#I just love parallels so much okay 😭 my brain just goes like the galaxy brain meme
purplebass · 5 months
I just love the "For luck" moments so much because they show the ways in which Kell and Lila deal with tension and fear, but also how they deal with trust and their feelings for each other.
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ADSOM - VIII: An Arrangement, II
Lila wants follow him but he is afraid that she might not make it to the other side. He gives her his coat as a sort of protection - which is like his Peanut's blanket, he never parts with it so it makes it 100 times thoughtful and cute - so that she has something magical on herself, other than the black stone. She is anxious, but tries to be brave. He feels the changes in her body: her pulse quickens, her heart beats loud against her ribs. And then she kisses him and he's dazed. It's a way for her to cope and to be braver, but also lol, Lila simply wanted to kiss a pretty boy. A carpe diem kind of situation. Can you blame her? This also shows that there's a tiny bit of trust between them. She's putting her life into his hands.
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ADSOM - XIV: The Final Door, I
This is the reversed situation. They need to go back to Red London from White, and they don't have the black stone anymore, so Kell is even more protective and scared, and so is Lila. They've had quite the adventure so far, and there's obvious attraction between them. They don't want to lose each other. They have so much to lose, but they need to try. Before they do, he wraps his arms around her and it is so intimate... and I'm a fan of their hugs because they're so meaningful and comforting. It feels bittersweet because they don't know if Lila will make it. This is Kell's carpe diem moment. He hugs and kisses her because it may be the last time he can do that. But of course, it isn't. And what's the first thing he does when he sees she's okay? He hugs her again. 💜
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