#I had rinkalla
ntls-24722 · 26 days
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An ancestor to the Zebrapeople!
Partial stripes, mostly brown, and kind of sapient! I don't know how to explain their level of intelligence, but like... they have stone tools, but they currently can't create language, so imagine the setbacks from there. They're also mostly octopodal, and are only hexapodal for short bursts.
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Zebrapeople actually have the facial problem that we have with the rest of their genus, where smiling is actually seen as a threat for everyone else. Or at least, the way they smile. The teeth being out bothers them, but not compared to how much the gums being exposed do.
Zebraelves evolved slightly tighter lips to have their teeth slightly out gives them a background sense of order since the baring of teeth, like in our primates, is a threat, and it also made the baring of gums a lot more dramatic. But as the species began to coagulate into one giant supercolony, the baring gums was recontextualized into the basis for most of their facial expressions.
Also; the origin of their spinnerets.
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Hagfish method, baby! It's gross and works! Quagga-elves originate from a much wetter environment, so they could afford the water loss when making gross protein threads inundated with the stuff. But as they moved to more arid environments, the slime got drier and eventually was repurposed as silk... in the females.
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Originally, male zebraelves were supposed to have venomous spurs, but I thought it'd be better for them to still have this basal trait. Partially because they need it more!
Fraternities are a treacherous journey and male zebraelves aren't maintaining nor with their subcolony for most of the time, so it's more useful to have a gross-out factor that keeps from from being food to literally everything than to have a durable building tool/textile.
And speaking of how treacherous the journeys of fraternities are;
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This queen's boytoy is no longer a boy, she's become a worker after losing her hearing due to getting an ear infection because disabilty accommodations in fraternities are, no hyperbole, nonexistant, for a combination of the unfriendly job environment and fucked up eugenics reasons! I really did try to avoid the kind of real life problems they have, partially because I didn't want to give fictional little guys the same societal burdens we go through, but also because if I talk about shit like music man eugenics i sound 10x more insane than I already do. unfortunately it becomes a reoccurring thing when making fictional societies.
Her relationship with the queen is looked rather down upon - neither of them care very much, especially the queen, who finally has someone she can talk to who gets it, to put it plainly. The two reproductive sexes in zebraelves are very policed, which is a rather large problem in zebraelf society.
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Also; Bipedal bugs! The best predator against Debu.
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Their method is to use those two arms to latch on and just rake their sickle toe-claws against the skin as hard and fast as they can which is very effective against Debu, who, despite their brute strength, have very sensitive, weak skin! They're small, but fast, and they do a lot of damage really quickly, which is the problem, since they'll tear through already open wounds and deepen them, even leading to infection.
Sindeer often has to deal with them, since she's a large target as a lone huntress.
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i forgot her back fur. dont look
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Also: today was my last day of class! Which, paradoxically, means my account is actually going to slow down? All of the almost daily music man posts are actually class doodles, and now there's going to be no more class for me to get bored in and make music man. But that means more digital artwork, which is generally higher quality, soooo???? double edged sword
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ntls-24722 · 2 months
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Sindeer with her makeup done and after she's had a good bath!
Small thing, but debu don't have two toned lips anymore, because they would serve no purpose
The reason for 2 toned lips is to make your facial expressions more visible since the bottom, lighter lip is also the one that moves around the most when you talk, so making it stand out makes your words and expressions stand out - awful comparison, but it's the same reason why clowns have their bottom lip colored red. But Debu don't use their lips much - unless they're flipping their lips inside out to make their mouth-glow appear larger (and therefore, them, when they're in the dark). So, much like the Superb Bird of paradise, whose feathers actually evolved to absorb almost as much light as vantablack just to make their blue look more vibrant, their lips are just completely dark to make their white glow stand out even more.
Also, because of the locality of the mud, i made some hypothetical Debu makeup styles!
The hump and the neck are the best sites for makeup, so they're often left without mud to make it easier to add paints. The neck is wrinkly and holds in paint really well and the hump is smooth and is an equally good canvas
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I don't have much lore for each other than where their colors come from - the coastal's white hue comes from ash, clay, and the white sand alongside the blue from crushed freaky "crabs," Badlands are using only the essentials of charcoal and ash, and the Valley Debu (where lepit, sindeer, and rinkalla are from) usually just use the reddish mud and ochre to color themselves.
However, the serendipolis Debu have some interesting stuff going on. They're very light colored because the good mud by riverbanks and lakes are taken up by crops from the other 2 sophonts, so they actually use plant oils and dust for sunscreen. Their facepaint is also from trade - The Zebraelves have been making the most vibrant dyes for the longest out of the 3 sophonts and now that they're together, they get to use the elusive yellows (and greens) that are not so common.
But the coolest is the paint on their mouths and behinds - it's glow in the dark! Their mouths emit ultraviolet light and the paint (derived from an insect) will glow under it once they flip the inside of their lips out.
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ntls-24722 · 3 months
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Cloud 9!
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So - Sindeer is specifically a huntress and she and Rinkalla are the ones who venture the farthest from their home. Most of their clothes are made from plant matter/the same stuff as their bedding, but she's the one who's able to actually stitch it into something you can wear. Because of this, she can also stitch up a nasty wound, like she is here. Lepit got stabbed again
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So on their planet there are the hexapodes and the octopodes - the octopodes' ancestor wasn't a fish that came onto land with 8 fins, rather it was just a hexapode with a modified bottom jaw that could Grab with 2 little claws like anomalocaris, or a dragonfly larvae. Those jaws eventually became extra limbs as time went on.
This is kind of an interesting route for me to take... it means the Debu and the Zebrapeople are as far apart evolutionarily as we are from bugs.
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Speaking of evolutionary ancestors, here's what the Debu used to look like. Still ungulates, though their fingers were getting more defined. They still had snouts, but they were increasingly flattening so their eyes could be in the front and accommodate their tunnelling lifestyle, alongside making their mouths look bigger from the front, now that they evolved the weird mouth-glow.
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A weird "bird. I might change the design, but what I am keeping is the tail - They take off by flicking their tail against the ground and propelling themselves upwards.
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