#I know hs was seen as big cringe in like 2019
honesttoglob · 4 months
You know that one image of Guy Fieri wearing Juggalo makeup from Homestuck? Do you think that image singlehandedly inspired the creation of Steve Bigtop Burger?
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Be More Notes: my very long ramblings on BMC as I finally listen to the whole thing
Ok!  I’m finally doing it!  Now that the cast album is out I’m going to really give all of Be More Chill a listen, try to put the things that annoy me about the show aside, and give it a fair chance.  And have decided to do running commentary here for the nobody who gives a shit lol.  Going in I wanna say I’ve heard 4 full songs and random bits of other songs from the original soundtrack.  And I’ll be listening now to the OBC album plus watching a b**tlg, I’m not totally sure when it took place I just know Will Roland is in it so at the very least New York.  Keep in mind whatever I think of this show, if I end up hating it, if you like it you’re right.  My opinion in no way invalidated anybody else’s or is above anyone else’s in my eyes, frankly I don’t enjoy not liking things, it just means I don’t get to come to the party and that’s not fun.  So I might be poking fun at the show sometimes but if this speaks to you, that is fucking awesome!  Also I’m old now and I guess no longer the target audience for stuff like this.  
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched the show and don’t want to know stage stuff because I’ll be commenting on that.  This ended up being really long, eh.  
More Than Survive -ok this song I’ve heard before, and it both turned me off the show and also made me respect the hell out of it, because much like I give a salute to Black Mirror having the balls to make pig sex their pilot, I salute a musical that starts with jerking off -So far like Roland a little more than the previous guy.  From what I’ve gathered from clips, while that dude is hella talented and cute as a button I kind of buy Roland as a terrified, desperate, frustrated high school kid more   -Man I really do dig the hell out of the score and there is no denying this is catchy but some of these lyrics are so cringe -WHY IS A TEEN IN 2019 REFERENCING JOE PESCI?! -Ok I love the idea of a short bully calling somebody “tall ass” -I do like Jeremy’s body language better in this one. Also does he vocally remind anyone else of Max from Goofy Movie?  Maybe this song just reminds me  of “After Today” for no reason. -“super pimp” “mac daddy game”....OK!  I’m going to try not to list every time I cringe.  I just have questions -You don’t  want to be Clooney...high school child in 2019 is Clooney really your reference for cool?  Sorry I just struggle with this stuff because I keep hearing how this show is so in touch with kids these days but I just see:
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-lol Michael came on and people went apseshit in the audience.  All my nitpicks aside I bet this room probably has some great energy. -..Michael the clerk at 7/11 doesn’t pour your slushie, it’s self serve.  Are you trying to seem cool to Jeremy right now? -Aah the boyfriend backpacks.  I know of this ship -Yeah Christine brings the flutes!!!  I was a flute player, we never get love -HAHA when Christine is doing her weird ass dance, in the recording I’m watching somebody right in front of the person recording just went “I don’t get this show”.  Like me too darlin, but you got 2 hours left so suck it up -Oh but sir, check the playbill.  The story is indeed about you -in summation this song kind of encapsulates everything I feel about this show, good performances and catchy as fuck and musically interesting and a lot of me asking “why”.
Play Rehearsal   -Well Christine is adorable -wow wait what?  wtf was that weird self harm comment???  Are we just gonna skip that??? -Ok I was a band kid in HS so I guess I don’t get this level of extra.  Band rehearsal is just tuning and then fucking around until somebody makes you play Bach -...is Christine ok??? -Ok I think at least for now I may hate her.  But I like that Jeremy likes her, likes her passion and such.  I approve of her conceptually!  I just don’t wanna be around her -I thought play rehearsal was gay, Rich?!  WHAT YOU DOIN AT PLAY REHEARSAL RICH?! -...I mean I’ve seen Romeo and Juliet as a zombie wasteland movie, I would watch Midsummer zombies
More Than Survive Reprise -”least I didn’t have a breakdown and have to go the nurse” Ok fair, I can relate to that high school experience -this set is kind of working for me, basic but fun and the floor is neat -I know high school bullies are a thing I guess? But I always just saw them in movies?  Now Middle School bullies were legit and terrible and I got the shit kicked out of me, but by HS I feel like everybody was too into their own shit to care much about anyone else??  Maybe that was just my school -Will Roland’s body language is real good in this show
The Squip Song -Oh!  Surprise Rich lisp. Creative way to show how this thing alters you -..ok now we know about Rich’s dick size.  I mean hon your short, maybe your penis is just proportionate?   -DO I DETECT SOME THEREMIN IN THIS ORCHESTRATION?!   Gimme all the theremin!   -Ok so the squip made him be an asshole?  Does he secretly want to be buddies with Jeremy? -Ok what the fuck are the people in the background doing here?!? -I know people ship Michael and Jeremy but I feel like Rich kinda wants to jump that tall ass??
Two Player Game -Ok the little sign for the game that came up was cute -These guys are kinda cute, even if I wish they’d tone down Michael’s “I’M QUIRKY!!  YOU GET IT?!?” shtick -That is accurate!  Y’all will be cool in college and I don’t see that brought up often -This is the first time I’ve found the choreography fun   -...why is this dad allergic to pants?? -ah.  Depression=no pants.  And now I get why Jeremy’s so desperate not to stay as he is.  Well points for making it not just about the girl -awww Michael is his bae -bro I’ve heard Loser Geek Whatever, you’re tellin lies right now to your buddy -LOL!  WTF IS THIS WINDOWS SCREENSAVER OF A VIDEO GAME?!? -oh wow dancin went off the rails here at the end
Squip Enters -Mountain Dew?  Well, better than Surge I guess.   -Ok the Ecto Cooler line legit made me laugh.  And I guess I could come down on the show for making Michael psyched about a drink that came out before he was born, but I have a pretty intense Crystal Pepsi obsession and that shit came out when I was maybe 4?  So I get it Michael, you go enjoy your liquid ghosts -well that squip thing doesn’t look fun -Oooooh Ok Keanu is like factory setting, alright I’ll accept this.  Though I will say this show would be 35% better if he was dressed like Keanu from Bill and Ted
Be More Chill Prt 1 -Hey stop shitting on Jeremy.  I think I kinda like him -wow Keanu, I didn’t think you’d be so mean -I mean everyone chanting “everything about you sucks” is just how peeps with anxiety feel constantly.  Eminem shirt ain’t gonna fix that -”Jerry-me” ok Will Roland is kind of making this work for me.   -Him repeating everything the squip said is a fun little sequence.  Like I dig this conceptually, scifi musicals are rare and can be neat - Lol the hate who they hate thing is pretty accurate
Do You Wanna Ride? -hey Jeremy what about Christiiiiine
Be More Chill Part 2 -the beginning of this song broke me a little.  Hey!  I’m feelin a thing! -this song is pretty fun!  It works!   -though the cast of like 10 people that just keep putting on different wigs make it feel like a high school play or a starkid production
Sync Up -ok so now I know I’m watching previews?  Because sync up isn’t here -I do think this song is a really good addition.  I mean it’s not like a stand out fantastic song but it does a good job getting across the themes and drives home the whole “everybody has problems” thing too which I like -Ok..dairy line was weird.  
A Guy I Could Kinda Be Into -Ok the weird girl fighting stuff about Jake is unpleasant and sort of unnecessary -a squip gives you a deep voice and the ability to kinda do accents.  Cool -ooo this is catchy, this is gonna make the spotify playlist -the goofy background hearts are cute.  I still don’t know why she’s into Jake or why she’s friends with Jeremy or if they should be together since legit the only thing she thinks they have in common is theater which he doesn’t care about..but this song is still cute -lol squips understand friend zone
Upgrade -DID THIS SHOW JUST KILL EMINEM?! -How did the squip know that?!  Does Eminem have a squip??  I mean it kinda makes sense.. -Don’t you see Jerbear?! The key to popularity is in this girl’s vagina!  Happy they cut the “I’ll tenderly guide you just take me inside you” thing, little creepy -Why did Jake make a kicking motion to illustrate cricket?  I’m like 85% sure Jake doesn’t know what cricket is... -the “feel all the feels” like is a little goofy but I really like the rewrite for this song, showing some depth of character.  Good job, show!  And I’m seeing some chemistry between these two, but I don’t know if I’m meant to? -Oh no!  The whole “you looked at me” thing from Brooke was so sweet and sad.  And the player two thing.  Yeah this OG version of this song can go fuck off, the rewrite is a really good tune.  I’ll admit the original maybe built up the horror a little, the squip sounds more threatening coming in at the end but I like where there going making this about everyone and not just Jeremy
Loser Geek Whatever -Squip blocked Michael??  You’re a dick, Keanu Reeves -I didn’t love this song when I first heard the single but hearing the version on the album and the stripped down piano version, I really really like it.  Gives me some of those old geek feels from back in the day -sort of surprise by how little is happening on stage though?  I sort of assumed something was happening as the song built?  But nope, just Will rocking his wee heart out -LOL!  What is Squip’s new outfit???
Halloween -Ah, it’s this show Big Fun.  This is a lot catchier than Big Fun though -I went to exactly one of these kinds of parties in HS, just replace Halloween with punks after a rock show and add a lot more drugs.  I didn’t hide in a bathroom but I did hide next to the stairs until my mom came and got me.  Memories!!  You know what this show is succeeding I suppose, it’s making me have HS feels -...is Jake dressed as Thomas Jefferson? -Jenna you’re too cute for that costume.  You should get to wear something sexy too!  Unless you just dig clowns in which case enjoy yourself hon -Ooooooh Prince, I get it -this is not this show’s fault at all but I struggle with dancing in shows.  I mean the title of my blog is The Girl Who Used to Hate Musicals because I did, and while I love them now extended dancing sequences still take me out of a show real fast.  I know I’m in the minority here -...what the fuck is that weird fuzzy thing with the big teeth -Hot damn!  Go Rich!  Dancin fool
Do You Wanna Hang? -I don’t like any part of this plot line... -Ok!  Didn’t realized she was dressed like a “sexy baby” so the diaper line sort of horrified me.  I mean it still does!  I just understand it now
Michael in the Bathroom -hey the bathtub!  Ok I know enough to know what happens now -Jeremy why you gotta be so mean -I mean what is there to say, great song.  I wondered if they’d change anything for the new recording and I dig the arrangement, especially the stripped down acoustic guitar and piano parts!! Also as a lady who maybe once or twice since discovering this song has gotten tipsy and sung it karaoke-like, appreciate the slower and the higher.  It’s not a lot, just a bit, but makes it less of a struggle to match.  Thanks bro!
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into (Reprise) -Finally!  They’re both giant doofs but I see some connection!  And I mean my roommate and I have noises we always make at each other like a call and response, so I gets it -He asked it!  So proud.  Rejected but proud of the boy, and rejected for good reasons
The Smartphone Hour -Heard part of this song before.  Really like this Jenna more than original Jenna, her performance was a little much for me -This is one of those songs where I really do feel like I’m watching a HS original production..but a good one?  Maybe cause I haven’t seen something like this on Broadway, but that’s a good thing.  Always good to see new kinds of things on Broadway -lol what is the middle of this song?!  I feel like I’m suddenly watching a cheer squad or like a John Waters inspired musical, which from what little I know of Joe Iconis I think he’d be cool with that comparison
The Pants Song -Jeremy don’t be mean to your dad! -Yipes is this the Break in a Glove or Dead Gay Son of BMC?? -....yeah it totally is -”Do you love him??” Has Jeremy’s dad finally given up on finding a girl in Jeremy’s room? -Ok ok I’m gettin the ship
The Pitiful Children -So squip just looks like this now, I thought maybe he was just being fancy for Halloween -Hot damn Jenna!  Why were we savin that voice?! -I feel like I’m missing something with these weird hand motions the squip is always, do they actually mean something? -goosestepping...alright.  Oh no Jeremy did the hand motions, I think that means a thing
The Play -Jeremy is being so creepy but he means well?  I guess?   -lol using the play to spread the squips is pretty clever -wtf red mountain dew?  Really?  You know what fuck it, discontinued drinks for the win.  Maybe my saved bottles of Crystal Pepsi will stop an apocalypse one day! -Michael’s entrance was cute, and hey he just happens to have code red.  I wish ecto cooler was what shut it off. -The glitching voice is crazy when Jeremy is fighting Michael and I love the way Jeremy is sort of bobbing up and down in fighting stance like a video game character,  Fun touch -squip is making Jeremy go all Idle Hands! -I prefer the recording version of the guys making up, the whole “I just wanted to be liked” “I just wanted to be seen” thing -the squip has to be so extra even in death
Voices in My Head -hey lispy Rich is back!  And bi now I guess? -Oh is that why people think Michael/Jeremy are a thing?  The squip blocked Rich’s bi thoughts from him and it blocked Michael from Jeremy’s vision?  I mean it would be an interesting story, I’d take it. -This might be my favorite song and I don’t really know why, I don’t super love that Jeremy still gets Christine in the end but I just love how this song sounds -I’ve never heard a character wearing pants get an applause? -improved lyrics in the Broadway version, and since it got more into the popular kids as people you can kinda see why they’d still stay friend with Jeremy -”I’ll throw you a rope home slice if you need some dope advice” like is this parody?  What is this??  Well..still my fav song despite this line.  A line they liked so much it’s the one original popular kid line they kept in the new version??? -don’t know if I see much future for these two, but Jeremy’s reaction to the kiss was cute -”Of the voices in my head the loudest one is mine” is my favorite line of the show -lol Rich’s little sneak hug.  I feel like Rich always wanted to be friends with Jeremy?  Or had a crush on him and that’s why his squip made him beat Jeremy up?  Is this pairing a thing?
Final thoughts:  This was so stupid long, nobody read this but that’s ok!  It was fun to take notes anyway.  Listening to it all, I liked it more than I thought I would, especially with the lyric changes.  I don’t know if I would like it as much if it wasn’t Will Roland, the dude just really made this character likable when he could very easily not be.  Some of the lines still bug me, there’s still a lot of cringe here but there’s also a lot of good stuff.  This show introduced me to Joe Iconis and I’m slowly falling in love with him from his other work and CANNOT WAIT for Broadway Bounty Hunter because that sounds so like my jam.  Overall I do get why people like this show, especially younger people because you can relate to the characters but maybe you want something a little peppier than DEH.   I don’t think this is a soundtrack I’m going to ever listen to all the way through, but I’m for sure grabbing a handful of songs and sticking them on my musical play list.  And when this thing goes on tour and ends up in LA, I think it would probably be worth checking out if I can, looks like a fun watch.  Though with all the young fans and internet fans if they’re smart they’re gonna record this bitch.
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hsews · 6 years
A television/film producer and a Hall of Fame NFL exec punished pancakes in a diner outside of Cape Cod and discussed how to make the Monday after the Super Bowl less sad.
This is how a football league is born.
“If you can raise the money, it’s viable,” Bill Polian told Charlie Ebersol during a five-hour meeting last summer.
Alliance of American Football players will earn $250,000 over three years and be dispersed to teams close to where they played in college.
Mike Riley will be the coach of the AAF franchise in San Antonio, while former Cowboys fullback Darryl “Moose” Johnston will serve as GM.
Michael Vick has been named offensive coordinator of the Alliance of American Football team in Atlanta.
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Ebersol, the league CEO and son of former NBC Sports chairman Dick Ebersol, started working the phones and developing the business plan. Tech companies and former NFL stars got behind the product. Polian, who is staying in his role as an NFL analyst for ESPN, helped assemble personnel and coaching staffs with nearly 500 years of combined NFL experience.
A year later, the Alliance of American Football has a Feb. 9, 2019 launch date, a CBS contract, a Starter apparel deal, an eight-city blueprint, scheduled combines, a set of double-take football rules and 73-year-old Steve Spurrier.
The vision is clear: Keep the good times flowing in the late winter and spring with a league run by serious football people while learning from the failed attempts that came before it.
“If it’s good football, it will sell itself,” Polian said.
Having a Hall of Fame executive like Bill Polian involved will certainly increase the legitimacy of the AAF. Tyler DePina
The road to professional football alongside the NFL is littered with potholes.
The USFL failed because it tried to overtake the NFL more than 30 years ago, defined more by lawsuits and undercut potential than its once star-studded rosters.
The XFL failed because efforts to sell sex, excessive violence and wrestling-like personalities didn’t resonate with viewers, though Vince McMahon is eyeing a 2020 XFL reboot.
Even the CFL isn’t a true complement.
But the Alliance has NFL people who care about the NFL’s well-being. It’s not a farm system, but it might involve shades of the NBA G League.
“Our objective is to take some of those people who can’t quite make it and make them into quality NFL players,” Polian said.
And the NFL wants on-the-bubble players to get reps elsewhere, Polian said. The Chicago Bears recently gave Phoenix general manager Phil Savage a list of prospects for him to watch closely during a scouting trip to Bourbonnais, Illinois.
“Since NFL Europe expired 10 years ago, there’s been a real desire and frustration by NFL personnel people that there’s a missing link as far as a developmental type league for prospects that weren’t quite ready,” said Savage, former general manager of the Cleveland Browns and Senior Bowl director.
The Alliance will likely be keeping an eye on the Steelers, who have three quarterbacks — Landry Jones (3), Mason Rudolph (2) and Josh Dobbs — fighting for two backup spots. AP Photo/Keith Srakocic
That development will be crucial. Players cut from NFL teams in late August and early September will compose much of the Alliance rosters. The NFL must trim training camp rosters from 90 to 53, and many of those guys can play.
The Alliance offers three-year, $250,000 player contracts that include an out clause if they get another crack at the NFL. There’s bonus money for everything from marketing to public appearances, which is where bigger-name players — perhaps accomplished NFL veterans muscled out of the game — can make good side coin.
Consider New Orleans Saints backup Taysom Hill, who won’t play behind Drew Brees but ostensibly could be the face of an Alliance franchise for a year or two.
Pittsburgh has three backups — Landry Jones, Josh Dobbs and Mason Rudolph — fighting for two spots behind Ben Roethlisberger. That’s a positional battle the Alliance will likely follow.
Free agent Dez Bryant is out of reach, but receivers Harry Douglas and Louis Murphy might not be.
Here are some other things you need to know about the Alliance.
Names and locations
Polian realizes a little star power will help.
“I hope we can get Trent Richardson in Birmingham,” Polian said. “If Tim [Tebow] decides to play football, I hope we get him. Those are great names.”
And if the league opts for flashy, Texas-bred signal-callers with baggage, there’s always Vince Young and Johnny Manziel.
The league will tailor rosters around regional appeal for its teams in Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Orlando, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego and Salt Lake City. Expect that Birmingham team to be well-stocked with former Crimson Tide stars, for example. Atlanta will go hard for Auburn — just check its Twitter recruiting game.
#AllianceATL could be a great opportunity for Michael Dyer. He started his college career at Auburn where he was a Freshman All-American and the MVP of the 2011 BCS National Championship… https://t.co/qrEm2cWMGK
— Alliance ATL (@ATL_AAF) July 27, 2018
The Alliance plans to use stout personnel talent to discover the next Kurt Warner, the former Arena League star quarterback who threw his way into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Or the next Adam Vinatieri, even though there’s no kickoff (more on that later).
Getting Spurrier out of retirement to coach the Orlando team is a beautiful thing. Spurrier resigned from South Carolina in 2015 for putting together what he called a “sorry” team, but the love for coaching didn’t leave the Florida Gators legend.
The architect of the Fun ‘n’ Gun just watched a bunch of college spring games and filled his new playbook with concepts he liked.
“You’re going to see some ball plays you’ve never seen before, I can promise you that,” Spurrier said. “We’re not going to be afraid to try new plays.”
In classic Spurrier form, the “Head Ball Coach” calls the Alliance “a half-year job where I still get to compete.” This leaves room for golf and gym sessions.
Steve Spurrier is coming out of retirement to coach the Orlando Alliance team. Reinhold Matay-USA TODAY Sports
Familiar names help shape the league. Troy Polamalu will oversee all player matters. Hines Ward and Jared Allen are player relations execs. Mike Singletary will coach in Memphis and Mike Vick will call plays for head coach Brad Childress in Atlanta (40-yard QB runs, anyone?)
The path to becoming an NFL head coach is to call plays, anytime, anywhere. Perhaps the league will land some up-and-coming coordinators as a result.
“[Name recognition] might help originally, but eventually you have to play ball and put it out on the field,” Spurrier said.
New rules/style of play
Games will be about 2½ hours, thanks to a 30-second play clock and no kickoffs.
Polian cringes with every onside kick, so he’s taking it out. Instead, Alliance teams wanting the ball back will get it at their own 35-yard line with a fourth-and-long scenario (most likely fourth-and-10).
Convert and get a first down, or else the opposing team gets the ball where you got stopped. This means more offense, which is what Polian wants. He knows the football truism: When in doubt, go with touchdowns.
Assuming he gets enough linemen.
“We’ll have good running backs. Always good wide receivers are available, or many corners and safeties who can play well who just don’t quite make it in the NFL,” Polian said. “The problem is the same problem the NFL faces — big people.”
What’s next
The AAF recently held a combine in Los Angeles, where hopefuls could work out for executives and coaches. Courtesy of the AAF
The Alliance knows the business plan needs time, at least three to five years to truly stick. Everyone involved is taking a confident but measured approach to metrics such as ticket sales and ratings.
“The time of year the league will play their games means the true football fan now has a place to turn once the other league plays its championship game,” said Tim Lewis, a former New York Giants defensive coordinator who’s now Birmingham’s new coach. “Those who enjoy fantasy football will be able to enjoy more action for a longer period. … The financial impact to local communities who have teams will be meaningful. I see the league expanding into new, exciting and vibrant fun cities.”
The league will be all-in on fantasy and gaming.
Ebersol, who handles everything from vision, technology and fan experience, is working toward landing a new gaming deal.
The operation is running the no-huddle all the way to kickoff, complete with nearly 50 staffers in less than a year.
“Next year when we talk, this will be a real thing and people will know how it works,” Savage said.
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