#I looooooved this prompt I had to tackle it immediately
miserablecreachur · 2 years
Short AEW fic: conversation with Yuta and Darby. Anything goes just go where your heart takes you :D
oh gosh this is why I love prompts - I'd never think of this on my own but MAN what a GREAT idea!! Yoots and Darbs - I hope you enjoy this!!
"Nice belt."
Yuta was still reeling from his short interaction with Regal earlier, thinking about how the older man had touched his title before going along his way. Like he was just supposed to not think about that? It was a familiar voice that pulled him out of thinking about that, and he'd find Darby leaning against the wall across from the tables he sat on, hands half-shoved in his pockets.
"Oh, uh. Yeah. Thanks." There was a wariness in his voice - plenty of compliments came with warnings that it would belong to someone else soon, and Yuta's guard was up.
"I mean it, man. You worked for that. It's cool to see it here."
This reminded Yuta that Darby had held the TNT Title before, and some of the air came out of his chest, causing his shoulders to deflate slightly. "Yeah. Thanks. I hope I do it justice... Like you did when you were TNT Champ. It was cool that you did an open challenge... And uh, you... You held it with dignity, you know?"
A short laugh barked out of the other man, Darby raising a hand to press the side of his hand to his mouth that didn't quite hide his grin. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." A quick glance down the hallway told him there was no one to overhear. "I mean. Not to shit on anyone. But I liked your reign."
"Thanks." Darby's hand had dropped to his belt, and from this angle Yuta could see his nail polish was chipped as he hooked a thumb into a belt loop. "I'm not just saying shit, either. You know? I don't think Khan has it in the cards for me to work in ROH right now."
"Yeah. Right."
"So I think you'll have a cool reign too. If you join the Blackpool Combat Club... That'll be cool too."
"Yeah. It's... It's uh, looking that way. Thanks." Don't think about it. But he couldn't not think about it, think about laying the belt at Regal's feet and hearing him call him Sunshine again-
"I just... I wanted to say something. From one guy coming up to another, you know?"
"Oh. Yeah." Yuta thought he could argue that Darby had come up much higher than he had, but he felt like he would be missing the point if he did. So instead he nodded, trying to affix his face into an expression that showed he was listening.
"Just... Uh. A lot of guys are gonna look at that belt. Older guys." Darby's head was tilted down, his expression something that Yuta couldn't quite read... Even as he looked back up at him once more. "And they're gonna... Teach you a lot. Or want to, at least. Which is cool. But. I think... I think you already know who you want to be. Or like, that's what it looks like in the ring anyway. So let them. Let them teach you but don't let them change you."
At first Yuta prickled; he wasn't some dumb kid who was gonna be star-struck into putting on a stupid costume.
Darby must have read his expression loud and clear, because the other man would shake his head and roll his shoulders. "It's not like that. It's just when... When there's a name in the ring with you that's bigger than you, sometimes you feel like you gotta follow their act. You gotta play supporting role. Guess you know that already, with Orange Cassidy. But... It can get... Complicated. So I just wanted to say I like what you do, you know? And so do other people. And you don't have to give up the dream of hearing people chant for you, too. Even if you're working with them."
Understanding was starting to worm it's way past the barrier that he'd thrown up immediately, and he would hang his own head for a moment before nodding his head. "Yeah. Okay. I see what you mean. Thanks, Darby."
"Yeah." Darby pushed off the wall, and Yuta would extend his hand to him as the other man half-turned to leave. Darby took it, and they did a quick handshake-squeeze. "But if TK is into it, don't think I wouldn't take a shot at that belt. It's seriously nice."
Picking up on the teasing tone in Darby's voice, Yuta would grin. "Come and try and take it, man. Any time."
He was left with his thoughts, and the sound of Darby chuckling as he walked back down the hall.
short aew fic requests
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