#I feel bad for muses like tromell and dona
starvingtongue · 2 months
ooc; other verses I wanna write up/develop:
ffvii verse for Paine: something to do with the Crimson Squad being a test group for Shinra, similar to what they did with Jenova cells and Genesis, Zack, Sephiroth, and Angeal, and Shinra wanting them to be highly trained field agents. obviously it failed, most of the Squad died on a field mission similar to that of the Den of Woe, with only Paine, Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai escaping. they split up, go on the run, maybe something akin to Nooj betraying them due to Mako poisoning, etc. etc. Paine stays on the run for 2 years and maybe ends up joining a branch of Avalanche called the Gullwings, which focuses more on recon, materia, and weapons gathering than anything else? need to flesh this out, but it's an idea.
ffviii verse for Paine: spot the theme. secret group of soliders hidden by one of the gardens, trying to figure out a better way to train child soliders that ends up going horribly wrong for all involved. Paine, Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai are the only ones to survive and go their separate ways. I'm not too sure what Paine would do after this (maybe something similar to a group like Rinoa's?). I need to replay viii at some point to figure this out. maybe she'd still be affiliated with one of the gardens, but in a different area? who knows.
ffxii verse to Leblanc: runs a crime syndicate somewhere. takes in everybody, doesn't discriminate based on where they're from or what they've done. ???. profit. needs fleshing out (obvs.), but it's an idea.
if anyone wants a thread in any of these (or any ideas for how to flesh these out), hit me up, but deets might change if and/or when they get a proper thing done.
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