#I just found it sooo amusing bagagag
evansbby · 5 months
guys remember how I told yall I was rereading this book series I read when I was like 12? it was called “sweet valley high senior year” and there’s like 45 books lmfao. I managed to find a bunch of them online and read summaries of some of the other books and lmfaoo some of the storylines are so wild… (this book is meant to be for ages 12+)
Like one of the main girls is Elizabeth and she likes this guy from her creative writing class called Conner. Conner is a classic pick me guy who is rude to Elizabeth bc he thinks she’s some dumb blonde cheerleader and Conner hates popular people/jocks/cheerleaders. (Lmao at Conner acting like he’s so different from them despite the fact that the books explicitly ALWAYS describe how hot Conner is and how nice chiselled his abs are lol… not to mention Conner’s best friend is literally the head cheerleader 😭).
Anyways Elizabeth and Conner hate each other but they both secretly have a crush on each other bc the books are from both of their perspectives (plus a dozen other characters but yeah)
But like it’s so funny how they try to portray Conner as this pick-me guy but actually he’s literally like… the popular fuckboy. Because it always mentions how sooo many girls have crushes on him, how HOT he is and has such a great body apparently bc the author keeps mentioning it, and also how he’s a complete manwhore who hooks up with a different girl every week.
Here’s a list of the fuckboyish things Conner does in this book series:
— hooks up with Elizabeth’s best friend Maria, despite having a crush on Elizabeth and flirting with Elizabeth.
— cheats on Maria with Elizabeth.
— dumps Maria after like a week, because she got too “clingy” (they’re making out, he abruptly asks her to leave bc he sees Elizabeth, Maria says “okay but promise you’ll call me tonight” and Conner’s like “omg she’s so clingy must dump her”
— kicks Elizabeth out of his house bc he’s also a moody and angry bitch (there’s like a subplot of him taking care of his alcoholic mother and also another subplot of Elizabeth moving into his house bc her house got ruined in an earthquake. I’m literally skipping over so much you guys lmfao).
— FINALLY starts dating Elizabeth but then gets moody with her bc she’s busy with work and school and doesn’t prioritise him.
— Remember his cheerleader best friend, Tia? He also cheats on Elizabeth with her :) MULTIPLE TIMES. And when Tia develops feelings for him, he’s like “wtf, those hookups meant nothing.”
— Then I think he becomes an alcoholic and goes into rehab. Then comes out and is better and hooks up with Elizabeth one last time during prom night.
NO BUT!!! No wonder I write fanfics the way I do… since THIS is what I was reading when I was 12???!! Also these kids are supposed to be high school seniors WHY IS IT SOOO RAUNCHY N DRAMATIC when the books say they are for 12 yr olds and above plsssss.
I kinda admire the author for unapologetically writing such an unlikable fuckboy of a character as one of the main characters. Boys truly are the worst and this series kinda embraces that lmfao.
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