#I drew one (1) decent background and now I have the confidence to create an entire comic >:)
raveartts · 1 year
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kermit54 · 3 years
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1. Jenilee
This is by far the best photo this week for me! It looks a lot like the promotional photos they’d use of a supermodel host to promote the show. Her pose works because despite being simply she’s committing to it with so much confidence, mirrored by her face. The movement in her hair is also lovely! For a beginner model in a week where most of the girls did very poorly, this shot is amazing! Arguably the best of the cycle in my opinion.
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2. Edwina
There’s a large gap between this one and Jenilee’s but also a large gap between this one and the other 10. I feel like these top two photos were really the only impressive ones this week. Edwina was one of the few people to actually add any type of complexity to her pose this week. I love the shape she’s creating with her body and the full commitment she’s made, as well as the attitude in her face. Considering she won the challenge and had this photo I’m not really sure why she was called so late. Then again, I’m not sure how much the call-out reflected performance this cycle. 
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3. Marisa
Marisa was a bit confusing this week as the photo they had on the show is not the same one that is published online as her official photo. I’m not sure which one is the correct one although the judges noted she looked like a bodybuilder in her photo which matches more with the other one. I can’t find the photo they used on the show online however. Anyway, regarding this photo I think its a nice photo. Her head is a bit bent down and her face is a bit vacant but overall I think it works. I think she also is a bit too stiff in this photo, particularly in the arms. The judges gave her first call-out but only had bad things to say about this photo which makes me think the call-out wasn’t based on performance.
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4. Tashi
I do feel kind of bad for Tashi as I feel like they didn’t have the appropriate bikinis for this shoot for her body type and as a result it kind of just looks bizarre on her. Thee body is really what takes this photo down as the face is wonderful and I love the shape she attempted to make with the pose and the confidence to which she committed to it with. Her body just looks bizarre though, I think mainly due to the bikini. 
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5. Claire
I think Claire was really negatively impacted by the white background as she tends to blend into it. Nonetheless I think the photo is decent. Her face is absolutely stunning and I think that allowed this photo to happen with minimal effort on her part. The pose is rather boring and quite stiff but her face is to die for.
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6. Stephanie
I suppose it’s alright. The biggest issue though is I get cheap catalog model from this more than anything. She definately seems to be lacking some confidence in the face as well. All in all I get model from this but not high fashion by any means. As Drew Elliot would say when talking about photos that were strictly catalog: “I can picture this photo right now in my trash can.” 
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7. Naomi
I think this photo is halfway there. I really like the pose and what I think she was going for with the face, a very sultry look. That being said, I don’t think she got what she was going for with the face. I think she looks more hung over in this photo than anything. Nonetheless, I do love the shape of her body in this photo and I do see what she was going for.
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8. Shauna
Cute and that’s all for me when it comes to this photo. Shauna, like Tashi, were the girls this cycle with a little more shape to them and as a result I think the bikinis as a result did not look flattering in them. Nonetheless, I don’t see model in this photo. I just see a cute girl next door.
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9. Lucy
Lucy and Claire have the best faces this cycle in my opinion and I think that’s all that saved Lucy when it came to this picture. I actually don’t hate the pose, although I don’t think its good either. However, the face is the real let down. She looks drowsy in this photo and like she just woke up I feel like. However, her natural facial features are so strong that even a bedhead look doesn’t look awful on her. Had it not been for having such a naturally amazing face this photo I’m pretty sure would’ve been ranked last as by all means this should’ve been a tragic shot. 
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10. Anne
Umm... it’s a very boring shot. I can’t say much more. The pose is model 101 and the face has absolutely no emotion. Very bland and forgettable photo!
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11. Marina
I don’t blame the judges at all for eliminating her this week but I do think this photo isn’t quite the worst. She really did nothing in this photo except stare blankly at the camera. She was arguably the most beautiful girl this cycle and even that doesn’t come across in this photo with how blank her expression is. The pose is also about as simple as you get. I’m not sure if she was thinking they were taking a polaroid or what caused her to do such a basic pose?
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12. Hayley
This photo reminds me of Lucy’s. However, unlike Lucy, Hayley’s natural features are not strong enough to make this type of photo palatable. In general, I never really saw potential in Hayley or thought her look was at all modelesque, she was cute and young looking but not model. I think her young features really worked against her here as she looks about 12 in this photo I feel.
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mikeyd1986 · 5 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 135, December 2018
Last Saturday night, I attended the CinFull Fitness Christmas break-up held at The Main Cafe Bar Restaurant in Berwick. Considering that I had to work for 9 hours and quickly got myself changed after work (into an ugly Christmas sweater of course), I was amazed at how “awake” I was. The restaurant was a lot more fully booked than I expected and I could tell that the staff were flat off their feet. I easily found the table that Cinamon booked for us so I just decided to walk on over.
The sad reality is that I hardly ever go out socially so tonight I was making the most of it. Still, I was being sensible with my alcohol intake especially when I had to get up early for work the next day. Cinamon made up these cute little gift bags with a personalised name tag, each containing some bath bombs and choccies. It was a really sweet and thoughtful gesture. I decided to order the poached chicken with chips, which ironically was the first meal to arrive considering I got there a bit late.
Even though social situations will continue to be a challenge for me, I was doing my best simply tuning into the conversations happening around me. As I’ve stated before in previous blogs, it takes a while for me to be comfortable enough to open up about myself to people. I guess it’s a self-defensive mechanism of mine, being cautious about who I trust and trying my best not to get hurt. I’m certainly not a closed book either, simply just shy and reserved.
I could also tell that these girls (and guy) were all pretty relaxed around me. That actually puts me at ease because I know girls can have preconceived notions about men but the truth is that they have nothing to fear. I try to be the most easy going, friendly, caring, humble man because that’s my nature. We did have plenty of laughs and somehow I managed to stay for over 2 hours, which is a pretty big achievement for me.
I didn’t even need to rush over to the toilet once (for a mental regroup) so that shows my progress with being in social situations. I enjoyed my night and I’m really looking forward to smashing more fitness and confidence goals in 2019 with CinFull Fitness.
On Monday afternoon, I had an appointment with my occupational therapist Ambika from Everyday Independence. I was feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive today as I really didn’t know what I’d be in for. I did my best to create a calming, relaxed space in the dining room with my folder full of notes, a notepad, glass of water and radio playing softly in the background. At least I could say that I was physically prepared for this.
The appointment seemed to go pretty smoothly as Ambika gauged what I needed assistance with at home and together we put together a helpful weekly planner to add household chores to including cooking, cleaning, dusting vacuuming, sweeping, wiping certain rooms of the house. She also made it realistic and manageable, considering I don’t do many of these tasks currently, in order to build up motivation and confidence gradually.
She’s set me the task of preparing my own recipe for dinner including writing out a shopping list and buying all the ingredients. Sounds simple enough, it’s just the “doing” part now. Ambika also recommended a few apps I could use to help with moods, coping strategies for stress and anxiety as well as daily planning and checklists. These are Daylio - Diary, Journal and Mood Tracker, Headspace: Meditation and Mindfulness and Google Keep - Notes & Lists.  
On Monday night, I attended my last Boxing class for the year with Cinamon Guerin at CinFull Fitness in Narre Warren South. It’s hard to believe that it’s been five months since I’ve joined this group and I can definitely see the improvements I’ve made with my confidence, focus, determination and drive. I’ve always been slow to warm up when it comes to learning boxing techniques and combos but it doesn’t take me long before I’ve “got it”. https://www.expertboxing.com/boxing-basics/how-to-box/the-beginners-guide-to-boxing
It was just a couple of us tonight (Sam, Sarah and myself) but I was content with that. I was actually worried that I wouldn’t get there on time with all the local peak-hour traffic making me run late but I made it. We did some EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) drills which involved 10 jabs, 20 uppercuts, 30 highs and 40 hooks plus 4 side to side straddles, 10 star jumps, a squat hold and 10 V-crunches. Plus some continuous walking combos which made us all laugh.  
I’m hoping that in the new year, I’ll be able to come to classes more regularly and even stick around for a “double” one time. But right now I know my limits in terms of physical fitness. It’s something I need to continue to work on so that I don’t get as tired or fatigued as often. It’s about forming better habits and smashing through goals gradually. It doesn’t matter how many times I go off track, I’m going to keep bringing myself back.
On Tuesday morning, Mum and I attended the City of Casey - School Crossing Supervisor’s Christmas social function held at Zagame's Berwick Hotel. Switching the venue from last year’s event at the Lynbrook Hotel to here seemed like a good idea on paper considering how large the turnout was. Sadly, they still ran into a few problems such as using a “random bingo number” system to organise everyone’s meal orders. It was chaotic and messy to say the least especially with Sonya having to yell out the numbers instead of using a microphone. Going table by table would have been much more efficient but never mind.
We were lucky to sit in a comfy circular booth near the rear of the Sports Bar with Mum’s friend Val plus Kay and Ray. They put on a Morning Melodies performance for an hour, playing a mixture of Christmas songs (Hark Now Hear The Angels Sing, Blue Christmas, Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree) and a few classics including ABBA’s Dancing Queen and Honey Honey, You’re The One That I Want by John Travolta & Olivia Newton John and Sugar, Honey Honey by The Archies.
After the drama with the main meals was over, Dreena (the School Crossing Co-ordinator) announced a few years of service awards and drew out some door prizes. Mum was lucky enough to win one which I was very pleased about. As expected, I got asked the question of what I’ll be doing next year. I always find it really daunting and hard answering because I never really know myself. I’ve lived this year pretty much day to day.
It’s like people expect you to have your life mapped out for the next 5-10 years but in reality, I’m lucky to plan a month in advance. However, I am considering enroling in one of the free TAFE courses such as the Certificate IV in Mental Health as I have personal experience as well as a keen interest in that area. Plus I still have a burning passion for creative writing including blogs and music/movie reviews and also getting back into art again. So there you go. Hopefully that’s a satisfying enough answer for those wondering.
On Tuesday night, I went to the final Body Balance class for 2018 with Astrid held at YMCA Casey RACE in Cranbourne East. I was still feeling very tense through my upper back and shoulders after my boxing session last night so I figured some yoga and pilates stretches should help with that. We did the new release (number 83) which features tracks including Towards The Sun by Rhianna, Die Young by Sylvan Esso, There She Goes by Leon Bridges, I Need a Forest Fire by James Blake & Bon Iver. https://www.lesmills.com/workouts/fitness-classes/bodybalance/#facType=modal&filterType=0&classes=bb
Overall, this wasn’t a bad release. The balance tracks and Pilates were the most challenging parts for me but I did what I could given my limitations. Here is a breakdown of the exercises: Tai Chi Warm Up (Overhead arm circles, Flowing Water arms), Sun Salutations (Forward Fold, Low Lunge, Downward Facing Dog, Plank, Crocodile, Baby Cobra), Standing Strength (Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Joyful Warrior, Intense Pose), Balance (Half Moon pose, Falling Star pose), Pilates Core (Foot circles, V-crunches, Bicycle crunches, Bow pose), Twists and Seated Poses (Swan pose, Wide Legged Forward Fold with Side Stretches, Half Lord of the Fishes pose), Hamstrings (Butterfly pose, Happy Baby pose) and Relaxation. https://www.livestrong.com/article/39660-body-balance-class/
On Friday morning, I had my first appointment with a speech pathologist named Amon from Everyday Independence. Was it going to be like the opening scene from Everybody Loves Raymond? (THEY’RE COMING! Come and sing a song of joy!). Probably not. That’s just my anxiety trying hard to freak me out. New person alert. Oh shit! It’s something I need to seriously confront in order to gain more self confidence really. And the reality is that he’s here to help me. https://www.everydayind.com.au/our-therapies/speech-pathology/
Today’s assessment involved being asked a lot of scerario-based questions related to my communication skills and how I talk with people I know and people I’m not familiar with. It was pretty difficult and confronting at times especially the part on making conversation. This is an area where I have huge issues and a lot of sensitivity about ever since my childhood. Plus it’s really draining answering questions for 1.5 hours. https://www.everydayind.com.au/therapy/communications-skills/
Luckily, Amon was very friendly and easy going. It was just tough coming up with decent answers like how I respond in certain situations and trying to remember specific examples of times when this happened. When you’re in a brain fog or you simply can’t come up with anything, it’s embarrassing as. But Amon was quite patient during these awkward silences and didn’t push me too hard.
We also came up with a couple of goals to work towards over the next 12 months. This includes: Being more confident and using strategies to make conversation with others, especially people that I’m not familiar with. Developing friendships with people I feel comfortable with and be able to spend time socially with in the future. I rated my level of importance has high for both of these goals. Hopefully 2019 will be a more successful year for me in terms of achieving more self-confidence and better communication.
“The cold wind is blowin' and the streets are getting dark. I'm writin' you a letter and I don't know where to start. The bells will be ringin' Saint John the Divine. I get a little lonely every year around this time...I've got to know (Nobody ought to be all alone on Christmas). Where do the lonely hearts go (Nobody ought to be all alone on Christmas). Oh cause' nobody ought to be all alone on Christmas.” Darlene Love - All Alone On Christmas (1992)
“All around the world. Anticipation. 'Cause here it comes again (you see). No matter where you are. It could be near or far. But it still feels like Christmas time to me. I tell you what you already know. Forget and ready to let it go. The countdown has begun. Whether you're in the mmh. North, South, it's all the same. Let your troubles fade away. Get ready to love everyone.” Kylie Minogue & Dannii Minogue - 100 Degrees (2015)
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