#I love how all the ideas for s16 I read on here are so creative and the CW wouldnt give us anything like it for sure
casdeans-pie · 6 months
Season 16 should be Dean gets himself booted out of heaven. It’s five years since he died in earth time. He has to be really careful not to disrupt the timeline so that Sam can still keep living his post-SPN apple pie blurry wife life. Some angels are trying to find Dean and drag him back to heaven, some demons are also keen to find him (to torture him for funsies.) The demons keep threatening Sam’s life so Dean has to stop them, sneakily. He’s essentially the guardian angel of Sam’s happiness in S16. Sam must never know Dean is there. We see cheesy snippets of Sam’s white picket fence life, interspersed with Dean in the background kicking ass. Sam is oblivious. It turns out Cas is also back on earth. Jack made him human and gave him a chance to earn his way into heaven as a human soul. So Cas is trying to live a life of service, volunteering at local clinics and shelters and soup kitchens. Keeping a low profile. Trying to be a good human. But he’s poor and lonely. He struggles with being human, having no powers and the knowledge that no matter how good a person he tries to be, ultimately he worries he’s only doing this so he can see Dean again in heaven (where angels are not allowed, according to the new rules.) When Dean shows up, Cas is even more conflicted. He knows he should help the angels find Dean and get him back to heaven where he’ll be safe and not at risk of disrupting the timeline, but of course he also wants nothing more than to have Dean stay. This is what he has dreamed of. Just being alive with Dean. And now he has it. (How will this be resolved? Hmm. Probably ultimately Dean does go back to heaven. But before he does.. fanfic style shenanigans can ensue! Dean and Cas will see each other again in heaven. Cas will keep leading the best life he can, doing good, helping people. Dean will see him up there soon, he knows it. Because he knows he didn’t change Cas and make him care about the world. Cas always cared. He always wanted to do the right thing. That is why Dean knows Cas will make it to heaven. Dean will tell Cas he loves him. He might kiss him. But even if he doesn’t, it will be satisfying knowing the love is mutual and Dean believes in the inherent goodness of Cas just the way Cas believed in the inherent goodness of Dean. Cas doesn’t need to worry about his intentions being impure. Dean knows his heart. It’s sweet and satisfying and we all enjoy watching it in exactly the way we did NOT enjoy watching the finale. A ten episode season, minimum. Preferably on Netflix so no ads. Sam is only featured minimally so JP can keep working on his other show (and Sam gets to keep his “perfect” ending.) Everybody’s happy.
Ooooohhhhh !!!!
This is an interesting season 16 idea!! I enjoyed that immensely. I'd watch it 👏 (said like someone who already knows they'd end up on a Netflix binge watching it all in one go)
I love how everyone has different ideas on stuff like angel!cas vs human!cas and whether to preserve what happened in The Winchesters or not and whether to keep Sam unaware or in the loop. The different paths these characters can take !!
It's soooo endlessly fascinating to me how many different ideas can be born from one really bad finale. Like, if they'd stuck the landing I don't think anyone would be too bothered but because the ending was just SO bad it's become the perfect fuel for how to try and fix the mess they made
I love hearing possible season 16 ideas if anyone has any more please send them to meeeee
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