#I just love the idea of the Scrybes essentially being gods in their game and wish people would lean into that in weirder ways
hrokkall · 1 year
I think the Scrybes should be more intrinsically connected to their residences and not just their domains. Yes, Leshy is a beast and therefore is a part of the domain he lords over, but he should have a connection with the forest too. A tree falls and he feels it just as much as he can feel a tap on the shoulder. P03 leaves its factory and the machines ache for its presence—they still run the same, but their belts cannot change direction or oil themselves without a wave of its claw. Even his own wires spark and twitch when something breaks further down the line, even when he hasn’t plugged himself into the network of cameras. The ghouls feel themselves returning to their dead-state the longer Grimora is gone; she feels a persistent itch when one of them finally gives in and starts trying to dig up their old coffin. Magnificus’s entire tower reeks of magicks, residual of its hegemon’s frequent casting. It’s so tied to him that when he paints the floorboards creak and groan in a desperate attempt to mimic the motion of his brushstrokes, Magnificus feeling more than just his eyes ache when the studio’s walls lean in for a closer look.
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