#I haven't written enough with Ursa yet to make that one as good but yeah Tilly basically has three main romances it is a LONG story
biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
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12/22/22: I did some character pages! This is Tilly’s character page (I have 3 others I did today). 
“Tilly” Matilda Murray/Mr. Matthew Murray-Grey/Professor Matilda M. Knight
Charles and Danice Murray’s second daughter. Rosalie’s younger butch horse-loving sister. Conspired with her sister to make their second governess, Miss Grey’s life miserable because they wanted their first governess Miss Holburn to return. 
Tilly becomes a female husband and marries Hester Knight under a new male identity. 
Later in life, she finishes her incomplete education and reunites with Miss Holburn to help her run an all girl’s school. They are both professors with college degrees by this point. 
Through her sister Rosalie’s social connections, she meets The Starlings (a couple in a lavender marriage- a gay man marries a lesbian) and then becomes Lady Gerry Starling’s long time lover. 
Birthday: April 30th (Taurus) 
Tilly is a soft butch with a generally naïve nature.
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