBF had new faces, like Lodi.) In general I let myself run wild.
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
...Hmm. It says something that there are so many contenders this year, doesn't it? Every time I think I have an answer, two more options appear. In general, there were points where I really felt characters' emotions as I wrote, and I hope readers felt the same.
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
Again, a really hard question! XD But I do have an easy answer for that: Baby Princess Training Diary (GBF, Belial x Lyria and Belial x Lyria x Djeeta, rated E). It's a combo of being happy that I finally knew what I wanted out of it, and also just...I love Lyria so much and wanted her to have the best possible time, "even" in a kinky, dubcon story like this one. For whatever reason, she brings out Belial's most Dangerously-Caring Boyfriend Energy, and there are moments in this where I had to look away because they were so cute together! And adding Djeeta into the mix made it all the sweeter. It just wouldn't stop, even when it was time to edit. The fic itself isn't going to be to everyone's tastes, and I knew that, but still. It was just so fun...
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29daffodils · 2 months
2023 : the BL agenda
here's a list of BLs i watched in 2023.
listed in no particular order, with an overall rating according to my personal tastes and such. maybe a little funny comment too.
(please click on the names to be redirected to a liveblog thread and my subsequent mental breakdown over some gay men.
the ones not linked are those that i never liveblogged.)
favourites marked with ✨
KinnPorsche La Forte
4 out of 5
“i watched for vegaspete, i stayed for vegaspete. that's it. also apo's, bible and tong's acting. the plot kinda left the chat by the end, but overall it was a fun watch.
also my first ever thai BL, so, forgiven.”
I Feel You Linger In The Air
4 out of 5
“oh, yes, reincarnation! my absolute favourite trope. but ngl i didn't enjoy this as much. a very beautiful story overall, just not something i'll watch again. it was kinda meh for me. that's all. but i get why most people love it to death.
incredible characters, btw. those i will remember.”
Love In The Air
3 out of 5
“ok, i'll be honest here, paisky saved it. carried it on their backs. etc etc. i started watching it for phayurain, and then the first half and the lack of plot with the absolutely unhinged kidnapping scene threw me off. i am glad the second half exists.”
Only Friends
4 out of 5
“i came for sandray, i watched for sandray and i actually completed for sandray.
i'm a little biased towards this mostly because the characters were god tier if not for the randomness of the plot here and there. you could pick them apart under a microscope and still not be satisfied.”
Moonlight Chicken ✨
5 out of 5
“i would say i came for alan/gaipa and stayed for them until the end, but that would be lying. heart/liming have my heart too. and while I'm not too kind towards the main ship, they were an absolute delight to watch as well. the acting in this is top tier. the storytelling and cinematography absolutely gold. the whole atmosphere is magical. and with that OST, this can't be anything else besides a gem.
if you haven't already watched it, this is your cue.”
The Eclipse ✨
3.5 out of 5
“i came for firstkhao and i stayed for akkayan.
listen, the plot is something. it's not the most well executed. at some point i started thinking — the hell, bruh?! — but. but. it brings the point across.
this is a heartwarming show. i just wish it had a couple more episodes to tie it up nicely, because it was very rushed towards the end.
one of my favourites, despite the bad execution. why?? the firstkhao chemistry is unreal. it's funny, adorable, angsty. just what you need to cry your heart out (with joy).”
Our Skyy 2 [The Eclipse Cut]
4 out of 5
“i personally refuse to consider this as part of the eclipse universe. why? ayan — lovely, sweet ayan who'd lay down his life for akk — would never treat akk like that just to keep a surprise secret.
overall a good watch; loads of improvement in acting. but not something i'll visit again.”
Not Me ✨
5 out of 5
“i watched this for two things : the iconic pride parade scene + first as yok. i regret nothing. this was as good as they promised. the lot, the execution, the acting, the characters. this is as good as it gets.
i like to think eclipse could have been the same if not for the shoddy execution towards the end. overall great. a must watch for all BL lovers.”
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I barely go on twitter anymore cause it's fucking toxic and maybe i should never go back at all cause few days ago i open the damn app and the first thing i saw is a zarrie and a larrie shipper arguing about what ship is the realest and throwing at each other faces """proofs""" (in fucking 2023) of how hword was hinting in his songs/interviews ecc at his romantic passionete relationship with one of them like lmao i can't even get fully mad cause it's so fucking ridiculous. I wanna make clear i dislike everyone who after 2000 years of the band ending still ships romantically any of them but call me biased while all shippers are toxic in a way, no one reached the level of the ships who involve styles as part of the pair damn not even ziammies are that crazy
The interesting part is the huge magiority of larries,zarries, narries ecc are actually pretty much solo harries they don't really care,listen or support the other part involved in the ship they just need those men to fulfill their weird fantasies.
For what i saw harries can be divided into 2 categories the one who ship him with someone of the band or taylor swift and the ones who totally despise the other four and taylor
Still they seem to believe thier own fav alone isn't interesting enough cause why would they argue about who their fav music is about if they truly are there cause they enjoy it or why would they bring any of the orhers, mostly zayn and louis, i'll never understand the obsession harries have with these two (actually maybe i do i'm obsessed with them as well after all) but why bringing them into every success/achievement their fav reaches, why bring the others down in order lift him up cause every time they compare him to one of the other even if they love to blab about how he is more succesfull and rich and ecc but we all know why he is all of that don't we they are just treating the others like the standard, styles release a new music video so let's pretend to be a louie so i can bring him into the table and insult him, didn't they made associations with taylor too? I didn't want to look into the video cause i despise him and since i appreciate and admire taylor a lot i don't focus on the ship i just give attention to her music and her success (harries wouldn't know what i mean) also styles gets nominated for a grammy? Let's talk about how zayn isn't enough to get one (even if everyone atp should know they are fucking racists and elitists) louis releases a documentary? Harries tries to sabatage it cause they think their fav is more deserving of one and it would be more interesting, someone makes a funko pop of zayn? Let's harrass them cause it should have been one of styles instead cause he's so much better and ecc ecc there's many more examples but you get what i'm trying to say? Do they think their fav isn't enough on his own? that he isn't that interesting and worth of time and attention by himself they feel the need to either associate him romantically with other celebrities to write fanfictions, or to bring them into everything he says or does in order to tear them apart like they did with liam after the paul interview everyone was praising styles for eating a scorpion(?? i don't even remember) in order to not bad mouth the others while liam was so openly disrespecting zayn as if they ever cared about him as if they weren't the first ones to say shit about zayn. Listen call me crazy but i'm seriously starting to believe harries don't really care about styles he is the moment, the celebrity everyone is talking about (good or bad doesn't really matter to them) but do they genuinely care about his music, his art? I don't think so, tbh i'm only annoyed cause i wish they would leave the other guys and taylor alone, i think he has the fans he deserves disrespectful,invasive and hateful he thinks low of them and they think low of him perfect if they didn't bring others into the mix
It’s clear that Harries stan the trend of the moment, and they’ll like whatever is most popular because it’s been pushed to the front of pop culture zeitgeist.
But it’s also pretty clear that— as Gertrude Stein said— for Harry, “there’s no there there.”
He’s been built by older and more clever men, from Irving Azoff to Rob Stringer to Kid Harpoon and Jeff Bhasker to Rob Sheffield to Alessandro Michele (and the occasional woman— hello Shirley Halperin and Anna Wintour).
Harry is marketed as a blank slate onto which to project the consumer’s fantasies.
In interviews, he says nothing, in a pseudo-philosophical way. Did he rep LGBT colors on his album cover? Did he not?
He likes men? He likes women? Did he fuck his way to a leading role? Did he break up a family with young kids to get said role? But he did it “with kindness,” so it’s okay. Right? Is drug use okay? It’s good when it’s Harry Styles, right? Is he transgender? If you buy his stuff, he’ll be anything you want him to be.
His team datamines and scours Spotify algorithms to construct viral songs for him, but the songs sound as unoriginal and inoffensive as one would expect, completely smooth and devoid of expression like Harry’s forehead.
His PR combs through the internet to suppress and delete negative news, 24/7/365, always working. Harry’s conservative and Zionist politics get scrubbed away and no one talks about it. But get him impromptu, and he says some truly dumb, unfortunate shit. Zarries honestly think Zayn would tolerate this man? Especially with a daughter who has Palestinian ancestry?
Harry winks and smirks and poses, but the bottomline is money speaks louder than any moral conviction he might have. His fans brag about him in these exact terms: he’s rich, he’s at the top of the charts, look at his numbers, he’s well-connected, he insults his bandmates and still thrives.
Harry has nurtured his fans. He made them what they are. They reflect each other. He cultivated this toxicity and let’s face it, Harry basks in it.
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catelyngrant · 5 months
2, 8, 10, 15 - for the writer asks! XD
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!) Oh man...I have notes and little bits of two paragraphs here, a page or five there, but most of those will never go anywhere and I'm sure I've forgotten most of those ideas already but for knowing that they're in the depths of my Google Drive.
I published 10 (which is way more than usual for me!) and I've worked on/started four that I feel committed to finishing and posting eventually, as well as one more that I'll either write in the next week or watch it disappear into the ether (pretty sure there's not gonna be an in-between option for this one). This has been a year of hyperfixation whiplash, which, combined with ADHD, has had me spiraling all over the place with ideas and then promptly getting distracted and losing the momentum.
8. Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year? You know, I didn't—this was actually the year of me returning to some very, very old roots! I've written and posted my first 24 fic since, Christ, idk...2006? And then my first BSG fic since 2011, my first Doctor Who fic since 2012, and my first Star Trek fic since 2013. I wasn't expecting this but it's been pretty wild and fun! The TNG cast reuniting on Picard and then having David and Catherine back as the Doctor and Donna on Doctor Who were extremely inspiring external factors, but BSG and 24 were basically whims. I signed up for a BSG exchange in honor of the 20 year anniversary because I thought it would be fun to dip my toes back in that pond and then absolutely panicked when I realized I had to actually write BSG fic in the year of 2023, and then I started the 24 fic during a rewatch awhile back and @starg8rocks reminded me of it a few months ago and inspired me to finish it.
So, in short: no new fandoms, but lots of old ones!
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on? I mean, the blood sacrifice (aka the Succession yacht vs. orca crack fic) was pretty entertaining to me personally. I'm also just having so many feelings about Doctor Who deciding that the 2023 message is "rest, recover, and reconnect with all of your friends". So, while it was quite bittersweet and partly the result of me actively rejecting the premise that Sarah Jane Smith is dead in-universe, it was mostly just lovely and cathartic to write what falls away is always and offer two characters I adore a soft, quiet moment of care and connection.
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023. The two fics that I agonized over most this year were let your faith die, bring your wonder (BSG, Laura Roslin gen) and we even flew a little (Succession, post-s3 but pre-s4 Roman/Gerri). Between one being in an older fandom and being gen vs. shippy and the other being posted just before season four of Succession started and catapulted the entire fandom, me included, into a new era of fic, I'm not shocked that neither of them got as much love (comparatively) to others I posted this year, but I like them. They're both fics I'm a bit self-conscious about and felt unhappy with when I posted with but I think that's largely because they took so long and stressed me out more than anything else I wrote this year—I liked them more upon revisiting.
my fic from this year send me 2023 fic questions!
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