#I do think it's interesting to trace back Matt's insane moralism as the one similarity between two highly divergent upbringings
yellowocaballero · 2 years
Hey now that Good Luck Jake! is completed I can share the fucking Matt Murdock backstory that I mentioned really really want to establish. I mentioned some joke headcanons/elements of the AU (there are very little differences.) here but I can go into detail without spoiling now.
The Marvel Universe is weird and insane things constantly happen and there's entire magic civilizations. Although the superhero thing and the insane quantity of apocalypses is mostly new, a lot of stuff that is bonkers to us is probably normal to them even before superhero stuff starts happening.
Therefore, I think there's a ninja industrial complex.
Matt is a victim of this ninja industrial complex.
Recruited as part of an urban outreach program serving/exploiting underprivileged youth (turning them into ninjas), he was recruited by Stick and joined ninja ROTC. Although he was a real whiz kid in the business and showed a lot of potential for career mobility, Matt wanted to escape this ninja-to-cultist pipeline.
Matt believes in choices! As a young kid he was railroaded into academics and as a teenager he's railroaded into the ninja thing. Everybody who raised him instilled in him a very strong passion for justice, righteousness, and ethics, but as he gets older he begins to believe that there's a better way than vanquishing rival ninja clans. He's insanely morally aggressive because he was raised highly moralistically with an intense sense of right and wrong, but he believes that God showed him his own path into crusading for right and wrong. Since he was fifteen, his life dream was to become an ordinary person. A law abiding member of society. Someone who does the right thing without murder and fights for the weak instead of against the strong.
A lawyer.
Matt really really wants to be Just A Dude. He begs Stick to let him go to law school ("Ninjahood isn't my dream, Dad, it's yours!"). He is aggressively normal. He insists that he is normal. Yes he's a ninja but he's just some guy and ninjas have exploitive business practices anyway. Ignore all the batshit stuff I do I am a normal member of your study group. He is a man without fear because he has no idea what is normal in society or not.
The ninja thing is common knowledge, so Matt does more 'hide his extra-sensory superpowers' than 'pretend to be ordinarily and 100% blind'. This isn't weird because there are a lot of blind kung fu masters. Matt insists that blind kung fu masters are a dime a dozen. Foggy thinks that Matt is objectively the coolest person alive but that they don't teach you social skills at ninja school.
Of course, this never raises any suspicions about him being Daredevil. Daredevil is, obviously, a boxer.
If you were to ask him about any of this he'd just go 'can't help being a Libra' and backflip away.
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