#I love that whenever Cain’s dad gets brought up everybody wants to beat the shit out of him
spookyboywhump · 2 years
Would Nicholas ever do that? Like put a spider on Puppy Cain. As punishment or just for the fun of it.
I know you said once that Zander got rid of the spiders once Charles died for Cain, but like. Did he let Zander go give them to a shop... did he kill them?
Did Zander ever experience Charles making fun/forcing Cain to face his fear? How did he feel about it?
I'm pretty sure you named Cain after a character, but is there a reason that Charles would choose that name? Or did his mum choose it?
What age was Cain when he found out his mum was dead? How did he find out?
Would Wren ever exploit Cains phobia? Cause I know Zander wouldn't.
What's Charles afraid of?
I'm sorry, but last question.
Can I punch Charles Wittaker?
(I know this is long no pressure in answering, or if you prefer separate asks I can do that)
Oooo okie let’s see here
Nicholas absolutely would do something like this to him.
I don’t know if I specified Zander getting rid of them but, despite his disdain for the creatures, Cain wouldn’t have wanted to outright kill them, he would’ve called somebody who actually handles those things as pets to take care of them and get them the hell out of his house while he hid safely in another room. He probably did consider just telling Zander to take them all outside or some shit but the idea of one finding it’s way back into the house was too much for him.
He might not have seen any spider to Cain contact but he would’ve heard his father mocking and berating him for it. It pissed him the hell off but he’d already learned his lesson about defending Cain at that point.
In a way, Cain was named after the biblical Cain, because I took the name from a line in a song mentioning “the mark of Cain”. It was supposed to be Zander’s name, but the full line is “Carved In My Arm, The Mark Of Cain” so I made it Cain’s name, as a funny little haha because Zander’s brand was originally gonna be a scar, carved in his arm. As for his parents’ reason for choosing the name, they wanted to give him a name beginning with the letter C to match theirs (Charles & Caroline Whitaker), so they went off a list of those names. His father wanted to name his son after himself. His mother adamantly refused. His father liked the sound of the name Cain, his mother thought it was a terrible name for her child. A long argument finally came to the agreement that his father could choose the first name, as long as it wasn’t his own, and his mother could choose his middle name with no input from his father. So, Cain Augustine Whitaker.
Cain was around 7 or 8 when his mother “disappeared”, but he didn’t find out she was dead until he was 17, he overheard his father talking about it to someone else when he wasn’t supposed to be home. He did not take it well. He knows she was laid to rest somewhere but he still doesn’t know where.
Wren would but he wouldn’t have realized it was a full phobia. If he thought Cain was just a lil scared of bugs he would’ve done smth like held a spider up to him but once he realized by his reaction it was a full blown phobia even he would’ve felt kinda bad.
Neither god nor death that’s for sure. I don’t think he was scared of much of anything.
Please do. He deserves it.
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