#I got the quote on his Tag wrong but You'll see that when I post his Tag
ceasarslegion · 1 year
On the note of that last reblogs tags i think we need to stop this trend of taking one part of somebodys story as a representation of the whole story. I think, instead of seeing someones problematic art and saying "oh they must have been a raging racist and a terrible person all the way down" we should take a moment to step back and ask "what happened after?" and even "why did he believe these things? What was the sociopolitical environment he was in? And how did that change when he was confronted with reality?"
Like, lets use dr suess as an example. He was a liberal democrat who opposed war and fascism during a time when anti-war wasnt a popular position at all and antifascism was only popular because it was the ideology of america's war enemy. And he supported japanese internment and drew some pretty racist cartoons. I completely understand why the second thing is bad, don't take me for an idiot or a defender of such actions, and im not saying you have to forgive that wholeheartedly and koombaya with him in whatever the afterlife is if you believe in that stuff, but I am saying that it's disingenuous to act like that was where his story ended regarding his racial views.
If you ask yourself why an anti-war, antifascist liberal democrat would be racist, you get a few answers: maybe he was an asshole, or maybe something about his sociopolitical environment was causing him to believe that racism was compatible with his political views. Either way doesnt change the outcome of said racism, but the latter posibility can be reached and changed if it's handled right, which is worth pursuing.
If you dig a little deeper into the why of his particular case, you'll find this quote: "But right now, when the Japs are planting their hatchets in our skulls, it seems like a hell of a time for us to smile and warble: "Brothers!" It is a rather flabby battle cry. If we want to win, we've got to kill Japs, whether it depresses John Haynes Holmes or not. We can get palsy-walsy afterward with those that are left."
Awful thing to say about an entire race of people. Makes you a bit sick to your stomach, doesn't it? But if you step back from your initial emotional response and peel back the layers here, you'll find that underneath the racism and prejudice, of which im not denying there is, he's basically saying "I think there is a direct enemy of freedom and liberty that needs to be squashed in order to protect others." Whether or not he was right or wrong doesn't change that that was what he thought and believed, which is a pretty liberal democrat position (even before the party switch) misdirected to an entire group of people whom their place in the war was not the fault of their race.
Dr suess was the type of racist who can be reached. It actually doesn't take a lot to do the reaching itself, the main work comes from whether or not the person is willing to accept that they were wrong and put in the effort to change their ways. Which, if you just end at that terribly disgusting thing he said about Japanese people, you don't see how he actually felt and acted at the end.
Do more digging and you'll find that when the war ended, he was confronted with the realities of japanese internment and how he once cried support for such a terrible practice. These people arent nazis by birth, they're just people being generalized with the actions of their government. Many were born and raised multi generation american citizens being treated like war criminals in their own home when they had nothing to do with the nazis overseas. (Sound a bit familiar regarding the social treatment of individual russians these days? That's a post for another day though)
Dr suess wasnt stupid, its also disingenuous to act like prejudice is a failure of intellect. He was a real smart guy, and after being yanked out of his bubble he completely overhauled his views and disavowed his previous statements and racism. And you also have to remember that he wasnt a politician, he was a childrens book author who did the occasional political cartoon. His power over these systems one way or another was always pretty minimal, but he did do what he could in his position: he wrote another book basically saying "I was wrong, and I'm deeply sorry. I see why I was wrong now" which was Horton Hears A Who. The one with the famous "A person's a person, no matter how small" line that was about remembering the humanity of those you're too disconnected or different from to see right away.
If you think thats too little too late, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but at least hold that opinion after knowing the whole story. And maybe don't end the judgement of people, especially historical figures, conveniently where the most rage bait can come from. Like I said, I'm not saying you have to love him and forgive everything he ever did just because he realized he was wrong and changed his ways, but I am saying that if you're going to judge somebody, you do in fact have to judge their whole character and not just the cherry pick the parts that make for the most outrage. Framing someone like dr suess as a full stop racist just isnt accurate unless you're talking about a very specific timeframe in his life. It's more complicated than that, regardless of how you feel about the racism itself, which isn't my place to tell you how to feel about.
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sebdoeswords · 1 year
It's unfair how you're trying to ban Vernonciri just because it's Ciri's ship with a "strange old man". although Vernon is not much older than Ves. According to this logic, Vesiri, Roche/Geralt and Regis/Geralt are also pedophilia, which you so vehemently oppose, but for some reason, only VernonCiri gets dirt for the age difference. Stop trying to throw mud at my ship and constantly provoke me with it.
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Girlie, this is the first of four asks you've sent me in a row. Chill out.
Also I never called your ship pedophilia, but clearly you seem to associate it with that, so that says more about you than it does me.
Roche is at least 45 judging by his design. There is no age implication for Ves, but if we go by design again she looks to be around Ciri's age, maybe a few years older. Ciri is around 20 or 21 years old in tw3, since "A Question of Price" takes place in 1251, so Pavetta would've given birth in 1252 most likely.
A 20 year old, even though an adult, is in a completely different stage of life than a 45 year old. They worry about different things. They have different priorities. They have different levels of experience with how the world works. The way society is structured means that older people inherently have power over younger ones by virtue of having that extra experience and knowledge. So no, your ship is not pedophilia. But it's still creepy, and the age gap makes for a serious power imbalance.
The difference between VernonCiri, Geregis and Geroche is that one of those ship involves a very young character. Geralt and Roche, who in the latter two ships are the younger ones involved, are still middle aged or older adults. They are settled into adulthood and have done their part of learning the ways of the world, society, and life as a whole. They are not going to be easily swayed by power imbalances, because power imbalances are harder to come by the older characters are.
And no, none of these ships are pedophilia. They never were and never will be, and I never claimed that either. That quote you took from my bio is not, in fact, - as flattering to you as that may be - directed at you specifically, and I actually wrote that bio before i even knew you existed. It indicates that i do not condone shipping adult characters with minors (that's characters under 18, in case you needed a refresher), such as Pavetta and "Duny" (14/15 and over 30 respectively) or Book!Ciri (who is give or take also 14 or 15 at the time) with members of the Aen Elle like Avallac'h, Eredin or Auberon. They are several hundred, if not thousand years old, and she is a literal child. THAT is pedophilia. And THAT I oppose.
I don't care if pedophilia or age gaps are normal in the middle ages because I live in 2023, not the middle ages. I have 21st century morals, ethics and beliefs, and things that go against those will naturally rub me the wrong way. I am allowed to not want to engage with those things. I do not go out of my way to harass people who don't, either.
And yes, age gaps exist today too, but if you take one look at how people ridicule Leonardo DiCaprio for not dating women over 25 when he himself is 48, you'll see that I am not alone in finding these large age gaps weird.
I am not provoking you. I am not posting in your tag, I am not tagging you in posts about ships you don't like. You choose to seek these things out yourself. I am not throwing dirt at your ship. I simply don't like it. I don't like Geralt/Yen or Geralt/Jaskier either, but strangely enough no yenralt or geraskier shipper has ever appeared in my inbox complaining about it. Me not creating content for your ship is not "throwing dirt". I am allowed to dislike a ship for whatever reason, and it is not your business to try and convince me otherwise. I like Vesiri because i think they're cute. This has no influence on your ship. They exist independently from each other.
i don't care about your ship enough to try and ban it, and i don't know where you got the notion from that I was trying to do so. I don't care about your ship, I don't care about you, and it's frankly insulting how important you think yourself to believe that everything I do is to spite you, and not simply because I enjoy something independently of you.
Me and my friends are just trying to make content for a ship we like, and you're the one who constantly tries to interject your own ship in its stead. The two can coexist, I promise. Now please stop stalking the tag of a ship you clearly don't like and stop harassing people in DMs and asks. It's not doing you or your ship any favours.
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rosheneu-blog · 5 years
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Finally believed on the quote that, you'd never know anything unless you'll experience it. Yes. I will tell a great story that inspired me to write so. As I'm typing this, I shed a tear. Knowing that we're here, we've gone so far.
Two years ago, my friend introduced this man to me through facebook because that time, I was in pain. I want to focus my attention to others. Unexpectedly, there's this feeling that I can't explain. My first "hi" to him changed almost of my life. I never expected to like him, so him. I fell in love with him eventhough I didn't see him yet personally. I don't know but everytime I talk to him, I'm comfortable and feels like there's nothing in this world I wanna see except for him. It was on July when we stopped conversating. I heard a news from my friend that she likes another girl from their campus. It tore my heart into pieces but not as much pain. September when he came back, talked to me again and make it through. October 30, 2016 when he first court me. The love that I felt for him was like the feeling when I'm with my ex-boyfriend considering as my first one. At that time, I keep on doubting because of his looks, he might get by another girl that easy.
November 17, 2016 when we're finally official. Happiness floated. Smile bursts. Heartbeats flashed. All I know is, I'm just really thankful. At first, it's okay, normal cycle. But two weeks later, he keeps on playing online games. His time for me vanished. December 7, 2016, I go home. Checked my messenger, he finally said that we need space, he's demanding rather than asking for a breakup. Of course at my part, it was really unfair because how come that he'll decide on his own? How about my feelings? I beg him to stay. To talk about it. But I failed.
I'm in pain.
I'm wrecked.
I changed my dp into black.
I cried.
I, I.... I lost myself.
Since then, I didn't entertain any man again, well, I do but not as much as for him. December 21, 2016, I stalked him. I saw a post that tagged by a girl to him. It's about a post of relationship thingy that made a guess in my mind. Then I find out that it's really true. It's him and the girl that tagged him, they have a relationship. I keep again on asking to myself, where did I go wrong? Am I not enough? Am I ugly? Am I really this kind of girl that was easily left without any reason?
I really cried hard enough everynight. It made my academics poor. I feel that myself changed for that, I'm not the real me anymore. After New Year Celebration, I realized, I have to continue living normally and move on. First three consecutive months of the year 2017, I never talked to him nor stalked him. But on the month of April, he came back again, confessed that he want again our past bring to present and future again. I don't know what to feel but the only thing I know is, my heart really satisfied because it got what it wants. I didn't know the reason yet on why did he left me because he don't want to say. I let it, because it doesn't really matter, what matters most that time for me is him, he came back into me, again.
All I know, it will work finally. But then, one sad night, he didn't reply. It made me confused again. Why is he like that? He's so unfair! He keeps on leaving me without any reasons at all! That time, I felt pain again, nothing new I guess. I let my life continue until I reached my grade 10 and him, grade 9.
I heard again an another news that he falls hard for a girl. His classmate rather, that, considering also his first love. Every shared post that he has on his timeline makes me feel a trash. Every picture of them that I see made me shed a tear, honestly speaking. It really made me realized that his love for her was strong and unbreakable that no one could reach for. And for that, I stopped assumimg that he'll comeback that it's an impossible thing to happen. I keep on greeting him at his birthday but he didn't reply. Okay, so I told to myself that it's really time to forget him, even if it's too hard.
May 13, 2018, I saw him online and looks like they're ready separated and breakup happened unto them. So I ask him,what's wrong. He told me everything. On what pain did he suffer from his first love. He never knew that what he suffers that time, I already suffered it from him. So I kept on comforting him. My feelings returned. But I know he still loves that girl. But, lucky day arrived when he told me he likes me again. At first I told to myself that he will do again the same thing but I tried. I took again a risk. Even if the past still hurts.
As time passes by, my feelings for him goes deeper and deeper. I don't know if he feels the same too until he confessed sincerely that he finally learned to love me again. My first guess lets me want to prove that I'm not only his rebound. July 11, 20108 when we first met each other. I directly let his face seen by my family and meet his inner soul. He likes them. My family likes him too. But then again, his feelings for me, I know even if he don't tell me, it's not yet full. But at least there's love anymore that we can hold as we go deeper and deeper. August 11, when he starts courting me again. I know my love for him really formed. As well as he is. But I'm still afraid of the fact that if his first love will go back to him, he will leave me again like he used to, two times. But no, I challenged myself to be stronger for conflicts that may occur.
Three months after, It was November 14, 2018 when I finally released the magical words that made again us into official. But for a reason. Pain made me said it. For which after two weeks made us realize that it's really too early for us to take commitments. Actually, it's just that I'm not yet ready, I just tested him for his answers if he regrets to enter relationship this early. He said "Yes" and it really breaks my heart again. Actually, November 17 was my original plan for our date of being in a relationship so that it will be the date again, wayback two years ago when we were first heard to be couple.
There were so many problems that we encountered. A lot of problems. There's this one problem that it made the two of us decided to end. But luckily, it broke that decision.
One of our main problem is that we're in a long distance relationship wherein I was sent by my parents to study here in Tuguegarao while he left in Aparri for his grade 10 level of education.
Another is that, they will go to a swimming, where all of the members of their squad will go, including his first love that went to Aparri for a Christmas vacation. Of course, I'm a girl too, right? I'm an overthinker. Imagining that the one he loved most is there. I'm really afraid that he'll compare me to her. I admit, she's more beautiful than me, she's more sexy than me, she's more fare in complexion, she's more intelligent, she's better than me.
And hours ago, he's not in the mood. I'm included again in his attitude of being so very cold that he did two years ago. I triggered myself for the recent happenings that what if he'll do it again. What if he'll see his first love again and will go back to her? It's not all about the trust that I don't have, I DO TRUST HIM WITH ALL THAT I AM, but I don't trust his environment specially his friends, they don't like me honestly. They want his first love that also their bestfriend to be together again with my love.
I'm really afraid of what next chapters I shall encounter. All I know is that at this moment of time, I want to rest. Not to talk to him for the mean time for me to gain peace of mind and find also my self-worth. I don't know if why is he like that. He already know that I don't want cold replies but he still do it. Is this a sign?
Altnough, I really do love mi amore. That's all, goodnight! All the love!
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