#I know academic publishing is a predatory model and the authors of papers have absolutely no say in how their articles are monetized
enarei · 1 year
Many here have joked that subscribing to Transgender Studies Quarterly is essentially $45 for a rehash of things that have been circulating on this website for years, or similar things tot that effect, but it seriously fills me with rage that the one major journal focusing on trans people, not exclusively as medical/legal subjects, is so inaccessible to the very populations it is concerned with.
How many trannies that aren't academics will read this shit? Not because it is not pertinent to them, but because they literally cannot?
Like, idk, it has become frustratingly difficult to find a good entry point into it other than just emailing the authors for each paper individually.
If I was enrolled in a fancy american college I'd quickly become the new Aaron Schwartz and try to upload all of them into lib-gen and sci-hub as soon as they ware drafted, or I'd like to say that knowing it's not a tad naive, but still--it doesn't seem absurd to think that amongst all the editors, someone would've made such an effort to make referencing this easier outside the scope of trans people in academia. That's such an unconscionably small group to come into contact with your work, it'd piss me off this isn't open access.
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