#I haven't listened to Per's other bands yet actually I should do that
ghcstcd · 1 year
WAIT THIS IS FOR THAT OTHER ANON HOLD ON HERE I HAVE A LIST OF ALL THE GHOULS AND WHEN THEY WERE THERE. I DID NOT SPEND MONTHS COMPILING EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT GHOST INTO OnE DOCUMENT FOR NOTHING!!! YIPPEEEE (also im 99% sure this is all correct but some things might be wrong idk) (also also i included the irl people who play the ghouls btw)
Era 1
The very first lineup of ghouls was from 2010 to 2011.
Alpha (played by Simon Soderberg)
-Lead guitar
-White Fantomen guitar (white with pointed black pickguard, curvy)
-Fire symbol on guitar
-Hand tattoos
Chain (played by Gustaf Lindstrom)
-Bass guitar
-Weirdly shaped black guitar with white edges
-Wore big chain necklace
-Bones painted onto hand
Omega (played by Martin Persner)
-Rhythm guitar
-Black Fantomen guitar (black, curvy, white outline)
-Omega symbol on guitar
Earth (played by Aksel Holmgren)
Air (played by Mauro Rubino)
-Air symbol on keyboard
-Stood up at all times
-Big and tall
In 2011, Water replaced Chain.
Water (played by Rikard Ottoson)
-Bass guitar
-Same guitar as Chain’s
-Wore blackout contact lenses
Era 2
From 2012 to 2014, the lineup remained the same as Era 1. In 2014, a new person began to portray Water, although the ghoul’s name remained the same. During this time, Earth was also replaced, and the new drummer ghoul was nicknamed Little Earth because of his small stature.
Water (played by Linton Rubino)
-Bass guitar (same as previous Water’s)
-Large hands
Little Earth (played by Martin Hjertstedt)
-Short and small
-Spun drumsticks
Era 3
In 2015, Water was replaced again. He also switched guitars, although his name stayed the same.
Water (played by Henrik Palm)
-Bass guitar (white with larger rounded black pickguard, curvy)
-No symbol on guitar
In 2016, there was a transitional lineup change. Omega played his last show on July 2, 2016. His position as rhythm guitarist was replaced by Water, who switched to a Black Gibson SG guitar (fully black, pointed, black pointed pickguard with a white outline) without any elemental symbol on it.
From July to September of 2016, Ghost had no live bassist. In September, the first ghoulette, Mist, joined and became the bassist.
Mist (played by Megan Thomas)
-Same guitar as Water’s previous one (black and white bass)
-Looser costume than other ghouls
-Often wore nail polish
-Had slightly heeled shoes
During the “Black to the Future” tour, an unknown ghoul would occasionally come onstage and hit a cowbell during the song Ritual. He would then be shooed away by Papa.
Cowbell (played by Niels Nielsen)
-Only played on one leg of 2015 US tour
In early 2017, the lawsuit happened, which involved Alpha, Water, Little Earth, and Air. During the lawsuit, the lineup of ghouls completely switched, although Papa Emeritus III remained the frontman and was still portrayed by Tobias. Omega and Mist were not involved in the lawsuit, but they still left. Tobias won the lawsuit.
Before his part in the band was revealed, Tobias went to public events and was interviewed as either his Papa persona or as a character called Special Ghoul. Special Ghoul was just a normal ghoul costume Tobias wore during interviews—Special did not perform at all.
“The Popestar Tour” consisted of an entirely new group of ghouls, which debuted in March 2017 and played until September.
2017 Popestar Lineup:
Aether (played by Chris Catalyst)
-Rhythm guitar
-No symbol on guitar
-Same black Fantomen guitar as Omega
-Larger and more muscular
Dewdrop/Sodo (played by Per Eriksson)
-Bass guitar
-Same black and white bass as Mist’s
-Short and lithe
-Right pinky finger is always bandaged
Ifrit (played by Ben Cristo)
-Lead guitar
-No symbol on guitar
-Same white Fantomen guitar as Alpha
-Very interactive with crowd
Chair/Zephyr (played by Zac Baird)
-Sat down while playing
-Had two keyboard setups
-Same symbol on keyboard as Air
New Earth (played by Jan-Vincent Velasco)
-Wore bracelets
In late 2017, New Earth left and was replaced by Mountain.
Mountain (played by Hayden Scott)
-Does not usually wear shoes
Era 4
Ifrit and Chair were meant to be temporary ghouls to replace the ones who left during the lawsuit, so they left Ghost after the end of Era 3. Dewdrop replaced Ifrit’s position as lead guitarist, using the same white Fantomen as he did. Cumulus, a new ghoulette, replaced Chair on the keyboard. A new ghoul, Rain, took over Dewdrop’s previous role as bass guitarist. Another new ghoul and ghoulette joined and took on multiple roles. For the first time in the band’s history, the ghouls began to sing backing vocals live.
Cumulus (played by Mad Gallica)
-Backing vocals
-Short and chubby
Rain (played by Cosmo Sylvan)
-Bass guitar
-Same guitar as Dewdrop’s previous guitar
Swiss/Multi (played by Justin Taylor)
-“Multi” ghoul
-Acoustic guitar
-Backing vocals
-Smiles often
Cirrus (played by Laura Scarborough)
-Often near Cumulus
Era 5
Throughout Era 5, the lineup remained the same as Era 4. However, a ghoulette named Sunshine also joined during this era.
Sunshine (played by Sophie Amelkin)
-Backing vocals
-Slim and short
Dewdrop also switched guitars and began using an all-white, rounded guitar. During this era, Rain began occasionally using an all-black, rounded bass guitar instead of his normal one. Finally, Aether also began singing backing vocals in this era.
Thank you, stranger!
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dumb-hat · 9 months
Get to Know Me
Last Song: Old 97's - Timebomb. Just kinda got stuck in my head out of nowhere today, but that's hardly a bad thing. Too Far to Care is an easy top 5 desert island album for me. Correction: I guess that was the last song I had listened to before I started this thing, but now I'm listening to Absolute Lithops Effect by the Mountain Goats. All Hail West Texas might also be a desert island album, actually... and if it's not, it's only because I'm being very careful to pick one album per band and some other tMG album edged it out. Sunset Tree, maybe? Ugh, really hard choice here.
Currently Reading: Exalted: Essence, I guess. I still haven't quite completed a cover-to-cover read yet, but that hasn't stopped me from running it.
Currently Watching: We watched a couple episodes of King of the Hill tonight! That was fun.
Currently Obsessed With: Oh, geez. That's kinda hard to narrow down.
Exalted's a big one right now. I lived and breathed the game from like, '01 - '11 or '12, but 3e didn't really land for me. Essence was just the thing to bring me back. I'm about 15 sessions into a new campaign and it feels really, really good to be running it again. I spend a ton of time thinking about Exalted, prepping the game, making dumb spreadsheets of demons and spells and stuff. Feels like home... Or maybe like falling off the wagon; haven't quite decided yet.
I really, really love making terrariums, but I haven't done one in a while. Despite my initial resistance, it kinda led to me just becoming a house plant guy, so that's me now, I guess. I'm not sure they're all thriving by any measure, but uh... I dunno. I've got the absolute best little string of turtles. Never met a peperomia I didn't love.
I'm really itching to put together a small planted aquarium, but it hasn't happened yet. Nothing huge, but there's logistics to figure out, just the same.
Tagged By: @thefreelanceangel
Tagging: Nope. I'm not gonna do i—wait. Waaaait. Yeah, okay. No. I'm tagging you, whoever you are!
If for some reason you wanna know more, I've got an OOC blog over at @justlikethefish. I probably should have made that my actual main blog, but uh, oops? Anyway, it's mostly me reblogging stuff, but I think a lot about actually writing stuff, so that counts for something, right?
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