#I don't think Islam has the same concept of original sin that Christianity does
canisalbus · 2 months
Imagine if Machete was Muslim instead of Catholic. His name would be something like Saif سيف, and Vasco would probably be something like Dhahabi ذَهَبِيّ
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leinton · 7 years
Isn't Satan considered to be a foe in both Islam and Judaism too? Pardon me, if I'm not as informed, but I have a Muslim friend who once said he hated Satan to me, so I took that to mean that Satan is an evil figure in their religion is well. I'm not the same anon btw. I'm a different one. I'm on anon because I'm shy. lol! I don't mean to shoehorn satanists into a category, but what interpretations of Satan exist apart from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? Again, sorry if I'm misinformed.
It would be better to ask a Jew or Muslim for specifics on how they interpret their stories than me. I don’t believe in anything from any of the Abrahamic stories, even if I agree with some of their lessons and teachings.
in terms of other, Satan is a creation of these stories. I don’t know if he (as a specific individual) is a Jewish or Christian creation? But the stories he was created from were initially Jewish. Because of that, outside these three religions and their splinters, you’re not going to find stuff on this subject. If you don’t believe in these stories, and your culture does not believe in them, then Satan isn’t a thing. That’s kind of why I’ve been pretty aggressive against Christian-centric thinking. There’s nothing wrong believing in Christianity, but expecting other people to follow your lifestyle and beliefs is wrong. Even if the belief of him being evil is consistent (and I’m pretty sure it’s not), evil has many forms and faces. Even within the sects of Christianity, there is regular debate over what’s “sinful”. How can anyone expect people of other faiths understand how you view sin when even Christians can’t agree on it? Especially when it comes down to the concept of the “original sin”, which is not a Jewish belief. 
And then when you don’t even have the stories in common? There are thousands upon thousands of faiths throughout the world. Even if the vast majority are Christian, Islam, and Buddhism, they are not the only ones. Even if the stories of those three faiths have dominated modern culture, there are still many who actively reject them, or passively reject, or ignore, or anything like that. 
So yeah. In terms of different interpretations, most people who don’t have those stories have no interpretation. They have no reason to interpret the stories. Satan doesn’t mean much to those of us who don’t believe in his existence.
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